Romance Recs
We're 3 romance obsessed besties sharing book recs broken down by genres and tropes, so you can be sure you’re getting exactly what you want out of your next read. We do the research so you don’t have to. You'll find new indie authors, the hottest new releases, interviews, and more. Our different tastes make sure we’ve got something for everyone here at Romance Recs. Mature content is discussed.
Romance Recs
Interview with Staci Hicks
Join us as we talk with Staci Hicks-owner of Romance-Landia. An online Romance only bookstore featuring indie authors! We talk favorite indie reads, how she got started, her upcoming author meet-and-greet event, and more!
Welcome to Romance Recs, where book besties Explore the world of romance novels and encourage you. To expand your TBR. Join us as we dive into the hottest releases and hidden gems of the genre. You can find us on IG and Tik TOK at romanceRecspod. Hi guys, I'm Dev and I just finished reading fall with me or listening to fall with me by Becca Mac. Five stars. Kiss. Chef's kiss. Loved it. Amazing. Beautiful. Wonderful. But my next read, I really do need to finish Cross the Line by Simone Soltani. So that's what's coming up for me.
Jordan:I'm Jordan, and I'm reading The Clan of Mist by Jonah D. and Floor D. And I'm listening to Queen of Anarchy, book two in the Dirty Broken Savages series by Eva Ashwood. So buckle up for some bookish banter because today's exciting. While Christina's still not with us because she's in the middle of a big move. We do have a guest here today. Will you just introduce yourself and tell us what you're reading?
Staci:I am Staci with Romancelandia bookstore. And I am currently reading Kissing Bandit by Margaret Rose.
Devonnie:Yeah. I haven't heard that one. I know I'll have to look, I'll have to look that up. Well, hi, Staci. Welcome to the pod.
Jordan:Well, yeah, we're so excited to have you here. I mean, you're just an expert in Indie romance authors, so I'm gonna consider you our expert, tell us about your store, about yourself,
Staci:hi, my name is Staci and I am with Romancelandia Bookstore. I just recently opened my bookstore in May of this year. I am solely a pop up bookstore and I focus on indie romance. We are working towards a brick and mortar or a bookmobile, but for right now, we're just doing online orders and pop up shops. So we are excited and thrilled to see, you know, where this takes us and, just excited to see, you know, what's on the, down the road from here.
Devonnie:Ooh. That's exciting. I love that. I love the idea of like a pop up.
Jordan:How What's the stress to fun ratio? Because that's always like a pipe dream, I feel like, is opening a bookstore and I just I'll take the stress, but
Staci:yeah, I would say. It's, I mean, I think it's more fun than stressful. There are definitely times where it is extremely stressful, but like I really have a good time doing it and I enjoy meeting new people and talking to them about books and trying to figure out what they would be interested in. Cause, cause most people don't even know what indie romance is. So trying to explain that to them and then they give you a recommend, you know, they give you a book that they really like and you're like, okay, let me see if I can come up with something that's, if you like this, read this.
Jordan:Yeah, trying to get them hooked. So you've probably read a lot of good books. We usually, you know, the start of our episode, we share quotes from books either we've recently read or we have a favorite one.
Devonnie:you have a
Staci:Oh yeah, oh yeah, yeah,
Jordan:have quotes if you want us
Staci:guys go ahead, go
Jordan:start us off if you're ready. Okay. All right, Dev,
Devonnie:right. So this is from Fall With Me by Becca Mack. Is anybody surprised? Absolutely not. We all knew I was going to go for a quote from this book. When I tell you this book has become my entire personality within the last 24 hours. I just it's it is just the way it is. So this is like 88 percent into the book We are declaring our love and all that jazz But this is the male main character and this is you know, his little love declaration He says something else, but I highlight that part and then he goes Also, I had to get to the good stuff. So I highlighted where he starts it's gonna start in the middle of the sentence That I want to be the one who drives you out to the middle of nowhere at midnight just to fucking stare at you while you stare at the stars. Because somehow in this whole huge world, I got lucky enough to find you not once, but twice. I'm sorry, that just,
Staci:That's amazing.
Jordan:We, we went, okay. Our vibes are very similar today, which they're
Devonnie:Right. Are we on the same page with the quotes today?
Jordan:We are.
Jordan:is, mine is from False Start by Kandi Steiner. And this is the male main character to the female main character. They actually found each other again after years. She is now a single mom. And so this is him talking to her. Every inch of you, every scar, every mark of motherhood, I've never been more turned on in my fucking life, Madeline. You're the only one who undoes me like this.
