Romance Recs

Zodiac Academy Surprise

Jordan, Devonnie, Christina Season 1 Episode 10

Christina and Devonnie surprise Jordan by starting her favorite series, Zodiac Academy by Caroline Peckham and Susanne Valenti. Listen along as we discuss thoughts and theories through the first two books. Minor spoilers for Zodiac Academy: The Awakening, Ruthless Fae, and the first few chapters of The Awakening. 

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Welcome to Romance Wrecks, where three book besties explore the world of romance novels and encourage you to expand your TBR. Join us as we dive into the hottest releases and hidden gems of the genre. TBR. TBR. You can find us on Instagram and TikTok at Romance Wrecks Pod. I am Jordan, and I am currently listening to Dragon's Tears book two in the Dragon Shifters Mates series. series by Eva Chase. Hi, I'm Devany. And I'm Christina. And we're reading Zodiac Academy 3. No, you're not. The Reckoning. Wait, three? Three, babes. We're on book three. No, you're not. We are. It's been four days. Christina accidentally, she has been freaking out because she accidentally gave it away. We are on book three. No, you're not. Yeah, we're on book three. We've been keeping this a secret for you for like Yeah, you guys have been so quiet on our instagram thread. I was like they must be really busy No one is talking on this. No one is you've been having side conversations Why do you have a side thread? No, we wanted this to surprise you first To like let you know that we started reading it. And yeah, we needed your reaction to this happy news. But we didn't say our author. So Jordan, can you tell us who wrote these books? The book that we just mentioned? I think I'm crying. Caroline Beckham and Suzanne Valenti. Interesting. Good, good, good. And for those of you listening, who may be, coming to us for the first time ever, this is this series is Jordan's Roman Empire. She lives and die by this series and Christina and I have always known that we're going to read it. She, talks about talks about it a lot has wanted us to read it, but we've slated it as our summer reading. So we were not going to touch these books until, like, the summer when we just needed. Some continuous books to read and then Christina was like, maybe we should just start reading it. And so yeah, we did. We started A couple days ago, dude. I went straight to Peyton. I was like fucking Christina. It says on her Goodreads She's on book three and she hasn't even told me I was like if she's read this and she's like quietly not telling me I'm gonna be so mad I'm like, it sounds like this sounds so petty, but I am going to be very, I'm this personally. I have been so good at keeping it off of Goodreads. And then I just downloaded book three at like four o'clock. You saw it three hours and I didn't get the chance cause I went right into buying stuff for dinner and making dinner and you got that message. And that's why I didn't respond. I'd go back to Dev. I'm like, help me. Help me. I'm calling her like ten times. She wouldn't answer. She had to. I'm like, what? I'm glad you didn't get any further because you're in my favorite part Like you're in my favorite part of the series like you're hitting the stride like where I oh Book four is my favorite. You are about to hit one of the biggest cliffhangers too at the end of this book So excited Okay, I hope so You don't like it. Do you jordan? Okay two pages worth of notes to talk to you. I won't I I um I won't say let me tell you something jordan We are gonna, we are gonna tussle outside about the Zodiac Academy. These boys are mean! They are horrible to these girls. They are so mean. And first of all at the beginning of this series, I was like, these are some badass girls. Look at this girl. I don't want to give that away. Anyway, at the beginning of book one, you just, you're open to the girls and you're just like, look at them committing crimes. Love that for them. Love this out here, surviving, like out here, surviving, just doing what they have to do. I was like, yes, rooted for them by the end of book one. I'm like, if these girls don't grow a backbone and. Kill somebody or something, or it's, I cried. I never cry at the end of a book. I was, I cried. I cried at the end of book one. I like actu. We were both crying like we were. I was sobbing. Oh my God. Dad calls me crying. I'm in the middle of bed last night. This is why we weren't on your message. I was busy talking to her. My husband's throwing a pillow at me. Shut up. Because I called her like crying. I was like, what the fuck? Like I was, I was like, Christina, there's no way. Like, what the fuck? Just the last chapter. Right? Of book one. Is it the last? Yeah, it's the last. That last chapter was just like a lot. As far as, again, I'm not trying to give nothing away, but as far as the last two, let's call them pranks that they pull on the girls and then the very last