Romance Recs
We're 3 romance obsessed besties sharing book recs broken down by genres and tropes, so you can be sure you’re getting exactly what you want out of your next read. We do the research so you don’t have to. You'll find new indie authors, the hottest new releases, interviews, and more. Our different tastes make sure we’ve got something for everyone here at Romance Recs. Mature content is discussed.
Romance Recs
Back to School
We’re going back to school to kick off season two with a bang! Recs will feature students, teachers, and even parents.
Tropes include:
- Student&Teacher
- Single Parent&Teacher
- Dark Academia
- College Age Students
- Adults going back to school
- Reverse Harem Prep School(s)
- Fantasy Schools
Welcome to Romance Wrecks, where book besties explore the world of romance novels and encourage you to expand your TBR. Join us as we dive into the hottest releases and hidden gems of the genre. You can find us on IG and TikTok at Romance Wrecks Pod. I'm Devonnie. Hi guys. Can you believe it's season two? Okay. Okay. Let's get into the flow. I'm Devonnie and I am reading fall with me by Becca Mac.
Jordan:I'm Jordan. I am currently reading Keeper's Reign by Eliza Leone. And I'm listening to The Blood We Crave by Monty J. So buckle up for some bookish banter. Uh, welcome to season two.
Devonnie:We are so excited, but we need to address the fact that we are buckling up for bookish banter without one of our book besties. So Christina is not recording the podcast with us right now with a move and family stuff. We're just waiting for her to. Come back, you know, when she's ready to life happens, we understand that. So we're sending all our love to Christina and fam. And, yeah, we can't wait to her, have her back on the podcast, but it's just Jordan and I flying solo today.
Jordan:You'll be with us, Christina through all our
Devonnie:I hope she's listening. Hi, Christina, if you're listening. Yeah.
Jordan:back to everyone that listened to season one. And welcome to
Devonnie:New listeners. Yeah.
Jordan:Because today we're gonna start off the season with something a little fun. We're going back to school.
Devonnie:babies. We are ready for some back to school content and you know, we keep the romance strong. So we've got some spicy racks. We've got some academia, a good mix. Exactly.
Jordan:A school is a big part of the story. So whether they attend a high school, university, undergrad, maybe it's a student teacher thing, lots of options there. Something
Devonnie:Right. Definitely. why don't we do quotes? Let's do quotes. So yeah, no, the exciting part. Okay. my quote I'm actually going to read is from fall with me by Becca Mack, but it's the dedication of the book. I just wanted to, get season two started off fresh and strong and remind us who we are. And I feel like This quote or this dedication, by Becca Mack was just chef's kiss starting off strong, our first chef's kiss of the season. Uh, so here, here it goes for those who think they're better off alone, that they're not worthy of the love they crave because they've dealt with the pain of people leaving the power to let them win or rise above it with your head held high is yours and yours alone. The only person who needs to think you're worth it is you.
Jordan:Oh my,
Devonnie:I told you it wouldn't be like a cute little spicy quote. It's gonna be something Strong, but yeah, I thought that was really beautiful
Jordan:was so
Devonnie:And such a good reminder, right? I'm like, I know it's cute.
Jordan:see now this is why we need Christina because she would Like even it out after I come in with something ridiculous because I didn't know we were going cute
Devonnie:Jordan's like, oh, I didn't get the memo, babe I'm going straight erotica here
Jordan:No, I went a little unhinged. It's just ridiculous. I went comedic relief
Devonnie:We love that good thing I went first
Jordan:yeah, but I love that quote. That
Devonnie:Yeah, that one touched me not gonna lie that one tickled my little heart Mm hmm.
Jordan:My quote is from a book I just read, one I have been waiting for. Some of us have been waiting for three years for this book. We waited on the sharpest. Most deadly cliffhanger I have ever read and I have read a lot of cliffhangers and we waited Dangling off the cliff by our little pinkies But they had to finish another series that tied in so it was like a necessary evil by Caroline Peckham and Susan Valenti. I had to do it It's from wild wolf a part of the dark more penitentiary series. It's my favorite series of theirs here's the quote That's different. It's the dick whipped rule. Once your dick's been whipped, all rules are meaningless. Murdering. Pillaging. Thieving. It's free game now and the law can't do anything about it so long as it's in the name of love. Sin chimed in?
Devonnie:No, that is actually so unhinged cuz what do you mean That is actually wild. Not the law of the dick whipped. That's crazy
Jordan:I mean, basically it's a ridiculous way to say, like, I will burn the
Devonnie:for you. Yeah, it's definitely giving. I'll lay the world at your feet, but unhinged.
Jordan:but it's unhinged. It's like the law doesn't matter if you're in love. Like, no. But, so this is from a character named Sin, and he is unhinged in all
Devonnie:Oh my gosh.
Jordan:that's one of the more sane things he
Devonnie:Oh, cute, cute, cute. We do love a very like vocal man who's going to advocate for his love. I love to hear it.
