Romance Recs

Good Girl

Jordan Baughman Season 1 Episode 7

This is a spicy one! If you like your romance with a side of praise, or your looking for your next book boyfriend to tell you what a good job you're doing,  then be a good listener and hit play.

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Welcome to Romance Wrecks where three book besties explore the world of romance novels and I encourage you to expand your TBR. Join us as we dive into the hottest releases and hidden gems of the genre. You can find us on Instagram and TikTok at Romance Wrecks Pods. I am Jordan and I am currently listening to angel Unseen by Jay Brie. Hey guys, I'm Devonnie and I am currently listening to two audiobooks actually. I'm listening to Before I Let Go by Kennedy Ryan and I have Picked Up Again, Only for the Week by Natasha Bishop. I was originally reading that on Kindle but, I It's much better on audiobook. Hi guys, I'm Kristina and I'm currently reading Dante by Sadie Kincaid. So buckle up for some bookish banter. I've got banter. What was the hand gesture there? She's like, lock and loading it. Like, she's, I don't know, that was like a lock and loaded. It wasn't like where your seatbelt usually goes. It looks like somewhere else. You have to grab it. I'm short. Grab it from here. Well, it does help to grab it, yes. Yeah, okay, tonight We're gonna be real good. Some might even call us good girls by the end of this episode. If you know, you know. And we all know, and if you don't know, you're gonna know soon. About to find out. We here on Romance Wrecks are talking about Books with the good girl trope. The praise kink, if you will. This is a micro trope. It is when the, typically, not always, the male main character, if it's a MF, the male main character says to the female main character, good girl, calls her a good girl, and he praises her for doing what she should be doing. And it's not the dishes. That's such a sweet way. That's such a sweet way to put it. some of these books that we're going to be recommending you, they have a lot of instances. Some, just says it a couple times, but the whole book gives that vibe. That praise. Like, way to go. We'll get into the details later. But this is going to be a more explicit, episode. We're going to be talking down and dirty here. I think that's fair enough. So if you're not comfortable with that, that's okay. We have plenty of other episodes for you to check out. We'll see you next episode when we do YA because I think we're dropping a YA next, which is closed door. So, you know, it's called duality. Mm hmm. There's something for everyone. Should we do some quotes just to get us in the mood? Ooh, please, yes. I have one from one of the books that I'm going to talk about today. Um, actually, so it's a two part quote, because I need to round it off a little bit, but this book is Camera Chemistry by Chelsea Curto. One of my fave authors like she's an indie author. I just love her social media presence. I love the way she connects with her audience and again, like I've spoken about her before, but just watching her journey as an author grow. It's just been fantastical. Great. My first quote happens literally. On page 74 of this book, okay When I talk about the book later, you're gonna understand why that's important. Okay page 74 This is what he says to her even better. I'll cook you dinner. Then i'll eat you out on my counter Okay, fine. I love it. I love kitchen fun. Fine. I'll take it. You've cooked me dinner. I'm a happy little clam, right? Perfect. A clam. Um, then a couple pages later, different scene., but he, he then goes the same, same main character goes, you want the world to see you, don't you face the windows and spread your legs. I didn't get to finish my dessert and now the whole city can watch while I do. Oh man. Spicy. I love it. It sounds like my ear yesterday. I love it. Yeah. Very voyeuristic. Cause he has like penthouse apartment. It's just wall of windows vibes. So anyway, I thought that would kickstart us, you know, in the right direction. I have a good quote. Do you? Okay. Okay. This is also going to be for a book I will be recommending later in the episode. It's called The Perfect Fit by Sadie Kincaid. This is a polyamorous relationship, which makes sense when you hear the quote. You're so fucking beautiful, stuffed full of my boys cocks, princess. Wes drives hard into Xander, causing him to rail into me. They go on fucking me, whispering praise and filthy promises of what's to come. Ooh, you went hard. Otter, I'm clutched, I am clutching my actual pearls. I, my, I'm clutching my descriptive. See you next Tuesday, I don't know what That? See, so let's break down the scene, shall we? I love it. Play on in there. I'm doing a lot of sports romance tonight, so let's do a play by play on the whiteboard. Right, right. So, so and so and so and so and then so and so. And then here, and then here. Yeah, uh huh, uh huh. See, those are the kinds of books I read all the time. I love them. Right. Reverse him. Yeah, everything. Because what woman doesn't want to be the center of attention? Multiple mans worlds. Right? My feet brain. I was like, this is the brain. That's where the fantasy comes in. Yeah. I love that. I absolutely love that. Um, reverse heroin is so good. Cheers to you. Right. Cheers. Cheers. Clink clink, clink. That was a great quote. Christina. Also, um, text me the name of that book for research. Oh, wait, research Purpose. Tell you more about it. Later you'll. You'll want to hear more about it. Oh, I can't. Babes, I can't wait. I can't wait. Snaps. Jordan, what about you, girl? My turn. Okay. My quote is from Dead Man's Isle. It's the second book