Staci:So good,
Jordan:I know, and then you throw in the marks of motherhood and you're like, oh
Devonnie:had me at that. He had, when the marks of motherhood, babe, you have me like there is nothing else to discuss at that point.
Staci:Candy is so good. Her writing is
Jordan:I know. I love it.
Staci:Okay. So I'm like teetering on two different ones. So they're both from the book that I'm reading right now, which is Kissing Bandit by Margaret Rose. And here's the one I'm going to go with. You can't throw something away if you don't know what you've got. His lost baby. You hear me? And I was like, okay.
Devonnie:We love that. Stand up girl.
Staci:not a huge person on nicknames, but like the nicknames in this book are so good and I'm like, you've got me
Devonnie:Wait, what are they? I have to know now. I have to know what the nicknames are.
Staci:I can't even remember his name. I think it's like Jonathan or something, but she calls him JB and I'm just like, okay
Devonnie:I love that. I love a cute. Yeah.
Staci:her sunshine or like sweetheart or baby and i'm just like, okay They're not like cheesy or you know cliche or whatever. I just I love it
Devonnie:Yeah, my ma and follow with me, my male character calls her Honey, and I hate Honey. Like, that's one of the things I hate, one of the nicknames I hate, but I ate it up in this book. I just did. Like, I was obsessed with it.
Jordan:For me it totally depends on the delivery a lot of the time, and I love original nicknames that you don't hear in other ones, like recently in Honey and Spice, he called her Scotch, but there was like a whole background and he described it the first time, he's like, you're not sweet like, you're not sweet like honey, you're more like Scotch, and he goes into it, and it's just.
Devonnie:I think that's the first time I've heard Scotch. I love that one.
Staci:That's a good
Devonnie:Yeah. Yeah.
Jordan:It was so cute.
Devonnie:All right. Now that we got our quotes out, I know like we, we're on a very positive track, but, I love the quotes that we did. Normally we're not aligned at all with the quotes that we choose. So this is nice. but yeah, more about you, Staci. So like just quick rundown of like how you got started. How did you get into having a little pop up book shop and also getting your books online?
Staci:Yeah, so I actually started on Bookstagram probably close to five years ago. I started, when my son was younger and I was looking for, an outlet, some place to meet some people that had the same interest, and it kind of became, my whole life. And I was obsessed with it. I became really connected with some indie authors and started to see that there was kind of a disconnect in their marketing and, getting the name out there. Like, there's really nowhere that you could get their books unless you wanted to go to, like, Amazon. So I wanted to kind of bridge that gap. And Create a place where you can get the signed copies. You can get, you know, the indie author merch and the swag and the stuff that, you know, that you kind of see all over the place. You're like, Oh, I wish I would've gotten that PR box or, you know, whatever. So I just decided one day that I was gonna do this and it was literally on a whim and I was like, okay, I'm going for it. And it's been a whirlwind, but I love it. And I'm so excited. Like I said earlier, to just see, you know, how far I've come and then to see what we have in the future.
Jordan:That's awesome. I love how you took what you're passionate about and you just You did it. You jumped in.
Devonnie:Right. And also when you start a business, it's about supply and demand. You saw the demand in the market for this specifically, and you're right. There is a demand for indie authors and having, getting their books in your hands and not wanting, like not having to go through Amazon because you're not getting the science copy and the stickers and like the merch and all that stuff when you get it through Amazon. So,
Jordan:And it's Amazon. There's this like little seed of like guilt. at least for me. Every time I'm like, I know it's probably in an indie bookstore somewhere in the back of a shelf that I would rather be buying there, but it's hard to find. So that's That was so smart.
Devonnie:Definitely. I love that. Yeah. You
Jordan:you're talking to the authors too and directly connected because that's what I love about Indie authors and social media when it comes to The book world is they're so much more connected to who is reading their product and it's
Staci:Yeah, they're, it's easy to talk to them because their DMs usually are open and they're, willing to sit and chat with you. And I don't know if that's just, the difference between traditional and indie. Thanks You know, traditional, there's certain things they are and aren't allowed to do. I'm not 100 percent positive, but I do know that Indie seems to be more willing and able to, chat with you and, you know, hype up the book and they're just really awesome,
Jordan:not that People that are doing trad publishing aren't doing a lot of work and hard work. It's just everything rests on in the author's shoulders
Devonnie:don't get the team.