Jordan:He's an incubus, so he recharges his magic through sex. So, oh,
Devonnie:looking like, tell me more.
Jordan:so like part of his power is if he touches someone he, he has the ability to become their deepest sexual desire. So let's say you're in love with Henry Cavill, He would be caught, he could physically turn into Henry Cavill. Like,
Devonnie:I would just eat that
Jordan:yeah, and he feeds off of like sexual energy and anyways, it's just
Devonnie:Well guys, if you're into that, you know what book to look for. Thanks for that Rick Jordan.
Jordan:to season two. Welcome.
Devonnie:season two. I do, I know we just did our quotes, but I do want to throw it back to our little soiree at the park this summer.
Devonnie:we had our first, Meet up and the outcome was like so great we felt so much love and support from all the ladies who came and supported us and just helped and brought books and Made friends and it was a really good time. So I just want to say thank you. If you're listening We appreciate you so much. Keep your eyes peeled on your inbox I am working on sending out just a quick little email to you guys if you signed up for our Little side in cheat, but yeah, thank you so much. We really appreciated seeing all your faces and having you hang out with us.
Jordan:it was a blast there was not a single person that did not engage with someone else about a book. It was amazing to see everyone connecting over books, and
Devonnie:Exactly. That was like the best. Yeah,
Jordan:We'll have to do another one.
Devonnie:So keep your eyes peeled if you don't want to miss the next one. Winter edition.
Jordan:Exactly. Love it.
Devonnie:let's kick off with what everyone's here for some recs some back to school recs I Do want to get this one out the way just because I just read this book And or I should say I listened to it. I just listened to this book This is probably the least back to school ish of my three. So i'ma start with this one and it is unravel me by becca mack, which is actually book three in the series that i'm currently. You Listening to this playing for keep series.
Jordan:hearing all
Devonnie:Yes. I know I have literally been just in the group chat just talking about these books The third one is by far my favorite. I like as i'm reading Uh fall with me now, so that's book four. The third one was my favorite the first two books. I'm not gonna lie to you The first book took me almost a year and a half to read I did soft dnf it because I could not get into the main character And now if you know like this series playing for keys People are drooling over the main character carter beckett and I could not get into him. I couldn't I still don't love him when he pops up in the other books But it's better now because it's not his main book. I will say he is funny the thing is You These men, it's not school related at all. The series, there are hockey players on a professional hockey team, but they're around 26 to 29 in age, but they talk like high school teenagers. And I've just, I've never seen a group of men operate the way they do. It's a lot of love. It's definitely found family. And that's one of the things I do love about the book. But the things they say cringe, you know, that secondhand embarrassment where you have to cover your eyes or like brim, bring the neck of your shirt up over your face. I'm doing that. Yes, I am constantly doing that. Like constantly for these men, book two was a little better. It was like, uh, But a little better. Book three, baby, Adam Lockwood has my heart. Well, not so that's my man, my man, my man. It's always the shy, nerdy, reserved ones. Like he was the dad of the group, like, you know, the one who's like keeping everybody in line. And let me tell you, there's something very daddy about Adam Lockwood. So I loved him. Yes. So his book, book three, which I'm mentioning from my back to school rec, it's back to school because the girl, his female main character, Rosie, is actually in. Veterinary school. I never know how to say if it's veterinary or veterinary school. Anyway, she going to school for these animals, y'all. So that's what she's in school for. And it does play a significant part in her story just because, she's a single mom. We love to see it. We love to hear it. I mean, we don't love to see it, love to hear it. It is life. It's whatever she's out here
Jordan:We like to see single moms thriving. We like to see single moms thriving and
Devonnie:Getting it done.
Jordan:living their own life.
Devonnie:not being held back, not being like kept down. And that is definitely Rosie. Like she is doing the very best she can. Something happens where her scholarship is taken away from her. So she has to make things work. And of course, daddy Adam swoops in to save the day, but, going to school was like a big part of her life story until she got pregnant. She wanted to be a. That just like her dad, she is no longer, she no longer has her parents and that's also a big part of the story. not something that you don't learn very quickly, so I'm not spoiling it, but so when she got pregnant and had her baby, she had to take maternity leave. The story takes place in Canada. You get a year maternity leave there, and that was held against her when she had, when she wanted to go back to school. So that's going to be my first back to school, right? I will say there is banter. It is funny. It is spicy af and of all the boys in the book apparently adam has the biggest, you know, um, and it's mentioned A couple of times but there's also like bets and adam never really says anything But it's always like come on guys, you know, it's me like that kind of vibe Which you know carter from book one hates. But anyway, it is so cute to read these. Boys and they're like bromance, but also the found family vibes is so strong. I feel like I could actually see the entire friend group out in the world, doing the things that they do and just feeling the love. So because of Rosie going to vet school and like kicking ass and doing what she has to do, following her dreams, not letting being a single mom, hold her back from her dreams. I think she deserved like definitely a little honorable mention. So that's my first back to school.