in the Harley Quinn crew. series by, of course, Caroline Peckham and Suzanne Valenti. If you're not new here, it's no shocker, but I've been seeing a lot of hate for some of their books lately and y'all can suck it. So here we go. Ready? Ready? And does that sweet cunt of yours still ache for the feeling of me owning it? Does it throb with the desire for me to do it all over again? Did I lie to him when I said you were begging for it? Demanding it? Spreading your legs wide and panting for me to give it to you? Yes, please. End quote. Okay, not me having the most tame of all the quotes. And I thought I was really doing something. I thought I stepped into the arena. Ready to rock and roll. I, I told you, I told you mine had the C word, which I love. I need it in my book. But just so you know, that and the next quote, like, like highlight that I highlighted in that ebook was Yes, big boy. Even psychos need a cuddle from time to time. Not big boy. Yes, big boy. Even psychos need a cuddle from time to time. Oh my gosh. I love that. I actually do love that. And I will be talking about this series later. I will be mentioning it. A little bit. A little bit? Okay. Yeah. I love that. I can't wait to hear more about that one, too. Dang, this episode's gonna be It's hot! Yeah, it's gonna be pretty spicy. Turn on the AC, everybody. Right, right. Get you a cold drink, because it's getting hot and heavy. I was thinking for this episode, because it's a little bit spicier that we can be a little more off the cuff. The problem with this one that I had was that the books that I've read that had the most frequent good girl, we've already mentioned in past episodes, but I still want to mention them in case. you weren't as interested and this will pique your interest. Or maybe Mm-Hmm, you haven't listened to those episodes and you saw Good girl and you're like, yeah, give me that one. And this is where we're catching you for romance Rex. Can we talk about some of those that we've already mentioned? Just bring them up quickly before we really get into the other stuff. Oh yeah. Oh my gosh. Way to put me on the spot. I know for me, when we did the dark romance, I talked about losers part one. But I was looking through my Kindle Unlimited and you can search Kindle Unlimited with a little eyeglass and you can type in a phrase or a word and you can hit books in library and it will show you all the books in your library that have that phrase. And so when I clicked on Good Girl for my library, Losers 2, had Good Girl mentioned 32 times. That's wild. I'm a very good girl. I love that. So I talk about losers. I'm a very good girl. Right. Very good. She's a bratty good girl though. Oh. You know what I mean? She's a bratty bratty good girl for her four men in her open poly, not relationship. Interesting. If you don't know what that is, polyamorous, you date multiple people. Open means some of them are open to dating other people outside of the relationship. Yeah. Yeah. A not means some people are with some people, but not everyone is with each other. It's messy. Yeah. It's a good messy is what that means. So Losers duology by Harley LaRue. And there is a novella, prequel novella, lots of praise, but there are, yes, there are a lot of things mentioned in Kinks Explored, so please check trigger warnings first. It made me a new person. That one changed me. In a good way. That's hilarious. In a good girl way. Oh, right. No, she said an extra good girl. Okay, I had so many books that have, The good girl trope in it or that saying and of course the overall vibe and feel of the book I think I have like 18 books that I could remember off the top The cuff like just off top Of books with that saying the list was long. So I had to pare it down, but there are tons of books where There's so much good girl. I think one of my favorite though. I've already mentioned this book. It's obsidian feathers by n casseras and Saul is a different kind of man. He's also half like wolf You So he's a different kind of being his good girl animal. He, I mean, he is just insatiable number one, but she's always trying to go against him, literally run from him and be away from him or push him away. And the way he owns her and like really gives the good girl, this book is so hot. So even though that's a book I've already mentioned, please, if you want that trope, I know she's like Yes, Obsidian Feathers, like, please. And it's based in El Salvador. So there are things you learn about the culture that is so good. I actually was messaging with the author the other day and I was like, telling her, I learned so much about just the history and the traditions and stuff like that. And she's like, Oh, I'm so happy. You know, El Salvador is a place where not many people actually know about and like, or know, like the cultures and the customs and stuff like that. So that. Yeah. Perspective it of it was also really nice. But baby, this book is hot, hot, hot, hot five chili peppers. Love it. Love it Please pick it up and it's paranormal and everything. So that's one that I've mentioned before that I will absolutely mention again One more one more Cinderella is faking it by Dylan Dyer. Also an indie author. Y'all know all of my indie authors Cinderella trope or Cinderella retelling kind of vibe the way Beckett the way Beck talks about talks to this girl. Okay He has a mouth on him and the good girl just hits a little different hits a little different in a billionaire romance So, please check that out, too. I also love Dylan She's really nice and we message and I will send her her videos the other day those are the ones that I've spoken about that I need you guys to write down. Like if you take