scene, like the, you know, like, What happens at the end all of that combined together was just like too much. It was just like, no I have a list of the crimes they committed. I said it's not bullying, these are actual crimes and I can cite what crimes they are. No, we don't want the crimes. They're not bullying. I cannot wait after book four. After book four or maybe even book three. You're gonna want to go back and read book one as told by the boys. Okay, yeah, that's another thing. We don't know when to read. What? Yeah, I'll tell you when because there's also a prequel that is like from the boys before the girls. Yeah, we will try to decide. Do we start with that? Do we, you know, if you listen, if you listen, when I talked about study, I had to be on here. If you will go back and listen to our podcast, I tell you, do not touch those. Do not touch those like ever or no you will yeah Just in another book or two. Um, got it. I wanna oh my god No, you're gonna get your heart ripped out real soon. And I'm Okay, so here's my thing I don't understand where the romance comes into this because I'm like there is no way You're gonna romance me You will by the end of this book. By the end of book three. It's not possible. It's not possible. How do they come back from this, Jordan? How do they come back from this? Let me find it. Here it is. I hate all airs. At no point will this change. Ever. Period. Full stop. I put the exclamation under full stop. That's not changing. That was Tori, wasn't it? No, that's Christina. That's my comment. Darius A. Crux? Listen, Darius A. Crux. I love him so much. He can go jump off a cliff. Yeah, you say that now. I promise you. I ain't changing my mind. No. I promise you. I promise you and I will not. I, nope. You just wait. You just wait. Well, we're going to keep reading and see. We're going to keep reading and see. Forget, no. Forget sports episode. We are talking about this all night, you guys. Oh. Okay. So, okay. I have questions. I have, yeah, I have questions. And I won't give anything away. I won't give anything away. Okay, yeah. No spoilers. No spoilers. Yeah, no, you're good. You can, or you can do it and then we can just, I can just beep stuff out. It's fine. Okay, okay. Let me go. Here I go. These are the list of things that, these are the list of things that are actual crimes they committed. I'm so happy you're in place. Assault with polyfluids is a crime in most states. There's like 13 states where it's not. But, they're from the state of Illinois and went over, so if it's a mirror world, they're technically in Illinois, which it's a crime. Attempted murder. Attempted murder you go to jail for. Okay? Sexual harassment. Assault. And there's likely more, I couldn't list more, but those are the four big ones. Just in two books. It's just so I don't okay. So I just don't So I will say this part of it. The bully part of it is almost over for the rest of the book I mean for the rest of the series. Yes, you are interesting where it is almost over. So that's what I was worried about Oh god, you guys You haven't even hit you haven't even hit the worst It rivals the end of the first I worked hard on my lunch break to make this list. Here I go. Is everything mirror? Was there a, was there a Faye World War II? Because they have James Bond, and James Bond comes from Surrey and Fleming, and Surrey and Fleming. No, no, no, because events don't happen. It's not that kind of mirror. Okay. It's just mirror as in like technology. They do mention, they do mention. No, but they have access to it as well. Okay, get past the fact. Mirror world thing. I can answer that. Why not marry the girls? Devin, I wanna know why not. You could bolster your claims to the throne. No, no, there is, there's a real one to that. No, there's an absolute real one to that. And I, I can talk all about that. Could the girls go to a different school? Absolutely not. Starlight Academy. No, they can't. It's not nearly the same prestige. It's a royal thing. It's a royal thing. And, okay, I have more. Do you not want answers? Do you want answers? You're going on mute, Jordan. No, you're going on mute. I'm having my turn. Ready? Wait, but she has to answer. Wait, no, but Christina, Christina, hold on. Because you are, you are spitting stuff out, but you're not letting her answer. Okay. I actually need the answers to these questions you're asking. So why can't they go to another school? They cannot go to another school because this one, it's like the only Ivy League think of it that way. It is the only top tier Ivy League. This is where it was were sent. Also, you have to remember they just got popped in this world. They did not make the decisions to go there. They have no resources in this world besides money and they don't know how to access any of that. Besides the things that are literally over already given to them and explained by the people that are already hold power. The boys