Jordan:Love to hear it.
Devonnie:Should we do back and forth?
Jordan:love it back.
Devonnie:Yeah, why not? Break it up.
Jordan:All right. Well, I'm gonna jump right in with I'm gonna see here Oh, it's spicy and I'm gonna see you some erotica here. I consider this erotica I read this as an ARC. It's out now. It's called Obedience. It's actually Obedience Volume 1 from Lizzie B. Brown. Found her through socials and through another book she had read that I absolutely loved, a novella of hers, which I will be mentioning in a later episode. But this one, if you are looking for some and you love age gap, if you love the student teacher trope, but you're looking for something new and refreshing in, within those tropes. Obedience is the one for you. There's a 19 year age gap.
Jordan:Yeah. They meet before they go, it's during the summer. And they're in a completely different state. They both happen to be vacationing in Florida. And they have a hookup, a chance encounter, in a public restroom.
Jordan:then in his little, his advanced class that he's teaching, so there's only like ten students in this one seminar, guess who's there? Guess who walks in? And, oh, did I mention she's the dom?
Jordan:She tells him to get on his knees, and she he refers to her as his goddess.
Devonnie:Lizzie, what are you writing, babes? I need to read it. I need to read it. Oh,
Jordan:is amazing. It's top tier. It's some of the best Spice I've ever read. I love it. I love it. I love it. Love it. So if you need something this would be a quick read. it's part one of two, so it kind of ends are interesting, she's very much younger, but he just came out of a serious, really long term relationship, and he's never been necessarily the sub in a relationship, and so he's, it's both of them exploring that, and she's trying to find her voice, whereas in her other relationships, She's kind of let men walk all over her and so she's trying, they both give each other what they need
Devonnie:I love
Jordan:at this point in their lives. Do I want to strangle her because she's being a college
Devonnie:Of course. It comes with the territory.
Jordan:good and it's just so refreshing. It's so refreshing to read the 19 years younger female dom down this older
Devonnie:Yeah, that is, that's what I'm trying to wrap my head around. Yeah, I need to read the scenes. And is Lizzie local?
Jordan:Yeah, Lizzie is in Seattle. Yeah, she's from Seattle. She's, she is Working on her socials. Just trying to get her book out there like she's doing all her own work and I from what I see is just her and she's just a great human and
Devonnie:Can't wait to read.
Jordan:happy to recommend that one. So
Devonnie:All right. My next rec for you is only when it's us by Chloe lease. I hope I'm saying her last name correctly. Um, I know the series is wildly popular. I'm think I'm pretty late to the party. They're like, I don't know, maybe more, but this specific book is the first of the series and it's the Bergman brothers or meet the Bergman's. There's, it's like eight siblings in this book and I guess they all have their own book. So only when it's you. Yeah. Right. Right. It's like modern day Bridgerton. I'm not gonna lie to you. That's crazy that I've never made that connection. Yeah.
Jordan:I like
Devonnie:So, meet the Bergmans. It's enemies to lovers. We are in college. Willa, Willis Sutton, Willis Sutter, sorry, is her name, the female main character. And it's Ryder Bergman. And Willa automatically hates Ryder off bat, because when they're in class, she asks to borrow his lecture notes, and he flat out ignores her. When I tell you, he doesn't even look at this girl, doesn't even hear a whisper of anything, like, ignores her. Mind you, she's failing this class. She's a student athlete. She has to stay on top of her grades. And this isn't the kind of school, or this Particular professor. Isn't the kind of professors to be like, you're a student athlete. You're killing it. A's across the board. He's like, no,
Jordan:also, female student athletes don't get
Devonnie:right. Same treatment. Right. So she has to work extra hard. Right. And this professor is failing her because she's juggling a lot. Her mom's super sick, like living in the hospital sick. Like she's doing, she's, Willa is truly doing the best she can. But when I tell you, she had, Ms. Thing has a little attitude. She's going through a lot, right? She has a lot. She's juggling, but she's like an. Angry. Yeah. She's so young and always angry. And that does come out later. But yeah, when writer ignores her in class that day, he becomes like enemy number one. Now in class, they're going back and forth, like pulling pranks on each other. When she starts being mean to him, he has no clue. So now he's like pranking her and he's giving her attitude, but also laughing because like, why are you so angry all the time? And he's very calm, very collected. Little do we know a little does, Willa know because we actually know right off the bat writer's deaf in the ear that Willa was talking to. He wasn't ignoring her. He couldn't hear her.
Jordan:pull that out. Oh. I feel icky.