nothing. I think that's what I love though. That's what I love about indie authors because like when I message them, and it's not like, oh, I messaged, but when I, when we communicate, you can tell that they love their fan base. They love the people who support them. Yes. Megan Quinn on my birthday. Wish me happy birthday. Because I posted that I was reading her new release on my birthday. And then we had a back and forth for a few comments until I like didn't know what to say to her because I was starstruck. And Megan's not even indie anymore. No, she's major now. Yeah. And she messaged me within an hour of me posting that. You guys, when I tell you, like my heart is like fluttering. You're so happy, but it feels good. It does feel good because when we talk, when we sit here and recommend these authors to you and we suggest them to you, it's because we really care deeply about them and we like them as people, but also we like their bodies of work. Being recognized or just like having a little bit of a banter with them makes you feel good. Makes you want to keep recommending them, you know? Definitely. So I have one I mentioned during the um, favorite authors episode by Harper L. Woods. The Flesh and Bone series. Oh, one of my faves. What lies beyond the veil. Yes. It's a great little book and it's a series of three books so far and there's more planned. But it's like a fated mate series and, but one is a fae, one is a human and they like, the human is definitely fighting it the whole way. Okay. Mate, so, when you get to the spice, and when you get to those good girl moments, he's worked his butt off for it, and she's, she's been a good girl. Wait, was she a brat before she was a good girl, though? Because that's my favorite. No one wants a pushover. You want to, like, Fight that shit in the beginning. She was. What do you think she, I feel like she really just did not like him. Or she was trying really hard. I don't know if it was bratty so much as this girl was like, get out of my face, sir. Like, no, but then she was kind of like, Hmm, maybe. You're hot and you have a big dick, kind of a thing. Okay, let's, let's give it a whirl, you know, and then they became obsessed with each other. But yeah, he definitely worked. You are, I would 1000 percent agree that this man worked and he had no problem. It could have taken a hundred years and he would have been happily just plowing away, working to get there. Unhinged, ladies, unhinged. You guys are terrible. Do you know who else is unhinged? See? Who? Trilina Pucci. Yes, I've come to expect that from her work. Yes. My quote. In the contemporary episode was from Three Ways to Mend a Broken Heart because it had just come out so it really came out a week ago. It was a throuple, okay? Good Girl has said ten times, but did I look up how many times they said you're a good little SLUT? Um, no, but I should have. Because that was even more, because that was even more, because she was there's I'm here to spell things out for you. Premise of three ways to mend a broken heart, girl gets dumped, girl goes on vacation with friend and her friend's fiance and his friends. Girl runs into X after he steals her room because originally they were supposed to be on this vacation together in Hawaii. Oh, okay. She blocked his number after she was waiting with whipped cream on her titties and badge for him to come home, but he came home through the door making out with another woman. Right? And she was, and that was the night she got all dressed down because she didn't tell him, tell him that she loved him after six months. Oh my, the devastation. She blocked his number. So he, but he was trying to contact her because he said he was going to take the room that they were going to go to. Out of order. So she gets there and the extra guys that are on the trip were supposed to share her room because she had an extra room in her suite. He takes her room before she gets there. She pretends to date these two hot, oh, did I mention they're NFL players? Yeah, then girl gets railed by said hotties because they are notorious for sharing their lovers They have never dated the same girl because they're like, no, this is just a sex thing. Yeah. But it just fits, you guys. Yeah, they work together. And it's sweet, but more than sweet, it's hot. I highlighted 23 highlights from this book. 20. Kristina's added it already. Add. It. It is light in all the way that, Ways that you want contemporary to be light, but dirty, in all the ways you want it dirty. No one is inexperienced, so we're not doing the like shy, timid, Oh no, what is this? It's so fun because the guys together are bros, and the way they go at her is like, we want to share her, but they also compete for her. They tag team it? Oh, yeah, yeah. They tag team, but they compete too. Against each other. Yeah, and they're like, I want to be the center of her attention. No, I want it. In the best way. It is so, so good. Trulina is gifted at writing the books that she's so far released. Yeah, the banter and just the scenes. I'm gonna say it. Best banter. You think so? Oh my gosh. Oh, that's a heavy claim. Best banter in the bedroom. Like, fun. Oh, interesting. I don't know. I don't know. Read it. Read it. Yeah, I'm gonna read it. Listen, Not So Lucky is one that I, um, I recommended in the Contemporary episode and that had 15 good girls. Oh, okay. So it was high up there. It was my second highest on there, or my third highest. And this one, I think this one was my favorite out of the three and it just came out and She's doing the damn thing I think before you respond to that claim of mine, I think you need to read, I think you need to read it. Yeah, I'm for