cannot marry them because in this world, everything revolves around power. Kids get the power level of the most powerful parent. If either of the heirs married them, their kids would then become the rulers. So Tori and Darcy would still then technically be leaders. They can't just marry them and have them come into their fold. If they get more powerful, they automatically rule. If they prove they are more powerful, But they already are more powerful! No, they can't prove, they can't show that though. They cannot overpower someone. They have more brute strength, but it's, it'd be like, It would be like giving someone who's never even seen a gun the most powerful AR you have and then giving a trained soldier like a pistol like the person who's trained with the pistol is probably still going to take out the AR, the person with the AR. It's that kind of thing. Does that help you put that into perspective? I don't know why I went to guns, but I did. I think it's also why they couldn't marry him, because it would just bolster their claims to the throne. No, not theirs. It would, no, it would change the entire dynamic. One heir then would become I see what she's saying. Yeah. And it even talks about that later. Trust me. It talks about that, because it becomes relevant. Okay. Thoughts on Sorry, Dev, go ahead. No, no, no. I was, I was saying, cause that was a big thing for me. Cause I was like, so confused as to like, why, why wouldn't we just immediately hatch a plan to be on the same team, but I guess, if you're saying, also when you start getting more of the POVs from the guys, like everything, it, like the power structure, you understand the power structure more. And especially when you. Read the awakening as told by the boys, you get all of that. You see the pressure they're under. You see the literal threats they are being given. You see like everything. And it's a lot of stuff you have no knowledge of. And it really does a good job of showing you a lot of the same scenes, even from another person's point of view and scenes that we are not aware of. You're gonna need it. I didn't have it for a long time and I still was fine with it. No, that's fine. You're not supposed to love them right now. Okay, you're not supposed to so don't think like I What do you want to bet? What do you want to bet Christina? What do you want to bet? I bet you money because you guys bet me that I'd start liking all the guys from Oleander and them and I still never did so no because they're there they do make up for it So it's not the same as bonsai tie. Yeah, so here's a little wait, let me just say my we already know I'm not a bully romance girly. So this is hard for me to get into, especially knowing that the series is this long, but the bully's almost done, but okay. And so I didn't know that because all the books are described as A bully beast something like that's what the authors have I mean there's always going to be fighting because it becomes a bigger thing and It turns into a war, a literal war in the, which is what I see happening. So like, at least that'll be some, but with the characters that you're supposed to care about, you're not, I mean, there's really, you don't care about them right now and that's fine. It's fine. The girls don't care about them right now. Like okay, so that's my thing, but the girls do the girls do the girls like them But they don't want to like them like because they're starting to understand them. They're starting to understand the world and it's not necessarily They're starting to, yeah, because the world works differently. The social dynamics just work differently in this world. And it is more of a bully world. It is very much if you can claim power, you get it. It's like a, it's just like A different Fae world than what I'm used to. It is different, yes, absolutely. Hold on, I have more comments, thoughts on the orb building. Okay, who makes the food? Is it like a house elf scenario? That gets explained in book nine. Okay, do they use ethically sourced coffee only? Book 9! What? Do they only use ethically sourced coffee? Why? Why is that a thing? Well, because they have coffee. I want to know if it's ethically sourced. Girl, you not even drinking coffee to be cared about if it's ethically You didn't tell me you put that on your list. Next question. Okay. So we both are having, we're both struggling with it because of the bully and what the guys do and the way the girls. Respond to them. I will be honest in saying that like i'm struggling with the girls not having the same backbone I met them with in the first couple chapters because they were like real badass But now it's kind of like well the energy is well, I can't beat you anyway So just fine do what you're gonna do and hurry up But sometimes I feel like they also say no But the boys go through anyway that the last the book one the ending just blew my mind that they would use What the girls told them