Jordan:all the pressure, everything,
Devonnie:You do not get the full team. Everything. Yeah. As many people that they can have in their corner, that's going to be the best. So
Jordan:Do you have, so you mentioned like possibly like a brick and mortar or book bus? Is that your ultimate goal for your business? Or what are your,
Staci:So, Yeah, I mean, my goal would be to make it more accessible, so if that would be, you know, a brick and mortar, then that's what I want to do. If a bookmobile, you know, seems like the better option, then I'll do that. I'm not limiting myself. and then, I noticed that there's not very many options for events in our area. I do live in the Northeast and so there's not very many events in our area where you get to meet and chat with authors. There's a lot of stuff you know, out West and So, I just, you know, that's one of the things that I'm, you know, trying to do is to get more authors, indie authors, accessible. And so people can, get to know them and chat with them and you can get their book and yeah.
Devonnie:Yeah, of course. I love that. We love indie. I'm like indie author bae. I love me my indie authors. I just love supporting them. I also just like reading indie books. I feel like I read more indie books than traditionally published books. Or like they'll eventually go on to be traditionally published and we love that. I'm like, yes, queen go do your thing. But like, yeah, I love supporting when they're in that like grind hustle stage for sure. And being very vocal with my support as well. But I do want to know how you acquire your indie books. like, how do you, like, how do you get these people to be like, yeah, we're going to get you the books. Like, how do you actually physically get the books that you're going to sell to people? Oh,
Staci:it. One of them is to just go to the author directly and just say, Hey, I own an indie bookstore. I would love to stock your books. Are you interested? Do you do wholesale? Cause some of them don't have the ability to have the inventory. And then, you know, they can either direct you to the website that they order from, or they can order directly for you and then just ship them right to you. Every author kind of does things a little differently. And then there's also a website called Ingram and it's kind of like the Amazon for bookstores. So, if an author doesn't have copies or they don't go through Amazon, then that's where I'll go and I'll get them from Ingram.
Jordan:Okay. That's so so interesting because I was wondering that because with indie authors, that's kind of the name of the game is it's whatever they're
Staci:So they, when you're indie published, there's usually two major places that they publish and that's on Amazon and on Ingram,
Devonnie:Ingram. Yeah.
Jordan:Is there a specific author that got you hooked on indie authors We need more of this like I want to be a champion for indie authors because you said you were talking to some of them but is there one or two specifically either when you started reading them or Wanted that kind of ignited this fire to do this
Staci:There were two or three that I talked to kind of consistently, honestly, I don't even know if they realized that they impacted me so much, But that would be Heather Garvin and it all, I would also say Will Elaine and Ksko. So those three. I, you know, I just really connected with their books and, they're just really, really nice people. So they kind of sucked me in. Cause I didn't even know what
Staci:was and I had been on Book Scram for so long and then I kind of came across their stuff and I was like, oh my gosh, these are so good. Like why aren't you guys traditionally published? Like what
Devonnie:Right. Don't you read a good indie
Jordan:Why isn't this
Devonnie:You're like, why more people need to know about this, but I
Staci:Yeah. And some of them do choose not to go traditional. Some of them choose to stay Indie and that's totally fine. I mean, you know, good for them. Yeah.
Devonnie:Right. Exactly. I think you get, you have more of a connection with your fan base and your supporters when you stay in the, cause like you said, there, there's, yeah, more control. There's some things that when you're traditionally published, you just, you can't. Have that same connection or maybe there are things you can't do or you're just too busy now, right? Now you're running all over the country for signings and doing all these things. So Yeah, I do love the indie. I feel like the community surrounding some of these authors is just really beautiful to see for sure
Staci:Yeah. No, I agree.
Devonnie:Was it a heart? Oh, yeah, go ahead. No, no, no, go ahead Okay.
Jordan:go. Nope.
Devonnie:No. So I just, what I was going to ask is why did you choose Indie authors? Is it because of these authors who had an impact of you on you or like, why is it only Indie? Cause there's no one that's traditionally published in your catalog. Right? Every, every single person is
Staci:I think Hannah Bodom Young as probably the only
Devonnie:Oh, Hannah, yes.
Staci:and then there might be, I'm trying to think, but Hannah's just, yeah, hers is recent, so hers I had before. And then I'm trying to think. There might be one or two others. You know, I'm not opposed to Yeah, I'm not opposed to having traditionally published but starting out, I wanted it to be just indie, because that is where my heart is right now but yeah, I'm not opposed to putting traditionally published in the shop, and that is something that I'm thinking about but yeah, so just based off of relationships that I've had, that's what I decided to go with, so. Yeah.