sure going to read that because I like, I enjoyed Tangled and Tinsel. I like, she was cringy, I agree, but I enjoyed it, so I know I'm going to read the other two books. Me too. And this is a different author. It feels like a different author. Oh, you really? It reads different? She has learned, yes. Well, it's like, you can tell it's the same, but she has learned so much. Okay. So much growth. That's good. We love that. We love that. Tangled in Tinsel was basically my favorite because one of the male main characters kept saying, gimme. And I thought that was the hottest thing. A grown man saying gimme and making grabby hands at my body parts because he wants, gimme loves him. I can't even remember his name, but all I know is he said, gimme like six times and tangled it again. I was ready to jump in the book. Oh, I was ready to jump in the book. Deb, you'll go feral for these others. Just do it. Okay. I I'm gonna do it. I'm gonna, I have on my. You said sports? Sign me up, babe. Oh, let me a sport bod. But there's no sports in sight. They're on vacation. They're just. I can imagine what they be doing on the field. That's what I'm saying. That's what I'm saying, though. You don't have to deal with the sports jargon. You don't have to deal with the locker room. They're on vacation in Hawaii in this one. Yeah, I can't wait. Both of them. Let's just throw things out there. Someone else go. Okay, please. Let me tell you about. The book that I mentioned in the first quote, I have to talk about this book. It's Aiden and Maggie. Again, the book is camera chemistry by Chelsea Curdo. This book is 182 pages. It's a novella. It's quick. It's kind of Insta lovey because I mean, baby, we have 182 pages, so we don't need to spend time getting to know each other. We just want to get straight to it, but it is a quick read. And the premise is these two doctors get, Conned, not conned, but their separate friends basically begged them to take part in this Stranger's photo shoot which I think happens in real life with real life photographers like we'll get you know what I'm talking with you get two Strangers and it's like kind of hot where you put them together and see their chemistry. So that is the premise Right? Yeah. So that's the premise of this book. But the chemistry between these two people is like off the charts from the minute they see each other. Aiden is a single dad. Maggie again, they're both Doctors, so they have their very busy busy lives and he's a dad on top of that. The shoot goes phenomenal phenomenally. It's wonderful like Phenomenally. Damn, get the word out right. This shoot is wonderful. But Aiden, yeah, it's great. It's good. It's good. Aiden's character, his entire being in this book, Reeks of good girl. Okay. It reeks of praise, reeks of, Oh, you're doing so well, babe. Oh, look at you go. Look at you take it. And the fact that it's only 182 pages. When I saw you, I flew through that book. It was probably like a lunchtime break kind of read. Like I was eating it up Chelsea. I think in every single book she writes. Has praise kink in it. I'm looking at you, Chelsea. I see what's happening here. Cause every book I read, there's a good girl in it. But you're right. I see you, babe. I'm keeping an eye on you. And I was on my list of all the books that I have. I think all of Chelsea's books are on there because they all have good, you know what, Chelsea, I see a theme. Anyway, she writes good girl really well. So if you are looking for an author who has a bunch of books that you'll have that in, check out Chelsea Curnow's work. For sure. You can sometimes if you read enough of an author's works, you're like, I think I know what this author likes in the bedroom. I think I know them really intimately right now. Yes. Cause no, I was listening. When I went through my list, I was like, damn, another Chelsea book. Interesting. And then I added all her books. I was like, okay, girl, please. She has a holiday book as well. I don't, I'm not sure if it's a novella and that one has good girl 10 times in it. And Theo in that book. It's insane. It's booked for the holidays again by Chelsea Curdo. Theo is wild. Please read that one as well. Okay, that's all I got. Oh, is that all? Oh, yeah, just that. Oh, I've got more, actually. I thought I'd, give somebody some chan a chance to take it away kristina, save us from this. I have my book that I have to recommend to you. It's also from my quote earlier Where, West was railing into Xander, who was railing into her. Oh yeah, tell us about that. The Perfect Fit by Sadie Kincaid. I'm currently reading another book by her. I've just started, so I think there's more good girl to come. But this series is about three billionaire men who are friends in a polyamorous relationship but they've been looking for a woman to join their relationship for a while and they stumble upon this girl, Lily, in the club and she seems too good to be true because she's a lesbian. They're just looking for a pussy to stick it into? Sorry. Yeah, they want a little bit of both. They're in, they're bi, they like it all. I'm sorry. Why choose? They need variety. I love that for them. Variety is the spice of life. Yeah, and they've been looking for, through a few women, to try to fit their kinks because they have quite a few of them. And Dev, this goes out to you. These kinks include Blood Play, BDSM, Primal, and Praise Kinks. Yes, take out that blood play. But yes, But there is some, mean what? Or they chase her. What are they hiding? They chase her. What are they hiding? She like oh, catch her. Oh, the people are hiding I thought they were hiding something else. So she had to, you know what I'm saying? wait, Jordan, what