To do that to them. I was horrified. I was. And then what's his name at the end? That was just, it was a lot of emotion for me. So I will say that. Yeah, that's what we're struggling with. Well, here's the bottom one. We feel that Dev knows, I think Diego is an nph. And I'm gonna leave that there. Oh yeah. That's a spoiler. Um, I know you can't, I I know you can't because baby, we, we got him pegged. Okay. We, this is us. And we be like, no, we know Receipt Diego. Yeah. We were like, Diego sucks. If he hurts, if he hurt Sophia, I will fight him if he hurts Sophie. And I just know he drug that girl with them shots. I just know that he drugged that.'cause Sophie, I trust Sophie. Okay. Sophie's real cute. She's a Pegasus. She's not gonna lie to me. So right. Sophia, that's a girl name. Um, she said I can handle my liquor. I believe you, babe. So why are you leaning slumped after four shots? No, it doesn't sound right. And maybe that's because I've had my own experience with somebody putting a little oomph in my drink. Okay. I don't like the beanie. You don't trust a man with a beanie. You never trust a man with a beanie. That's all. Okay, my husband wears a beanie every single day of his life. I was just about to say, I actually think beanies are cute, babe. But Diego's beanie, we think that Diego has magical elements that are hiding his nymphness. So he need that beanie tucked on tight to cloak. It's like a cloaking spell. So when the beanie is on, the nymph is gone. You see what I'm saying? So we are on today. If Diego turns out to be anything other than a nymph, I'm shredding the book. I have them on kindle and audible. I'm deleting them I will say the beanie is explained Don't say book nine Yeah, we the beanie has to be sus wait, how long do I have to four? Okay. All right. Yeah, because we need to know I love geraldine I love her. I will stan her at all costs. I hate that she has a southern accent. Wait, you're on, wait, are you on, wait, what one are you on? Book three. Yeah, but what's it, Shad not Shad the Princess. No, The Reckoning. So they haven't been through there. Oh, you're gonna hate, what part are you guys at? We're at the beginning of Hell Week. Yeah, you're gonna, you are gonna hate, you're gonna like Darius a little bit more and then hate him more than you've ever hated him and then, and then at the end by, yeah, but then the ending, I can't take some, I can't hate, I can't hate these boys anymore. you can do it. Also, I want to know why Professor Washer hasn't been charged with sexual harassment. Oh, don't even get me started on washer washer's the worst washer's the worst. Okay, there's something wrong with him He could lose his teaching license for kissing a student because i've seen it happen So just saying girl that don't matter because um the coven they was they was kissing in the oh You didn't read the coven. Did you? No, but I I like being a little teacher student So before you read I was gonna say When it's all said and done, I thought Dev would love Orion. I do actually love Orion because I think he's the realest character. I think he's the realest character in the book. Like, he's literally, you, you get what he, there's no hiding. I think you get what you get with Orion. In my mind, he's also hot. And I want, I want, um, Darcy spooning with Darius though, because, okay, whatever. Anywho, I'll go on my I have thoughts on the girls order. I think Orion, he just talked about them being a dragon. I think he's off. But I do think Yeah, I don't think they're dragons either. I don't think they're a hydra because they don't Oh, you don't know? Attached No, we Do we find out? No, I just mean it had some ins you've never heard so i'm like oh like out in the world. Oh, yeah there's art everywhere of it. Okay now that you said i'm just gonna pop up all over my phone Girls have talked about wings like tori talked about like how much she loves seeing him fly off as a dragon Yeah, and being free. I think she's gonna have wings I think there's going to be wings, but I think it's something either new or ancient, so no one's seen it in a long time or never seen it before. I think it's related to their blue and red fire. I'm thinking fire bird is my guess. Interesting. Yeah, I do think they're going to be very free and fast because Tori's upset. Obsession with motorcycles and going fast and I think that needs to play in with her like freedom Like she wants to be free and going fast and I think that's I will say though that I'm, very confused or i'm up in arms about darcy because I remember when orion drains her And then it's the night when they're at their night out, I think and then I guess she finds out later that Seth heals her but when she mentions to Orion that she has her full power back and she doesn't want him feeding on her He's like, how did you get your power back? Like he was very Interested so what I tried to do is try to go back because they say