Jordan:I love it and you're passionate about it that's we're always where you're gonna thrive better is when you feel a better connection towards your stuff yeah how do you decide which authors to reach out to or find? Is it just you searching and finding on socials? Or is it just, or is it demand you see? Like, how do you choose what books? by genre, author, I'm just, I'm just like this, this whole thing fascinates me.
Staci:It's daunting and that probably is the most stressful part of this, is trying to figure out, okay, well, You know, I choose things that I would want to read because it's going to be easier for me to show you my excitement, right? Because I can say, hey, I've read this book. It's fantastic. You should read it. Here's why x y z But, I also will see stuff on Instagram, I'll see it on BookTalk, and I'm like, okay, let me check it out, and I'll, you know, kind of feel it out and see what's the interest level. And there are some that I'm like, I really just, I really like this person. And they're not, nobody's seeing their stuff. And I'm like, I gotta get it out there. And some of that is, you know, I'm kind of all over the place.
Devonnie:No, I love that. Yeah. No, that's perfect. And that's also
Jordan:That was one of the first things I thought of when I looked at your catalog and I looked at, looked online at your website and I was just how did she decide which ones? Like, how do we
Devonnie:Who makes the decision, right? You just ask everybody and
Staci:like a rabbit trail. It's a rabbit trail because honestly, and it's terrible, my TBR is terrible, but it's like, you know, I'll find one author that I really, really, really like and then I'll look at their friends and then they'll start sharing stuff like Heather Garvin is constantly sharing. new books, and I'm like, Stop, Heather.
Devonnie:I love that.
Staci:Like, I cannot handle another new book. But she does. And that, that's the difference. I mean, and the author is doing that. that's incredible. She's not just like, Hey, look at my stuff. But she's like, Hey, here's some other really cool people.
Devonnie:Yeah, no, I love that. The support in the community between indie authors too, like that's also something I noticed., the fan base, the readers, great, but also the support between authors is sometimes I'm like, wow, look at you go. Look at you supporting each other.
Jordan:I love to see when they go on little writing retreats and I'm like, yes, give me
Staci:they write a series and then
Jordan:and Penn, yeah, and Penn and Evely Douglas are together and they're
Staci:they write a series together. That's cool, too, because you're like, oh my gosh, because they're all so different. Yeah, they all write very different things, and then you're like, oh my gosh, y'all came together for this. It's really awesome.
Devonnie:Yes. No, I agree for sure. And in your, so we were browsing through the catalog, looking at the store, looking at what you had available, but are, do you have any like special editions that you love right now for sale?
Staci:I don't have any in my shop right now. I am in the process of trying to figure that out and which ones I would want. Obviously, I want them all, but
Devonnie:Right. Yeah.
Jordan:You have a lot, you have some signed though. I saw, at least when we looked you did,
Staci:Yeah, I have probably like 70 to 80 signed authors.
Devonnie:that's a lot.
Staci:It's cool. I'm excited.
Devonnie:Yeah. But that's also, that's a testament to you too, building these relationship, reaching out to them, like making sure that they know that you're interested and that there is an interest with other readers that want to, you know, get their hands on their books as well. So that's, that's a lot. That's a high number. Look at you go. That's so good.
Jordan:signed books. Like,
Staci:mean, that's something that I strive for because it makes it different. And like, that's something you can't get on Amazon. I hate to say it, but if that's what you're looking for, you're gonna have to go to an indie bookstore. Because they just don't have that.
Jordan:And most people can't make
Jordan:people aren't going to be able to do that.
Devonnie:That's where I think that's my biggest love of, you know, you having such a large library of signed authors is yeah, I don't go to a lot of book conventions. I'm going to my first one really in October and that's it. I don't, I can't get out to all of them. So being able to get signed books from authors that I love, that's chef's kiss. That's just perfect. That is perfect. Perfection. I love
Jordan:are, your customers, are you finding that they're mostly, right now, are they local to where you are? Do you, have you found that your reach has expanded already? I know you just got started, and that's so exciting, but, like, from what you, traction you've had so far, is
Staci:I would say a lot of it is on the East Coast. There's a little bit like in the Midwest down South and, but yeah, most of it is more on the East Coast. We'll see. I don't know.