were you about to say about a previous episode? Oh, I was, fuck, I don't remember. Oh, you lost it? Okay, never mind. Back to you, Christina. Yeah. No, it wasn't that. No, it had to do with the very first episode that we recorded that we'll never see the light of the day. Oh. And now I can't remember. Yes. Oh, thank you. Yeah. That reminded me. The first time we ever recorded. And it will not, I don't think anything will ever make it to You'll never hear it. It's gone. But I will never forget, a direct quote from me was, You know, I should be concerned with the amount of books that I've read lately that involve blood play. So, I think I have a clip of it still, and then one of you, I think it was Dev, goes, I don't think you should be concerned. And I'm like, Well! Maybe. Yeah, I remember that actually. Yeah. Well, this sounds like a Jordan book. Blood play. Okay, that's not something I look for. I just, it happens to pop up in my dark romances. Okay, like Blame Jay Bree. Okay, because it was Hannaford Prep. There was a lot of it. Oh my god But also Hannaford Prep. I mean, Jay Bree is amazing. So yeah, don't snooze on her, please. Yeah, wait, so, okay, so Blame Primal, what was the name of, yeah, no, Christine, wait, no, actually, I forgot the name of your book. Can you tell me, can you repeat it? I was in the middle of Kindle trying to download it. It's so good. The Perfect Fit by Sadie Kincaid. It fits so good? The Perfect Fit. Jordan is terrible. The perfect fit. So it's three men and one woman in this relationship. Shirley doesn't know what she's talking about. it's got West, Zeke, and Xander. And then the girl is Lily. And they think when they meet her at the club that she's like this innocent, naive, young woman. Excited to move in with them. But there's a few secrets hiding. And, the spice. It's just perfect. It's not even spice. I'm excited. And it's green. It's perfect. It's just great. It says it's a dark Y2's romance, so I'm excited about that. Y2's. They're all, they're all just I don't even know, I don't have words for this. But I do have one thing to say. that's good. Not only is there good girl in this book, but there is good boy in this book too. Ooh, don't we love a very good boy. Ooh. Yeah. Love that. Add to cart. Add to cart. Added to the carts. Can't wait for that. Thank you, Christina. I'm gonna tone it down a little bit with just a fun, cutesy one. Tomato, tomato. Excuse me. Are you tomatoing my wreck? No, I don't know what it is. I'm just saying, I'm tomatoing the turn, turning it down. So my next book is Blindside by Kandi Steiner. It is the second book in Red Zone Rivals series he only technically says good girl, that phrase twice. But the book reeks of praise and, good girls. You know what I mean? It's got that vibe. It is fake dating, college, it's a football player and the bookworm PR coordinator for the team. And he's the one that she has trouble wrangling for the PR, interviews and things. She always wears her cute, pleated skirts and the tall socks and her, she's got her sweaters and she's got her glasses and she's just like stereotypical bookworm. A virgin. Interesting. So we've got teach me. Who is obsessed with smutty books. So she may not have physically done it, but she's read about it all and she has ideas. She has these things that really get her going and that, well, she thinks would get her going. She wants this, musician. That's known around campus. That's, becoming locally famous. She wants to catch his eye, and she goes to all the cafes to watch him. He wants to get his ex back. And they, of course know each other through the team and stuff. And he sees her. And he's like, I need to get my ex back. She thinks she doesn't want to be with me. I know I want to make her jealous. You need to be with him and he needs to see you as actually like attainable and fuckable. Like a cool person. Yeah. So let's do it. Let's pretend to date. So they say, okay, fake dating. And she goes, I want to take this a step further. I need you to fuck me because I need you to teach me what to do. Because he is obviously experienced and I don't want to be some little blushing virgin. I actually cannot. so it's a part of their deal is for him to teach her these things. And one of the good girls is when he's teaching her to eat a corn dog, if you know what I mean. Oh my gosh, and she loves it. Wow, interesting. Get this. He knows she reads these books. He steals one of her books. Oh! Stop. Stop. Yeah, he reenacts some of her favorite smug scenes. Oh, what a man. Top tier microtrope. Top tier microtrope, okay? They're living her dream in her books. Yes! I love it. That's one of my favorite things. I go feral for an MMC who steals the book and then re enacts. I love that. It's like all of our dreams, right? Yeah, I think we're having the same dream. But he's like, in the dialogue, he's like, good girl, and then she you know, tenses and gives him the look and he goes, I knew it would work because he like read the book and he's did the thing and they're like he's doing his research. Yes. I love a student. Yes, this is a part of a series. And like late, it's so funny because in the later books, to the other guys that are getting into these relationships, he's like, Dude, you guys gotta read this book. You just gotta read their books. You gotta read their books. And he's the bro that hypes them up then. I'm giving away free game. It's so cute. It's so cute. That's funny. And that was Candy Steiner? Yeah. And a new one just came out this month. Oh, interesting. April 2024. Yeah, the latest one, and I have not read it yet, but I'm going to. Sharpish. Can I say my next two books are both arranged marriages