that you'll heal or you'll regain your power faster If you're surrounded by like your order or things that trigger your order, you know what I'm saying? So I was trying to go back but I literally could not So every order has a way to replenish their magic. Right. So it could be like flying through the clouds for a Pegasus. It could be being touching gold for a dragon. Yeah. Or it could be like eating a certain thing like the Cerberus is eat aconite. So it just. I tried to figure it out, but I couldn't figure out what Darcy because we don't know because there are some things She also didn't remember But it's very subtle. So wait, so it hasn't been mentioned already and we just don't know yet There has been little hints about what it is like the wording if you're careful, but it's very subtle Okay, but anywho, uh. Pranks in retaliation for attempted murder? Really? Fleas? That's the best we could do? Not enough. Not enough. Not enough on my, on my part. The pranks need to be like, more murderous. Castration by ice would be preferred without pain medicine. Sexy? That's what you got? Spreading rumors? I mean, come on, they tried to kill you. This is where you're going? Slit their throats in their sleep. I feel like you guys don't understand the heirs at all, and like, the significance that these things are actually having on their lives, and also, again, how new these girls are. They've literally been in this world for a month or two. So, that was one of my points, that I was giving them grace. They're so new to all this, I understand it's not the same, but like, what do you really expect them to do? Slit their throat? When they're literally doing I just told you what I do. Okay, but, how do you think they'd get away with that? Because, despite everything, murder is not legal. And, let me tell you Well, attempted murder is apparently legal, so, they'll just attempt the murder then. Two weeks, two weeks of, uh, going to detentions, all you get. Yeah. Fair enough. Considering they've never been given detention in any other situation, that would have resulted in a teacher being, losing their job for daring to do that to the counselor's kids. Yeah, and, but that's part of it, right? That's part of showing the power in this world. it's not meant to be fair or even. You're not meant to like them at this point., But then they're just as bad as this savage king they're talking about. If he was a bad meanie and they're trying to be better, then why are they bad meanies? Dude, you have so much to learn that I wish I could tell you everything and explain it all. But I don't. I think they need to establish their thrones. They need to take their thrones just to piss off the heirs and establish therapists for everyone. That's what I wrote, so I think everyone should leave. I don't think, I'm complete opposite. I don't think they should be in this world at all. I think they should leave. I think they should get all their inheritance. Get what they, like, level the fuck up with their power. Take, take, take, and then leave. Yeah, imagine you grew up moving from home to home never being in a place more than longer than a year Like but not with any parents not with any family other than the one person that you have you're one ride or die That is it. That's all you know you saw the way that they were living and so yeah, they're gonna put up with a lot of shit and they're gonna do what they can because they're actually being given things, they're being given money, it's like, what are they gonna do? They tried, they thought about going back, but also, it's part of a Fae's nature, they're finally figuring out who they really are and why they didn't fit in the mortal world, besides just being poor. Why they never fit, because their instincts as Fae. Mm hmm. Are to establish themselves in as powerful of a position as they can, but that also goes against. Everything that they were taught being on earth. It's not the same. Yeah, so there's this It's them trying to figure out their whole place in this world or where do they want to fit? when do they draw a line where can they draw a line because They're literally a line at murder. Well, yeah But how do you do that when you don't have the power or the authority or anyone backing you up? And also anyone the murder actually wasn't committed Like they actually didn't get murdered. My big problems is I'm worried that I will not be able to reconcile how mean the boys have been. To them being love interests. That's my thing. Cause you, I need, I need that. And I just, in my brain, I'm like, how, you guys are so mean. This is not a reverse harem. And that was my thing. I kept asking. I was like, is this reverse harem? Because everybody, like everybody. No, it's not a reverse harem. So they only end up with one boy each and the people that they end up with. Are they of the four boys I have been introduced to? I can't tell you. Oh, that's you have met. you