Devonnie:you're still going. You're right. Yeah. We'll try to get,
Staci:I have a goal to have, you know, I have like a map that I'm trying to fill out each of the States. So I am trying, yeah, I'm trying to keep track of it so that I can see like where books are actually making it and how far different books are going. It's kind of cool. So yeah.
Devonnie:I love that you're tracking it that way. That's really cool actually. Even as an author, I think I would love to track that
Staci:There are some that are doing it.
Devonnie:that are doing it. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. And then
Jordan:Fun to
Devonnie:Right, just watch, soon you'll have this map filled and you're like, I have touched every single state. That's mind boggling. Like this entire country is mine, you know? I would love that. I would,
Jordan:playing risk. You're playing risk with all your sales.
Devonnie:love that. It's like bragging rights. Can customers request books? Like, if I, let's, let's see. So we can if I see that you don't have something, but I'm like, I want to buy this from you. I can reach out to you and like request a book.
Devonnie:Okay. I love that. You were like, no brainer, babe. Next question. Yes. Immediate.
Staci:would I say no? No, absolutely not.
Devonnie:Yeah. I love that. Okay. Good.
Jordan:Well, in that case, I have some No.
Staci:Come on, lay it on me.
Jordan:later. We'll talk later.
Devonnie:a long list of books that she wants to see. That's so funny.
Jordan:I don't have enough room on my shelves. Let me buy another shelf first.
Staci:if there's something that you've had your eye on, let me know. I'll see if I can get it.
Devonnie:Because let me tell you, actually, now that we talk about it
Jordan:All right, best friend. All right. You got, you're going to ask about Penn Coal, aren't you? You're going to
Devonnie:I'm not actually,
Jordan:You're going to ask about
Devonnie:I, I, I, you know, maybe, but not, I'm not, because there is actually cross the line by Simone Soltani. So I have an arc of that and I need to finish the arc. The book is already out in the world, but in the UK specifically the store, I think this works or something like that. They got a special edition of her book and I was. Also Collide by Bal Cabra. I was punching air when I saw those books. I was like, what do you mean? Why do they only get stuff like that? So
Staci:The UK does have some really cool editions of books and I don't know why.
Jordan:yeah, I was just going to say
Devonnie:and how
Jordan:The UK gets the best.
Staci:don't know
Jordan:They get, they get best illustrated maps and beautiful.
Devonnie:Baffling like it's my I just I don't understand it and sometimes like I've been crossing my fingers that those two specific books will eventually Make it over here, but I'm like, okay the books are under the world When am I gonna get a special edition of them? Hello? Do I have to email somebody? But yeah, I love the work you're doing. So, you know if you happen to get those
Staci:Yeah. I'll let you know.
Devonnie:yeah, I'll slide on it
Staci:I mean, I can, I can ask and I don't know. I don't know. I don't know how, like, how do
Devonnie:I will run,
Staci:what? I don't know.
Devonnie:right, I will run to, I will run to the website and purchase immediately.
Jordan:we have Staci
Devonnie:Yes. We're just adding to our collection. We're collecting book besties at this point. I love that.
Jordan:That's the best. Those are
Staci:Yeah. No, this community is incredible. It truly is.
Devonnie:I know book,
Jordan:It is.
Devonnie:and especially this whole, I know there's a lot of, controversy and things that happen with book talk and whatever, but at the core of it, we all just really like to read books and we love sharing the books that we like to read. And we love talking about tropes and characters and there's artwork and it's like this entire community, first of all, from a financial perspective, this is a billion trillion dollar, like, You know, what, what, what? Yes. Like people who are donating, not donating, but investing money in things, invest in romance readers, invest the whole bookstagram, booktalk scene, put your money there because I promise you, you will make that money back tenfold. We are reading baby. We want the art. We want the sweatshirts. I want a little bookstagram panties. I like, I like, I love it all. I want the phone case. Like.
Jordan:Dev will give you her PayPal so you can just go straight into her bank account,
Staci:Oh my
Devonnie:like I want all these things, you know, so I just love the community and I love the love for the books. Cause yeah, anyway, before I get on my soapbox here, let's play for the first time ever. We're going to play this or that. Okay. Staci, here are the rules. It's rapid fire. Okay. You can't think about it. You hear it. You hear the things and you have to just say your answer. Gut reaction. You will not be graded, but you might be slightly judged depending on your answer. So make it, make it good. My love
Jordan:But to be fair, all of these, any option is like,
Devonnie:to be fit. Yeah. Like.