my next two suggestions And I want to I know y'all know I love an arranged marriage marriage of convenience That's all for me, but they could not be more different So the first one i'm gonna talk about is take over by nana malone This is an arranged marriage to save her father's flailing business So save her father's business that's like going under the whole empire is crashing Mind you she's really the one who Should be taking all the praise for the company because she contributes something that like is so good. Anyway Atticus that is her mmc He's going to save the business, obviously, but he wants the tech that she has designed and he wants to like basically take it for himself or have rights over it or whatever. However, the dad is like, no, I'm not selling my business to anyone. You have to be in the family. What does that mean? Marry into the family. So the dad puts her little sister up. The sister is 18 years old and she's like, absolutely not. You are not marrying off my sister for my tech just to save this man. I'll do it. I volunteer as tribute, whatever. She does not want this man. She does not want him. She's literally doing it out of obligation for her little sister. But he has been obsessed with her since the first time he saw her like days or weeks ago. And so for him, this was all part of the plan. he's loving it. For days and weeks, he's been wanting her. So he's been planning to marry her. He's been planning like, cause they already knew he was going to buy the company. You're a crazy contemporary restaurant owner. He just met her, okay? He becomes obsessed. He's obsessed. Atticus wants her. Anyway, he wants her. He will stop at nothing. This is unhinged. That is crazy. I can't believe Christina just said that. That's wild. Look, the man saw her at an event and he wanted her and that's all we got to know and he wanted a part of the deal to be that he married her, but the dad tried to pull off some fast one. It was like, ha ha, you're not going to get her. I'm going to give you the sister. But then she was like, absolutely not. I'm going to give you my youngest, my baby. Ha ha. The dad is actually an ass. Like he's actually a terrible person. Anyway, his energy is very good girl. I. I can't remember. I'm not sure if I listened to it. I don't think so. But the way it's written, you can tell that the male main character speaks with an accent, Irish or Scottish, one of them, which I don't care which one, both of them are hot and I'm going to take it. I love it. And that's how it's written. So he speaks like that, you know? And that's how it's very much my wife energy, but also good girl when they're going at it. And he's like, yeah, because her personality is so strong. And I feel like good girl hits the hardest when you have an FMC, whoever who is just so strong minded and strong willed, but this man breaks you. Right. And then praise is, Oh, look at you, my good little girl. You take me so well, that's Atticus baby. That's Atticus. So marriage of convenience, He was obsessed. She hated them. Oh, my thumb's up. He was obsessed. She hated him. But they eventually get there. You know, and they love each other. So again, Take Over by Nana Malone. It actually only has Oh, they do. Multiple times. But funnily enough, it only has good girls. In it twice, which is crazy, like I would have expected, but the energy again, we talk about that good girl energy. This was full of it. There is, I think right now, at least two more books in the series because, oh, this ends on a cliffhanger, which is psychotic to me for contemporary romance to end on a cliffhanger. I find that to be so rude. Anyway, cliffhanger. Right. It is crazy. So I now have to wait until acquisition, which is the second book until that one comes out to figure out what the hell, where are we now? Like what's, what's happening in the universe. The second one I have is also an arranged marriage, but it's by Anna Huang and it is King of Wrath. Yes. Yes. I almost said this one. I almost said this is one of my Favorites Dante and Vivian. So again, we've got marriage of convenience, arranged marriage vibes. However, Dante does not want her. He is so good. He does not want this girl. He actually doesn't want anybody like not in that way. He's good. That's why it makes him good because he's not off to do another. Exactly. He's really focused on his business, building his empire, being rich and doing what he wants to do. He doesn't want to be attached to anyone, tied down by a woman, especially not what he perceives to be a spoiled little jewelry heiress. Eris. Harris. Eris. Eris. Eris. Eris. Yeah. I love how you got so into it, your accent came out. I did want to call that out. I hate it. No. I want you to run with it because it's you and I love it so much. I be so self conscious. I'm like, do people understand? Yes. You know what I'm saying? I know, it always comes out when I'm excited and I talk fast, right? Anyway, so yeah, Dante and Vivian, right? Aww, you're so sweet, babe. Kiss, kiss. I love that. Yeah, they do. So I love Dante because he is like unapologetically him and he is very masculine testosterone energy, but there's also a scene. And I remember when Anna released this book and she like, there was a teaser she did and she said there was a scene. And the song that goes with that scene is Beyonce's partition, which I don't know if it goes, Trevor, roll up the partition, please. I don't need you seeing Yonsei on her knees. So that's what's happening in the limo and why the partition in the limo or the car is a scene in this book where things like that happen, right? Okay. That's nothing. That's light. Like whatever that happens in books. We're