have met the main players. You have met all the main players. But there are more. Um, very curious about, I can already see this nymph, nymph war happening. So I'm very curious about how the politics play into the war. Yeah. Like I'm curious about how that, and I actually need to see Diego turn into a nymph for me to be all right in my soul, because I just know that is accurate, Christina, how pissed are we going to be? If Diego's not a new, I have been tracking. I have been underlining I know. We've been keeping track of his shady ass. We've been messaging him. I'm like, oh, it's just funny. They go and talk. They're like, oh, we're gonna go meet this Starfall guy. He's there. And then all of a sudden he's in the Venus library. Exactly. Now I need to go back and get my little Atlas I left. Oh, he's there too. Oh, that's convenient. Sophie's drunk. I'll take her home. Now you're missing. Now. We don't know who's chasing us down the alley. We making a little rattling noises. When I tell you we are very sure about Diego. We have our one thing. I don't okay on the same vein. That is the biggest clue. I feel like the girls don't have to order either though. Yeah, but we expect that because they don't know that they don't know nothing. I expect the girls to be like toddlers in this world. Diego. Isn't he of this world? why is it taking so, so few of the purposes we hear out? Have you seen a picture of a boiler yet? Have we seen a picture of a boiler yet? Abuela, my abuela has not, we have not seen not near nanny or nothing of an abuela. Okay? So Diego, you, you, you're, you're fooling them, baby, but you're not fooling us. We are on your case. We are on your ass. Yeah, and I'm be real disappointed if he's not a nymph, but there's literally no way that he's not. There's literally, there's quite literally, I'm like looking at Jordan's face to see if she gives anything away, but she's literally not giving anything away about him. I'm so good. Like, no, Darius is about to be my 13th reason. Okay. He's about to be it. We're out the door with Darius. I am very curious. He's my absolute favorite. I'm personally not, I'm not, I'm, I'm saying right now for the record that I do not know, like I said, how I'm going to reconcile the strong aversion I feel to these boys, to them being romantic towards the girls. I say that I will not say that I do not expect my mind to be changed by the end of the series. Yeah I think seth right now As a bracelet that was triggering. Yeah Triggering but also oh, wait. I know. Oh people are gonna hate you might hate me for this jordan I laughed at the reason she dyed her hair I was like, that's your reason? I thought she was going to be abused or something. She was having a rough day. She fell and then she said, you know what? Well, someone used her for sex after trying to get rid of her for three months. But I was trying not to get in the way, Jordan, but yeah, the bruise. I'll be honest. And this is something I can't really say to the fandom. I'm not the biggest Darcy fan of the two. I think I like Darcy the mole. Oh no, I love Tori so much. I am Tori. The way I handle things emotionally, the way I like process, like it's very, very similar to Tori, the way that I handle relationships, the way I handled the guys, you're going to find out the way she handles. certain things by the end of this book. Um, I very much relate to Tori and I like Darcy. I just, she's not my favorite. Orion is my favorite character of the series right now. I am very into him, which is worrisome. Disagreeable. Great. Good. Many more attempted murders happen. I'm calling the They're for sure going to be attempted murders. But also I feel like we have to expect that they're going to be murders because, She just saved his life! Were you complaining when, in Fourth Wing? When they tried to kill Violet repeatedly? Or when violet was trying to kill people when violet was killing people when she was poisoning them, right? Did you complain? She never tried to kill him though. She was it doesn't matter these girls but that's what you're complaining about these girls not trying to kill them Yeah, and violet knew they were trying to kill her and they were really trying to kill her not just scare her away By thinking they were gonna die. They were actually trying to kill her and she still didn't kill them. So right Try to kill tori No, you gotta read it. You gotta read. You gotta read. Yes, it came way too close and it got, it escalated way too far, but you gotta, yeah. I mean someone comes out not breathing and needs CPR. That's, trying to, yeah. I guess, the thing is we will never know Well, or maybe we will in a different book I think what's got me hung up on that specific scene is we will never know how far they would have taken it Yes. Yes. Oh, right. Did you find yeah you So for me, it's like they attempted to kill her But maybe it was also just a prank because also it's just very like