Jordan:So there's nothing.
Devonnie:You're not really gonna be judged too much, cause like, I'll take them either way.
Devonnie:yeah, okay. Jordan, do you wanna do, do you wanna do the rapid fires?
Jordan:Yes. All right These are all romance or reading related Okay? Your romance. Closed door or open.
Jordan:Contemporary or fantasy. One bed or who did this
Staci:did this to you?
Jordan:Yeah. Audio or physical. Books. Small town or sports romance. Stand alone. Sorry, Devon.
Devonnie:So far,
Jordan:She's cheering.
Devonnie:I will, listeners, I'll let you know, Staci's passing with flying colors. She's passing.
Jordan:Dev's test. Stand alone or series. Paperback or hardcover. Second chance or friends to lovers. Hot or iced beverages. While you read.
Staci:my god, I don't
Jordan:name your top three book boyfriends. HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA
Devonnie:falls apart.
Staci:Oh my gosh! I don't know.
Jordan:The first three that come to mind. Just the first three that come to
Devonnie:We don't
Staci:even think that I am on the spot. I have no idea.
Devonnie:All of them.
Staci:All of the above? Is
Staci:this the SATs? All of the above. I don't know. It's always right. Oh my gosh.
Jordan:I remember he had dark hair, dark eyes. He was
Devonnie:Yeah, alright. I love
Devonnie:That was good.
Devonnie:Yeah! 6'5
Jordan:Yes, six five blue eyes. Finance. Trace Foot.
Devonnie:Yeah. I love that. No, that was good. That was really good. You, you passed everything except for when you said standalone or series. Yeah.
Jordan:But okay, but come on, that's a little
Staci:I think it
Jordan:a little deal.
Devonnie:You're right. Yeah, yeah. It does depend on the author. I, yeah, because there's some series I'll read the first book and never visit it again. Like never visit the series. So you're right.
Staci:Like Becca Mac, I'm hearing that
Jordan:it goes on too
Staci:read all of them.
Devonnie:Yeah. I will say the fourth book is the only book of that series that I would have been like, huh, a little bit, but I don't think I needed to have read one through three to understand the love in four. Yes, but yes. And I sped through all of them just to get to the fourth book. So.
Jordan:That's the one
Devonnie:Yes, that I just finished. Yeah,
Jordan:I've been
Devonnie:I have not been playing. Like, I'm talking about these books. And it's crazy because when I started off this series, Jordan can tell you, we were talking about this. I DNF'd the first book about a year and a half ago because I couldn't get through it. I was just like, I cannot, like, I cannot do this. And I knew,
Devonnie:Yeah, there were the guys, just the way they spoke was a little like, it was annoying. It was grading. And then I, when I realized the fourth book was coming out, something about the book, it just, I was like, this is the book I would, I need to read this book, especially if featured like a black female main character. I was like, yep, I want to read this. I need to know her story. How does she get loved? I want to see it. I want to read it. And so I had to read the others and then each book got better. I will say like each book got better for me. And then the fourth. Yeah. After I cried at the third book, I was like, baby, you love the series. Relax.
Staci:Did you go back to the first book?
Devonnie:Yes, I did. So I didn't reread it, but I picked up where I left off. Cause truthfully, I didn't miss much from where I like stopped. So I picked up where I left off and that was still the hardest book for me to get through. It took the longest because the other two, I read like within 24 hours, pretty much, or I listened to them. So it was like within 24 hours. But yeah, the first one is the hardest, I think.
Jordan:Also, I feel like I like seeing when you can tell that authors are refining their writing. And you get that a lot more with indie authors. I feel like any authors really, but that's the thing about indie, they're usually, some of them are newer, and so you kind of see them grow through their
Devonnie:And sticking with them is like the best because you get to see that journey. Like even though I, I may not have loved the first book, I absolutely love the rest of the series. Will I read another Becca Mac book? Absolutely. Sign me up. I'm here for it because I love seeing that growth. I love seeing how her writing changes, how her characters advance. So yeah, for sure. For sure. A fan.
Staci:Yeah, I agree. That's awesome.
Jordan:Do you have a favorite read, Staci, from this year so far? Or what are some high, some of your standout
Staci:I absolutely loved If You Hate Me by Helena Hunting. If you have not read that, and you like spice,
Staci:you need to read it, I'm telling you. But don't come at me when you get to the part about the cucumber, I'm sorry, I'm sorry.