Devonnie:And this is why you never know what people are going through in real life. A writer could not hear this girl. He didn't know she was asking for the notes. She never tapped him. All she did was like, say over and over, can I have the note? She never like tapped his shoulder. She never tried to nothing. So he didn't know he had no idea that he had committed this heinous crime with this girl. And then, and then can you imagine someone starts being a jerk to you, knocking your books off, hitting you as they walk by. Now you're like, why is this five foot something girl bothering me? You know? So yeah, it's basically enemies to lovers until. Willa realizes that the professor in this class that she's in with Ryder is also Ryder's brother in law, he's married to one of Ryder's sisters and he gives Ryder lecture notes because Ryder can't hear. And so that's why Ryder had the lecture notes and was using them for the class that she needed or whatever. When she thought that Ryder was getting special treatment, it's really, he can't hear the lecture. So he needs the notes to follow along anyway. It's gorgeous. Ryder used to be a soccer player. he's very shy and timid because he was not always deaf or hard of hearing. Could hear fine. Something happened, an injury, and he lost the hearing in his right ear. And now he feels like he just can't be a good enough soccer player anymore because of it. When he was like a star, everyone was still love him. So you get him battling all of that all in a college setting, them dealing with class and school and budding relationships and being on a college team and then figuring out what they're going to do when they graduate, because they're almost at graduation. And it's really beautiful to see How two people who like maybe thought very incorrect things about each other navigate those like trials and tribulations to come together. And then once they stick together, they are stuck. Like Willa's angry. She's 10 toes down for her man. You're not going to treat him any kind of way. And same with Ryder. He's like a giant teddy bear, but when it comes to Willa, he will absolutely knock some sense into someone. So this is really cute to see. It was very sad. I think I cried during this part. book. I'm pretty sure I cried. Because it's a lot like the reasons will is so upset. Yeah. Right. The
Jordan:Like, in their personal lives, that's a
Devonnie:exactly. So it was really good. The school back to school thing definitely plays a role because just the things that they end up pranking each other doing for weeks on end in this class, it's just, at one point it was like, would y'all just stop? Obviously, these are love taps at this point. Y'all clearly like each other now because why do y'all keep doing these things? But yeah, that was really cute. Um, like I said, there's a couple books in the series. I am, I think, halfway through the series. I might have two books left to read that I haven't read yet. But yeah, so a couple of them take place in like the school setting. But it's good stuff. The Bergmans. Meet the Bergmans. Only When It's Us is the first book. Chloe Lee's.
Jordan:Love that. Alright, my next rec is called Honey and Spice by Bolu Babalola. I recently read this book, it was so good. If you've listened before you know that contemporary isn't my go to genre. Like, cute, swoon worthy, contemporary is not my main. But, this book was so good. So it, follows Kiki Banjo. She is, I'm just gonna read the description in Goodreads because it's so good. It's so perfect and I don't want to give away too much. So she's a sharp tongue and secretly soft hearted. She's just made a huge mistake. As an expert in relationship evasion and the host of the popular student radio show Brown Sugar, she's made it her mission to make sure the women of the African Caribbean society at Whitewell University do not fall into the mess of situationships. players and
Devonnie:Not the
Jordan:But when the queen, yeah, but when the queen of the unbothered kisses Malachi Correte, the guy, she just publicly denounced as the quote, waste men of white well in front of every black wellian on campus, she finds her show on the brink. Soon they find themselves in a fake relationship to try to salvage both of their reputations and their futures. They help each other with different projects because they're top of their class and they're Advisor, put them together. There are such big themes in this book. And it was so sweet. It was literally, denounced him after this thing happened because he was, dating around. But he seemed like this genuinely like really sweet guy, so she, that's why she called him out because her show is literally all about keeping the women. The African Caribbean society, women, together and not letting men come between them. Like, that was her whole goal, was like, sisterhood, and you cannot let these men get in here and twist these situations. Like, we need to stand together. Screw these men. She only has like one close friend, and she has her own friendship trauma, right, then she finds these friendships through this too, and she heals in ways that I don't think she knew she needed, and also through her, this fake relationship with Malachi, he learns that when he thought he was being transparent, or he was just like, Hanging out with these girls that he was actually being misleading and leading them on and so he was being a player that he Didn't intend to so she educates him on this But he helps her trust again, and it's just so sweet
Devonnie:know, that's all you
Jordan:I don't know, I just, the writing was amazing, and the community of it all, and the voice she had, I'm gonna cry,
Devonnie:Don't cry.
Jordan:so sweet,
Devonnie:Not the dark romance mafia bully princess of the pod. Giggling and kicking her feet over a sweet contemporary.
Jordan:Princess, I love it, I'm a, I'm a dark queen, anyway, that, not like that, that's weird when I'm talking about this book, nevermind, that came out wrong, I'm an adult, you know
Devonnie:Please, do not make my stomach hurt. That's actually hilarious.