why would you just cut one sister's here? And then kill the other so to me That had to do with their fear. If Tory would have, if her fear would have been like spiders, they would have covered her in spiders. Trapped her in spiders. Right. So I guess because we, for us, it was like very close. It was very clear that she could have died. I think that's the thing. Like, that's rough. So you see that whole scene from Darius's perspective in the alternate POV. Okay. Caleb is also the only one I like. Potentially. I can see that. I like Caleb. But that's only because he can't participate in Not well, you like it's not he doesn't want primal kink. He'd be chasing her around so she don't have to eat That's why you like him. He's oh girl go you get two minutes run And you get more of that dev you get so much more of that. Okay, christina. Leave me alone. Okay you can say you will never, no matter what they've been through, you would never forgive them. But I think that's, I think that's not fair to the characters to not at least try to understand them. And even if you don't agree with what they did, but understanding their backgrounds and then seeing what they do to try to atone for that. I think well, everybody's got yeah, and it's okay if it doesn't change your mind. Here's what I will say. If you get to book five, the end of book five. Because that is my favorite book. If you get to the end of book five and you're still like, I do not like this, you shouldn't continue. Because I think that's the limit I gave myself, five. Like, because it's so long, that is a turning point. If you get to that cliffhanger and you really are like, I still don't care about these characters, Then you should not continue. Because I, I don't want you to get into the war and the nitty gritty of all the war if you're not liking the characters by then. Because then you're not gonna care. Yeah. But if you get to the end of book five and you're like, oh, like just, just give it to that. Just give it to that and I will say book five and if you want to read the the boys POV I'd say after book four. Okay. Yeah, so the boys POV and then there's the prequel and I think there's one more prequel is just like we don't need that. I don't know. I mean you can read it later if you want It's not like you need to do it now. Do I have to read the boys POV? I think you should I think if you're still like I want to like these guys, but there's still something holding me back Then I would read it. Okay here's a little I'm going to give you another little teaser so if you look Book 8. 5. That's not a novella. It's a full on novel. Beyond the veil. Do not read the description. Do not read the description. Do not. Oh, okay. Okay. Okay. description. I read the description of all these books. I read I didn't read that one. I didn't read all of them. I didn't read this one, the 5s. So, if you haven't, don't read it. Beyond the Veil is literally Beyond the dead people? It's people that are dead. Talking. Okay, cool. That's interesting. Not people that are dead. Everybody back there. And you've been underlining a thing, so when it's Two queens, yadda yadda yadda, right there on the homepage, Jordan, so it's not like you can't read it. That's true. Now I gotta go back and put the books on as read, cause we were trying so hard. Like regardless of everything, we know we, yeah, we know how good this book is, what this means to you right now. So we want, even if we don't love it the same way, we are still going to read it because it's important to you. And we love when you get so excited talking about these characters. So. Yeah, that's what we wanted to do. We wanted it to be a happy surprise that we did this like months before, like, you're probably expecting us to crack these bad boys open in like August, but here we are in March and we're like, no, we're in April. Here we are in April. We're like, let's just do it. I will say, it's okay if you never come around to certain individuals, but if you just read the book, and it's okay to not love all of them, and it's okay if you never like any of them. That is okay. I feel like this is a Kill Your Darlings series and I'm not excited about that. Do you know that like Kill Your Darlings in writing, they say the characters that you love, kill them off, like even though you love them, kill them off. I feel like this is that scenario where people I love are gonna die. And let me tell you something, Jordan, if Orion dies in this series, I'm hunting the sisters down. I will tell you don't make no face. I'm like, I'm so I'm about to cry. Actually. My eyes are my eyes are stinking Hold on. I want to tell you who ends up with who's so bad. No, no, don't Wait, she knows she knows she couldn't take this. I don't want to know. Yeah, she couldn't take it She needed to know who they ended up with but she won't tell me either cuz I told her not to she's made no hints I do not want to know. So you want to know when you find out their order? Yes! Yes! I know it's book three. I know it's this book, right? The very, very last two sentences of book three. Oh, is it this book? Oh, good. I thought we had to wait longer. No, no, no. The, like, literally the very end. Like the last sentence and then the book is done. So you don't really get to experience it. Yeah, I think i'm i'm reading at 1. 