used to it. That's light. Then Dante. Tells Vivian to clean it up off the car seat. I lost my damn mind. It says Jordan written all over it. I lost my damn mind. That was accurate, but uncalled for. That was That's his energy. Eventually, like I said, they started off not wanting each other. They were going to be married in name only, but they do eventually fall in love, and can't live without each other, and then he gets real jealous. That's my wife. Yeah, he probably invented my wife. I'm not gonna lie to you. The way he's written. I mean it was after throwing a glass, but you know. Man, I get this, but Rowan doesn't do it for me the way he, I'm sorry ladies, I love you Rowan. That's because, that's only because you're a content, I'll step off for a while. No, that's only because you're more, you get more attached to contemporary. I feel like you can't, you do not get a, you love romanticy, but you do not get attached to the men in romanticy. I think you're right. Probably. Yeah, I think that's accurate. The only romanticy man that I can actually think of off the top that I actually love is the one from King's Bride by Beck Michaels. I think I told you guys about that one. And that's it. This is what I've noticed about all of us. You only get attached to men in contemporary, Dev. Christina, romanticy because They are a hundred percent false and not here. So it's safe and Deb is just looking for her next sugar boo. And I am only looking for the one that is like Psychotic. No, the psychotic all accepting in a reverse harem. Like the one that is always all in. Do you know what I mean, Kyle? Yes, yes. That is like, I will accept you no matter what, even if you're gonna go do my friends. Yes, I get that. So, we all, yeah. No, that's a good I never even thought of that but that's a really good observation because I think it is correct I do get attached to my Contemporary men way more than and I've read decent amount of romance to see and fantasy who have had great male characters what do I do? I mean, that's why we read right? I don't know. I love my husband My husband's amazing and he accepts me for who I am. So I'm For you Thank you. I But that's not what this is, so we don't have to talk about Peyton. Uh, let's talk about some other men. Speaking of, so, in Behind the Net by Stephanie Archer. This has actually kind of been blowing up recently, I've noticed. I've noticed too, yeah. Yeah, I read it a while ago. I also read the second one. The second one is really good. Behind the net says good girl ten times. Wow. Jamie is an NFL, not an NFL. I wrote the wrong thing. Sorry, NHL. Who doesn't, player who doesn't have time for anything but hockey and his mom who has a mental illness that he tries to take care of. And that's why he did everything he could and twisted his his deal to go back to Vancouver where he was, know his body parts, put him in like a twisted his ankle. His deal, his contract. His contract. What we talk about his mom here? No, sorry. I thought she like, he overworked himself in twisted an ankle or something. No, he over, he Oh, so he twist? No, sorry. He twisted his contract to make sure that he got back into Vancouver because that's where he is from. That's where his mom is. Got it. He doesn't have time. Okay, but then he finds this little mutt of a dog in an alleyway after practice one day and he can't just bring it to a Bring it to a shelter to an hour away in Vancouver, which by the way, look up in Vancouver. I'm sure there's more But anyways, so he keeps this dog and he needs an assistant The team can provide him an assistant, right? But he's never wanted any help from anyone because he's so small is super independent man. Enter Pippa, who just came back to her hometown. Yes, they went to high school together. He was the super popular hockey player. She was the band nerd, but he had a crush on her. On her all through high school. They hardly interacted. He went to ask her out one day, we later find out. But she had just started dating one of the other band guys. And she actually dated him then until this story. So for years. And he went on the road and toured. She helped him write his songs. And he became famous. Used her stuff, didn't give her credit, blah, blah, blah. Oh! The audacity. That's awful. anyways, horrible relationship, right? Horrible ex. They went to high school together, ran different crowds. She shows up at his door to be his assistant and help take care of his dog, right? Oh, she's gonna assist him. She assumes that he doesn't know her, and he Ooh. Doesn't correct her so they both act like they're strangers But they each know each other because she had a huge crush on him in high school But they didn't know so a couple a few weeks go by and he's like I can't have her here So he calls his team and be like she can't work for me I need someone else because he's like getting a hard on for her as she's like playing with his dog in the living room so it the dog or the man Oh, the man. The man. Got it. That's crazy. That's unhinged. Anyways, they finally find out that they know each other, right? So her ex sucks. Yes. And he agrees to fake date her because he's coming back into town and invites her to this, Promotional thing, whatever. Or no, she was a part of his tour. Anyway, she's invited. They fake date for a while, and of course they both have feelings. But he falls a lot harder. He gets, he never drinks, but when he's out on the road, he gets wasted and online. He sends her, this is my favorite part, he sends her a vibrator. I love that. Even though they're not, they haven't actually done anything together at this point. Oh, oh, oh, oh, no, no, no, no, no. But he doesn't put who it's