Jordan:that's so bad,
Jordan:This is why I miss recording, these dumb moments. Okay, we're going to move on. Anyways, my favorite part of this, of the relationship is she's obsessed with this, sci fi romance, It is obviously intended to be similar, No, because it's like African folklore, but also like sci fi. So it kind of reminded me of Ice Planet Barbarians,
Jordan:many, that series. So it kind of was like that. And at the beginning of their friendship, when they got to know each other, She saw something on her calendar and she's like, oh, no, no, no, don't worry about that. And it was a con specifically for this author that she loves. She's like, the tickets went out really quick and I can't or I don't have anyone to go with so she normally does cosplay for this, right? He knows someone that works for the distributing company for the tickets. He'll calls her in the middle of the night one night and was like, what is going on with this character? What are they doing? They're not do this. And she's like, what are you talking about? She goes, are you talking about my favorite book series? And he goes, yes, of course I had to pick it up after you were talking about it. It sounded so interesting. And he reads them all. He shows up at her dorm. And he is dressed in full cosplay as the mailman character. Like, nose ring and all, and all this stuff, like, chest out and oiled, ready to go. And he got her tickets!
Devonnie:Just how it all,
Jordan:And she Yeah, he's like, I know you have your cosplay in there, get dressed, we're going. And so he takes
Devonnie:that is honestly
Jordan:to a signing, it was the sweetest thing.
Devonnie:That would honestly make me cry too like if in real life that happened to me, I don't know what I would want to cosplay, but if in real life that happened to me, I would actually weep. Like, we wouldn't be going anywhere.
Jordan:sorry, Ice Planet Barbarians, if your tall, fake
Devonnie:Painted himself blue.
Jordan:showed up in like,
Devonnie:I would, yeah, I would actually
Jordan:Vektal, like, alright, Vektal, like.
Devonnie:Or Dagash, because he was into a little spanky. Wh laughs
Devonnie:Yeah, you're right, I would, laughs Yeah, he was, well he wasn't into it but his mate was, and so he had to get into it. But then he got real good at it, you know what I'm sayin
Devonnie:But anyway, yeah. Cosplay. That's really cute. I love that for them. I love that he did that. That's so sweet. I don't know. That was like one of the When you first mentioned that part to me, I was like, No, that is honestly so sweet. And you couldn't hold it together then either. You loved it so much. Okay. My next book. I first saw this book on TikTok like months ago. I want to say sometime last year, maybe, I don't know. I can't remember, but like ages ago, I had it on Goodreads like to read it. And I was just. Never got a chance to do it, but then it became available on Libby. And when I tell you, I was so excited to read it. Okay, guys, my next rec is Bicky Chamber shakes it up by Cherish Reed One of the reasons I love this book is the cover picture it it's yellow Mickey, the main character, is sitting in an oversized martini glass that has a garnish of a toothpick and three olives. She's sitting in the glass. Then we have the male main character, Diego Acosta, with a bar towel over his shoulder, leaning against the glass, looking at her. All grumpy up over his shoulder. It's very cute. The cover is very cute. Now on to what, uh, no, I, I wish, but I guess that's the shakes it up part, um, of the title. So yeah, I'm,
Jordan:shaken not stirred. Yeah.
Devonnie:Mickey Chambers shakes it up. And I did write my own little synopsis, but I think I may have given too much away. So I'm gonna read what Goodreads has. I think I gave something away in there that I probably shouldn't. Let you discover yourselves All right. Total opposites. Totally irresistible. Mickey Chambers is an expert at analyzing modern literature, but when it comes to figuring out her own story, she's feeling a little lost. At 33, she's an adjunct instructor with a meager summer class schedule and too many medical bills, courtesy of her chronic illness. Picking up a bartending gig seems the perfect, seems perfect. Sure, Mickey's never done this before, but the gorgeous, grumpy bar owner, Diego Acosta, might be the perfect man to teach the teacher If he wasn't so stressed, Diego is worried. He's running his late wife's bar into the ground. Add the pressures of returning to college part time at 42. And it's no wonder he's making restless decisions like hiring the sunny, sexy woman who looks more at home in a library than slinging bears to rowdy bar flies. And who turns out to be teaching his online writing course, a complication neither was expecting. It's not long before Mickey starts re energizing the saloon with cocktails, karaoke, and an optimism even Diego can't ignore. They need to fight their feelings if they want to keep things professional, but all it takes is one sip, one kiss to shake both their worlds forever. When, okay, this, when, this was so, so cute. I really loved the age range of these characters because that just made it even more relatable to me. I'm 34, Mickey's 33, and I, like, I get how she's feeling, but then even adding the element of Diego being 42 and trying to go back into school. And the reasons that he, took time off school. They, you get told that and that just enriches his story so much. It's fun. It's very cute. It is spicy. The one thing I will say about this book is like, it can kind of feel Insta lovey because they fall very quickly, but not.