Jordan:yes, yes. Give me things. Give me extra things. Yes, yes, yes. Oh, I'll come for you. But like,
Devonnie:If If you hate me. Okay. Adding Adding right now.
Jordan:if you
Staci:let that cover, do not let that cover fool you.
Devonnie:Oh my gosh. This is on my I wanted to read this.
Staci:Next please, like, that's the next book you need to read, though.
Devonnie:okay. I will know and I literally just passed
Jordan:group read.
Devonnie:it was
Staci:I would reread
Devonnie:on audible Okay, cool. I did judge the cover a little bit not gonna lie when I saw that I was like
Staci:Don't. No, no, no, no. Rip the cover off. Whatever. Like.
Devonnie:Oh Perfect. Oh Yeah, I'm excited.
Staci:okay, another one I would say The Trouble with Love and Ink by Harriet Ashford. It's a debut novel, but let me tell you. You would not even know that it is a debut novel.
Devonnie:A debut. That's like the highest praise. I love that. Yeah
Staci:you liked The Hating Game, then I would for sure read it. If you were eh, I don't know about The Hating Game, still read it because it's so
Devonnie:Rate it just read it cool, and it's highly rated on goodreads I mean you got to take goodreads ratings with a grain of salt, but
Staci:I mean that book just came out. Yeah,
Devonnie:Wait, it did it! It did!
Staci:Yeah. No, she's a sweetheart.
Devonnie:Added that?
Staci:let's think. One more.
Devonnie:Mm hmm.
Staci:Okay, just released yesterday, Firecracker by Claire Foster. Again, if you like, Spice, I'm telling you, why
Devonnie:know we do.
Staci:That's all I'm gonna say. Why
Devonnie:Why choose? Wait, there's a lot of Firecracker. Who did you
Jordan:Hi, hi, I,
Staci:Claire Foster. Okay,
Devonnie:Foster, okay.
Staci:I'm telling you right now, go put it on your KU, get yourself that book. I have signed copies if you then choose to have one.
Staci:It is,
Devonnie:Got it.
Staci:and the cover is like, and
Devonnie:No, the cover is so cute. The cover, this cover is cute. I love when covers look like
Devonnie:Oh my
Staci:in that one too are really good.
Devonnie:Yeah, oh the praise so far rolling in for this book having it since it just came out Looking good. And this one is even higher than the last one as far as reading so
Jordan:Well, our next episode is Reverse Hair and WhyChews. So,
Devonnie:i'm gonna perp
Jordan:perfect, we'll read that real fast.
Devonnie:add it to the collection. That'll be our group read for sure.
Staci:So good.
Devonnie:that know. Don't you just hate when your TBR gets expanded? Oh, no.
Devonnie:And then, yeah, so of all, any of the authors that you stalk right now, have you actually met any of them? Or even if you don't stalk them, have there been any indie authors or traditionally published, any authors in general that you've met and like,
Jordan:Yeah, Annie.
Staci:I have
Devonnie:who you want to meet.
Staci:two book signings. I met Lucy Score. She was awesome. I would love to chat with her again. And then I'm actually hosting an event in October a book signing event, and I have 22 authors now coming, and they're romance authors, and most of them I think I stalk. So, yeah. I'm
Devonnie:That is amazing!
Jordan:more about that.
Devonnie:about this event? You have this big event coming up. That's only a few short months away, Staci. Tell us more. Can
Staci:in Chestertown, Maryland on the East coast, you guys should still come. I'm just saying girls weekend.
Jordan:I know, I was like,
Devonnie:we swing it? I know, can we swing it?
Staci:I am doing an event. It's a book signing event. It's low key. And there's 22 romance authors. They will have booths with all of their books, swag, merch, you know, you name it, they'll have it. And you can sit chat with them. And I have authors like bk, Boris, Chelsea, Kurt, Hannah Bonham Young.
Jordan:Those are both Dev's favorites.
Staci:see me now?
Jordan:She might. She might. She might.
Devonnie:Not my girls!
Jordan:Yeah, she might.
Staci:I'm still on cloud nine and my husband's excited too. He's like, I'm fangirling and I'm like, yeah, you are.
Devonnie:Yeah, we love a supportive kid. Oh my God. No, I'm screaming. Chelsea, Chelsea, Hannah. Love them bad. I love them. I'm so excited for you
Staci:Yeah. No. So that's October 5th in Chestertown, Maryland.