by. And she thinks it's from her best friend who is always giving her shit and is like, you need this in your life. So she just assumes it's from her best friend. Oh, oh, oh, oh. Say anything about it. Yeah, and it was good it was good and the dirty Worst nightmare. This is behind the net by Stephanie Archer. I've already added it No, and it's and it's good. I love when they have secretly pined for each other in the past and they don't see each other for a long time and then those feelings are still there. I love that. Yeah. I think I like that a little better than second chance romance because you still have like the background of them being together and the pining and the angst and the feelings that make sense but But no baggage. No baggage. Yeah, yeah, yeah. So it's nice. It's nice to watch them stumble around until they figure it out. Because she, I think she tutored him in high school too. So it was like, How cute. They knew each other, not just like, So they actually spent time with each other. It was cute. And the dirty talk was really good and like them together was great. So love that. Yeah. I will say I have some special mentions. I would like to special mention. Katie Robert in general has a lot of good girls. Especially in Neon Gods series. The latest one out is called Midnight Ruin. Midnight Ruin is about This is a messy book and it is so good. So it's a friends to lovers and then the X second chance comes in. So it's a throuple with swords crossing, because the one thing to know, if you read Katie Robert, at least the latest Katie Robert is most everyone is queer. And we'll go every way. And this one is no different. So, Midnight Ruin, everyone is At least by so there is puppy play in this one. Uh, back it up, back, back, back, back, back it up. Please define. It's not like actually you're pretending to be a puppy. I don't want people to get weird about it. Cause that's what I thought. Yeah, I know. I don't want people to think it's like bestiality stuff because people get weird about kinks. So he is trying, he's the ex and he did some really bad things to her and he needs, but he has not been able to stop thinking about her. But she's now with, just started to get with Charon. So they bring him into it when he crosses the river Styx and he's now with them for a while and she's like you want to earn Me back you can try go Clean the floor. You're gonna clean the floor Here's a sponge get on your hands and knees and you're gonna scrub this kitchen. You're done. Come sit And he has to crawl after cleaning the floor with his hands on his hands and knees while they have dinner like no, I hate it No, it's so hot. It sounds horrible when I describe it. No, it sounds horrible when I describe it But when you read it, it's so hot She's like sit put your head on my lap and then she's like you've been a good boy and she will Stroke his hair and she will reward him for being a good boy So this is like a good boy, but you're is he's like a switch You So then she'll also be submissive and so this is like a wild one. It's really good also read the whole series But you could also read this individually if you want the political stuff would be kind of confusing because it's later on Interesting and I don't know how feel but I've pretty much been reading all of Dark Olympus Yeah, I think I just finished Radiant It's in the other day. I've been slowly reading it. So I know I'm going to get to Midnight Ruin and so we'll have to see how that plays out. I'm very interested because I don't know, I don't know. I'm feeling very. It's very different from the other ones. I really enjoy it. Yeah. Okay. I'll let you know how it goes when I read it. We're excited. Also. Okay. I'm sorry. I've been rereading the Harley Quinn series, by Caroline Peckham and Suzanne Valenti, which is, where my quote came from. And I would just like to say the second book in that series, Dead Man's Isle, had Good Girl 20 times. Outrageous. It is a mafia reverse harem. So Caroline Peckham and Suzanne Valenti, the way they write, I love their characters. It gets really deep into the backgrounds and the characters and who they are, but it's also, it's serious. It can be super serious and you'll be crying, but you will also be crying from laughter because of the shenanigans that people get up to. And it also is lighthearted and silly. So if you want a complete range of emotions and you just want silly stuff. But also super serious and love it and it's great. It's also dark. It's a range of emotions. Yeah, definitely a range. Dark but serious but silly. It's my favorite. What I found when I was thinking about this episode is that sports romance in general is going to be your best bet for the praise kink for if you want to hear a good girl. Those athletes. Yeah, shoot through it. Let you know. Yeah, they do Or um for me I found that it's in my small town cowboy romances but it's like it's good girl and also Really dirty mouth. Yeah Yeah, really coaching them through it really talking Exactly. So yeah, that's where I found my collection has the most perfect Anyone else anything else or is that all we have who's gonna take us out? Thanks for listening to us ramble about all these wonderful Good girl books. If you're looking for more Romance Wrecks, be sure to follow us on Instagram and TikTok at Romance Wrecks Pod. You can find our favorite book wrecks from our episodes. As well as behind the scenes content. Again, that's at romancerexpod. So be sure to give us a follow. And we'll be back next week with another episode. Thank you! Yay! Hope you guys enjoyed! Remember to write down the rex! And until next time, remember to be a good girl. You've been a good girl.