Jordan:why do they have
Devonnie:Yeah, but not, so I don't really, I don't know with insta love I'm like of two minds about it. Sometimes I like it, sometimes it is just done so poorly like it's really insta loving and I just can't, can't get into the characters because they don't even know each other. Like how are they in love? But this was insta loving in a way that I feel like I had to look at the lens of these people are older, they're more mature. At a certain point, you don't want to play games at a certain point. You're just saying how you feel. You just putting it out there. If you know exactly. And I think if they were 26, I would not feel that way. But I think for some reason, their age and also everything they've both been through with like Diego's past and what was going on with him, but also, um, Mickey's chronic illness and how she has to move through the world being an adjunct, instructor. All of those things just added to like their maturity in my head. So it didn't come off as too Insta lovey when they got together. The spice is great. It's just love. I really enjoyed this. Like I was giggling and kicking my feet the whole time. So cherish read. You did a great job girl. That was chef's kiss. Loved it. Loved it so much. And I also I want the physical book. I'm still on a book buying ban, but I want the physical book just because like I said, it is so cute. The cover is so cute.
Jordan:still on a book buying
Devonnie:doing well. I'm, I'm
Jordan:been a while for you.
Devonnie:been at least three months. Ooh, I take that back because I just bought an audio book today with, for 7. There goes my
Jordan:Okay, but
Devonnie:Does it count if it's an audio book? It doesn't live on my shelf. That can't count.
Jordan:think one audiobook does not count,
Devonnie:Okay, cool. So yeah, I'm still on a bit.
Jordan:That's just a write off.
Devonnie:right. But yeah, totally. A lot of things happened with the school. Like I said, um, Mickey is an instructor at a college and also Diego's in her class. So that is a very interesting relationship, but yeah, it was very good. I really enjoyed it.
Jordan:Alright, well, it's been a little too cute for a little too long, so
Devonnie:Here you go.
Jordan:I will change that.
Devonnie:in like a wrecking ball.
Jordan:Yes, she did, and her name was Lips. Okay, this is Just Drop Out, the first book in the Hannaford Prep series by Jay Bree. I'm gonna need you to stick with me on
Devonnie:God. Here we go.
Jordan:it's gonna sound rough. It's gonna sound rough, but if you're into this stuff, you're gonna be into it.
Jordan:Reverse harem. Very slow burn. The first book, there is no relationship. It is a bully romance. Okay? The first book is all bully. There's not, mm mm. It's dark, obviously. And it's high school. It's a preparatory school, okay, people? When I tell you, I had to mentally tell myself they were freshmen in college because our main character, Lips,
Devonnie:love her name.
Jordan:Lips Anderson, she comes from, gangland. Like, so after surviving foster care and a high school that breeds gang members, actually, I don't think she's necessarily a freshman when she goes. Maybe she's not a freshman. But she's young. I mean, she's like 15. Anyways. But don't worry. Because she's also a leader in this gang town. She is, I don't want to give too much away, but basically she's an assassin. She unalives people all the time and has since she was a kid. Because she's been groomed. Please read trigger warnings. Please, please, please, please, please. There are so many trigger warnings. Um, but if you like dark bully romance and reverse harem, this is it. The drama, love it. It's so good. The boys, there are three of them. Ash, Harley, and Blaze, but also aside from those relationships, later, like not in the first book because everyone hates her and she's on her own in the first book, but later in the series it's also about her gaining a best friend who is Ash's, twin sister who is very territorial over the boys and it's a lot of found family, big on found family, which is why they're so defensive towards her. Over each other because they've all been through shit. Here's the most unbelievable part not the fact that she's I know I'm not selling it, but it's so good you guys Okay, because it's a preparatory school. It's like ultra exclusive, right? So she got a full ride She's the scholarship kid because she blackmailed people to get in.
Jordan:No, you have no idea. These are she's morally
Devonnie:Not her being morally black. That's crazy.
Jordan:She's like dark gray.
Jordan:She has she has lines. She has
Devonnie:what the hell? Why she wanted to go to the school anyway? You know what? Go ahead. Let's see what you.
Jordan:to get out of her town
Jordan:that's her ultimate goal is she's trying to remove herself from that because she didn't have a choice being put into this life Like she literally didn't it was that or die or become this guy's like
Devonnie:Oof. Yeah. Nope. So she wants out. Okay. We do love a
Jordan:yeah. Yeah, so she's turning she's trying to get control any way she knows how, and she's trying to work the system. So it's all these privileged kids. Blaze, one of the guys, don't worry, he's a world famous Rockstar and he's supposed to be edgy and drinking and smoking, but all I picture is Justin Bieber Because but he's well a black Justin Bieber is what I picture because he's dark so that you guys jay bree is amazing and her writing is amazing and it's so good You just no you just have to pretend it's college and i'm not selling it, but it's one of my favorites I've read it twice devil. You would not like it,
Devonnie:She said Blaze is a world famous. No. What is going on at Hannaford Prep? Oh my gosh. I can't. I can't.