9 speed. Okay. And I just want to say I really appreciate both of you for putting in the time and effort into reading a trope That you really don't care for. I really It it means a lot any book you want me to read, I will read it. I would anyways, but, you want to give me something unhinged from AO3, you can. You want to give me like your favorite, I'm just saying. I owe you. Oof! Yeah, I'ma give you the smallest town cowboy romance I can find. Something that is absolutely terrible. For you I'm gonna find me a yes. I'm gonna find me a good pregnancy trope for you, baby It's gonna make her Yeah The most fade to black no not even fade to black because there is literally not even a hand kiss in this book She might like Regency though. I feel like she might get, you might be into it because they be having stuff. I'm not going to tell you what I would or wouldn't now because I don't want to encourage it. Girl, we already know. Yeah, yeah. We're going to look at the recommendations list where you have none. Yeah. Whatever, Excel sheet. Oh man, that's going to be good. But yeah, we're going to have to wait because we all have so many books coming up from like our favorite authors right now. I'm reading, we're both reading Zodiac. Academy in tandem with all the other books that we're excited to come out. Okay Last night so I could be ready for this episode I'm like, I don't even want to stop I didn't even want to stop zodiac academy to switch over but I had to so/listeners. Thank you so much for sticking by, sticking with us for this long ass episode. Let us just tell you that tonight's episode was actually supposed to be a sports romance episode. Could you believe it? Did you get that from our mention of pit bull? I know I tried to steer the conversation back to sports and Jordan's like, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. She's like, absolutely not. We are actually going to spend the entire time talking about Zodiac Academy. This is the longest we've ever recorded. Yeah, I know, exactly. We just joined Jordan and she needed couples therapy. Exactly, and we are so devastated that we had to like, create a separate group chat to talk about this book without her. When we know she should have been in this chat, but it was like, very important to us to like, surprise her. And spring her Roman Empire on her and that we had already started it. So yeah, we had to keep it, we had to keep it. Keep it locked down. We're yeah, we're going through the motions. We are reading her her Roman Empire book and you know, we have opinions about it, but I think that is okay. I think that's healthy and I think it also gives us. a better understanding or a lens to look at the series through because we have Jordan in our lives to show her side of it and how she feels about it, you know. Um, so yeah, I mean, I think this content is going to be very funny. So if you guys want to keep updated with me and Christina going through Zodiac Academy, let us know if you want another Zodiac Academy episode. I'm thinking like maybe the next book or we could do another recap of where we are. That might be interesting. Um, so yeah, let us know if you guys want that. We might just do it anyway. Yeah, when we finish, Jordan's definitely gonna grill me, so. Yeah, for sure, yeah. So, there are other series set in this world. If this one sounded like a lot for you to get started with, and you like Reverse Harem, you can get started on Dark Fae. It actually takes place before Zodiac, the events of Zodiac Academy, and eventually characters will overlap. So you can start with that one if you would like. It is another dark kind of bully romance, not to this extreme, but reverse harem in this world. Yeah, if you wanna do chronological order. Interesting, interesting. Love that. Alright, well thanks for listening to us ramble guys. we've like talked your eye ears, your eyes off, your ears off if you're still listening. Right. We hope you enjoyed, but definitely make sure you follow us on Instagram and Tik TOK at romance wrecks pod. You can find our favorite book recs, from our episode, as well as more information about Zodiac Academy. If you go click on our Instagram right now and go to that post, we'll have a little bit of info from, today's episode on there as well. So again, that's at romance wrecks pod. Give us a follow and we'll be back next week with another episode. Maybe it'll be sports. Who knows? We'll see where the wind blows. It's all up in the air. Bye everybody. Bye. Bye. The stars have spoken about your day.