Jordan:And she's been a fangirl for so long and she didn't know he was at this school, and one day he shows up at the halls and she about dies. She's like, and she can't talk around him, so it's this like badass, like, teenage assassin, but she can't, it's like Aelyn if she was morally bankrupt and
Devonnie:I just, yeah,
Jordan:this is realistically what Aelyn should have been like because of her trauma. That's how I'm gonna describe
Devonnie:okay, okay. So I can understand
Jordan:if she was raised in gangland, which she kind of
Devonnie:Mm hmm. That is so funny. Hannaford Prep, everyone. If that's tickling your fancy, head on over to Amazon and download.
Jordan:you actually read it, please let me know because I need, I probably didn't do it justice, but like, those are all facts about
Devonnie:And I know I'm laughing and I'm hating and I'm probably never going to read it, but Jay Bree is like, she's one of my favorite authors to be fair. So like I do love her stuff, but for some reason, nothing in my spirit or my bones will allow me to pick up Hatterford Prep. I just can't imagine.
Jordan:It's cuz it's high
Devonnie:I think. And yeah. And I feel like, At least with Bonds That Tie, it's college or like some form of it, you know, like when she wrote that, I could, I could get behind it. I knew they were young, but I could get behind it. But being told that Lips is a 15 year old assassin dating the world pop star will actually send me into a country, early grave. Like I just. But yeah, check that
Jordan:think that's the one of the biggest issues people have with this book because like I'm reading a review I'm so torn about this. It's very good and very interesting. I just wish to God It wasn't 15 year olds and like and I'm just gonna keep chanting to myself They're 18 and over because it's true
Devonnie:You have to correct.
Jordan:then when the spice
Devonnie:Oh God, what do you do?
Jordan:can't think of this as Yeah.
Devonnie:That's crazy.
Jordan:next one, I'm just not in a state of mind where I have any desire whatsoever to read about 15 juvenile year old kids bullying their way through high school. Like,
Devonnie:I wonder why, what
Jordan:rich and powerful, like,
Devonnie:What was the, that was a choice to make them so young, but Hey,
Jordan:Just trust me, it's a really good story if you can
Devonnie:get past that.
Jordan:If you can suspend reality and change those
Jordan:Unless you're, you don't care about that stuff, then you're golden. But. You're golden.
Devonnie:Mm hmm. I definitely have to flip their ages in my head
Jordan:It's weird because I hate the idea. Like I never, I'm like, oh, a high school read. And I'm like, yay, excited. But another wreck I have is high school. Don't worry about it. High school bully.
Devonnie:Jordan be so for real now you like high school read but i've got plenty more
Jordan:Yeah, just really quick. So another, the other one is Brutal Boys of Everlake Prep. The first one is called Kings of Quarantine. Okay. This Peckham and Suzanne Valente. Just let me explain this one. I won't go into super detail. It has a 4. 2 on
Devonnie:that's high. That's good. Oof. Mm hmm.
Jordan:Yes. So yes, they're in high school. Yes, it does involve a student teacher relationship eventually. This is actually interesting. They wrote this during the pandemic I wanted to say sensationalized our pandemic, but it was pretty sensationalized enough. They made it even more drastic in this world. And so their world is called the United States of Anarchy. And it's basically just like the United States is here, but they have an extra state added in, and that's where this, story takes place. So basically they're at the preparatory school, and then the pandemic hits. Very similar to COVID, but only higher death rate and more transmittable. They shut down the campus, right? So everyone's there, no one's It gets out that this girl Tatum She just got to this school for the first time. Her dad brought her there, and her dad is like, not a geneticist, but he works on vaccines, and all of a sudden the news is reporting that it was her dad that leaked this virus from a lab the three boys that rule the school, Saint, Kion and Blake, they call themselves the Night Keepers. It's very dramatic.
Devonnie:If they don't go sit down and read a book somewhere or play some video games, I can't
Jordan:I mean that's involved too, but Blake's mom passed away from the virus like was one of the first people like in the first wave So he has this vendetta against her to make her dad pay and that's how it all starts and and basically they take her into there because they've have their own place to live on campus, of course they've basically Kidnapped her and control like make her do everything they say and like make her their little uh huh and follows through that till the end of the pandemic and explains that and again It's just you got to be in it for the drama. You got to just You If you're into the drama, the bully romance
Devonnie:wait, is it paranormal or fantasy or
Devonnie:Oh, interesting. Okay.
Jordan:Mm hmm. So they have their world of Solaria and they have a couple other series Peckham and Valenti have a couple of their series that are Fantasy, but this one the United States of Anarchy. They do have a few that are set In, that are contemporary, but it is very much still ridiculous elements, just how they like to write, and there's always drama, right, but all of them are reverse harem. They write a lot of reverse harem, so. Yeah. So anyways,
Devonnie:You know, I actually
Jordan:my high school recs, my preparatory recs,
Devonnie:we did a great, that was like a good selection of recs. There's literally something in here for everybody. Like if you did not take away a rec from this podcast episode, I don't know what we're doing wrong because everything was in here.
Jordan:yeah. I also have, if you want fantasy, I don't think we really mentioned much fantasy. I won't go into it, but you should look up, Celestial Academy book one is called Essence. Cel Celestial Academy Essence by Olivia Farrows. I just finished that one. So
Devonnie:Is that one dark?
Jordan:it's, that's, I wouldn't call it dark. It's fantasy, paranormal, dystopian, angels and demons, basically it's post apocalyptic, but it didn't end the way it did. Like everyone expected it to be the end of humanity. A big chunk of humanity died, but they're still there, but so are all the supernatural beings now. And angels and demons rule the world in the social classes, so humans are just kind of like, there to work for them. But it goes to a celestial academy, obviously. This human girl ends up there. So,
Devonnie:I'm just
Devonnie:I'm interested in that one, so I'll try to, add that to the never ending TBR. I know we give you guys wrecks.
Jordan:read it on NetGalley
Devonnie:I'll see if I
Jordan:or listened to it. Sorry.
Devonnie:I know we give you guys tons of recs, but our tbrs are also never ending like the amount of books and recs I'm looking up and adding to my tbr. It's insane. So you're not in this alone We too have a never ending tbr that we keep adding to
Jordan:Yeah, right now mine is stacked. And I think I'm gonna say if you want even more, I have a whole list of other books that I like had to choose from. So I'll put all the extras on our Instagram and we can do a special
Devonnie:back to school.
Jordan:rex For ya. So many.
Devonnie:I did have some honorable mentions. I want to add to that too.
Jordan:Oh yeah, go for it. What are some of your honorable mentions?
Devonnie:I have two honorable mentions. One is hot for teacher by Monique Fisher, which follows a divorcee whose kid is in school and she kind of, I guess, falls for his teacher and we see that whole thing, pan out. I love the cover. It's by Monique Fisher, like I said, but the cover is very cartoon It is cartoon. And it reminds me of the covers for Mimi Grace's books. I love their covers. There's they have some of the like prettiest cartoon covers, I think. So yeah. Hop for teacher. Monique Fisher. And then I also want to read Unsteady by Peyton Corrine, which is a hockey romance, but I think they're still in school, which I don't know. I really do eat up a hockey romance, no matter how much I try to hate on these books. I, I devour a hockey romance and I especially devour what devour it when the focus is on the hockey, like when on page we're on the ice with them. I love that. I love being on that. When they're like talking through their moves or at the beginning, when they start stretching and they describe what they're doing. Adam from Unravel Me was describing how he can do the splits and all of the guys tease him about it. I was like, babe, stop flirting with me right now. Stop it. But anyway, so Unsteady by Peyton Karen and Hot for Teacher by Monique Fisher. Those are next up on my list. I would definitely add them to the back to school list here. So if you're interested in those two things, check them out.
Jordan:Awesome. Yeah, I don't know. Hockey romances are so popular for a reason.
Devonnie:truly, honestly, I haven't read a baseball romance that I want to get into. Okay. Like I just,
Jordan:No, I read one and it was,
Devonnie:yeah, soccer, I would say is the other that I've read. I've read like a couple soccer books. It's very, Oh yeah. And yeah, the first one I mentioned is it's a soccer romance. So. Yeah, soccer and hockey I think are the two, but hockey by far blows all my other sports romances out the water. So, I mean they are
Jordan:I like football, too.
Devonnie:I don't think I've read a football romance.
Devonnie:Are there some good ones? Oh, yeah. I think I would like that. Wait, I've never read a football romance.
Jordan:it. Ah,
Devonnie:Yeah, gotta get into that.
Jordan:Swoon. But, before I close out, our next episode's gonna be really exciting.
Devonnie:uh, tell the people why.
Jordan:an interview. We're doing our first interview. It is our new friend Stacy from Romancelandia. She has her own bookstore that features is online bookstore for romance books with indie authors only. So
Devonnie:that. Indie author
Jordan:Yeah, it's focused. Yes! And I'm so excited to talk to her about her business, about indie authors in the romance genre, unlock some new Give me a bigger TBR. I'm so excited
Devonnie:exactly. It should be a great conversation. We can learn more about that and more about Stacey and what she's doing in that space. But yeah, that next week we are shaking it up. We're not playing with y'all with season two. I hope y'all know. Okay. When we say buckle up for bookish banter, we really mean it. Okay. We're taking it to the next level. So make sure you stick around.
Jordan:we've got good things planned.
Jordan:Events everything.
Devonnie:Ooh, events.
Jordan:Well, we're going to an event. Anyways, it's just gonna be great. Stay tuned thanks for listening to us ramble about back to school Romance books if you're looking for more romance recs before Sure. To follow us on Instagram and TikTok at Romance Wrecks Pod, you can find our favorite book wrecks from our episodes as well as behind the scenes content. Again, that's Romance Wrecks Pod. So make sure to give us a follow and we'll be back next in two weeks. We're not doing weekly anymore. We're doing every other week now. That's the thing. Yeah. For another episode.
Devonnie:Bye guys. See you soon.
Jordan:Thank you.