Devonnie:to that. And
Jordan:That is impressive, Staci!
Staci:I'm a little nervous. It is. I'm a little nervous.
Jordan:Oh, man, I just want to come help. I like, honestly, this is my feeling. Like, I want to
Devonnie:right? Like set things up.
Devonnie:Project manager, stage manager.
Devonnie:right. Us, influencers.
Jordan:my. Excuse me. Excuse me. Yeah, let's Actually, seriously.
Devonnie:Yeah, that would be too good actually.
Jordan:let me look at my miles real quick. I know I have a couple. Bye bye!
Devonnie:Oh man, no, that would actually be so fun. 22 authors is a lot. That's a huge accomplishment and I know the event hasn't happened yet, but like truly just getting 22 others to say, yep, we're down. That is amazing.
Staci:me who like is new, like, I don't know. I could cry some days. Yeah.
Devonnie:overwhelming, but you are doing it. Like people see you, they hear you. So. We're rooting for you. Yeah, it's super inspiring for sure.
Jordan:All right. Okay, so that's coming up. I just I'm Blown away that this is your first event right out the gate first year that you've started this first months You're going for it. I you're gonna
Staci:I have dreams.
Jordan:Yeah I get it.
Jordan:So that's coming up, but are there any book releases that you're looking forward to that are
Staci:Honestly. I mean, there's so many good books coming out and I like feature them every month. I'm like, gosh, my TBR cannot handle another one. I'm currently reading an arc of Golden Secrets by Willa Lane which is the second one in her series and I am so excited for that to release. The first book kind of left you on a cliffhanger and I'm not a huge fantasy fan, like I will read some fantasy, but her series is like dystopian fantasy ish and I'm here for it. It's so
Devonnie:Adding, adding to the list. You said Willa Lane.
Staci:Willa Lane.
Devonnie:Cool. I'm going to add that. I have no business, no business expanding this TBR, but you know, I'm going to do it.
Staci:I could give you a list.
Jordan:Yeah. Give us lists.
Devonnie:And also if, yeah, if that's something you, if you have like a few books that you absolutely want people to know about, send them over. We'll post it on our Instagram to like, just so people can know that these are things that if you have them in stock or just, you know, Recs that you have, because, you know, we are in the business of recommending books. I don't know if you could tell, but so yeah, if you shoot that over to us and we'll, we'll get that posted for sure.
Staci:Thank you.
Devonnie:Of course.
Jordan:I will recommend books like It's My Job.
Devonnie:absolutely. sure.
Jordan:want that to be my full time job. Yes. A
Staci:Let's make it happen.
Devonnie:Well, you're definitely showing us that it's, it's possible. So yeah, like super inspiring. Like Staci, this is everything you're doing is just so amazing. And I, like, I feel like I can see you growing and just. It's just being in this space and just blowing up and people supporting you. And it's just really inspiring to know or to see the beginnings of it and to know that you are going to reach these goals that you have. I have. Yeah. I'm not even worried, babe. You got it. You're going to do it. You're going to accomplish all of these things. No, because this is what the people want. The people are me. We are the people. And this is what, this is what you're selling. We're buying. Okay. We're buying what you're selling. Okay. Bye. Bye. So yeah, yeah, no, anything we can do to help support and just push the message and just what you're doing out here, things you're doing in the community. And we're not on the same coast. We're not in the same state, but we love sharing and just, putting the focus and the lens in places they need to be. So
Staci:Well, thank
Devonnie:you. Thank you for doing what you're doing.
Jordan:Is there anything else that you want to say about your company or about the event that's happening? Or anything else you want listeners or romance readers to know. Maybe there's just a book you want to make sure they go read.
Staci:All of them. Yeah. Yeah.
Jordan:your website.
Staci:No, just give Indie a chance. And if you've never heard of Indie, go check it out. And if you need recommendations, let me know.
Devonnie:Right. And start with Staci's page. And, and actually, yeah, why don't you go ahead and drop your socials, say your socials and then say the website just for people who are listening
Staci:My website is www. romance landia. com. And then my Instagram handle is romancelandia underscore bookstore. And that's where you can find everything that you need.
Jordan:Thank you so much. And thanks everyone for listening to us ramble with Staci about her story. Romancelandia. If you're looking for more Romance Recs, be sure to follow us on Instagram and TikTok at romanceRecspod. You can find our favorite book Recs from our favorite episodes as well as behind the scenes content. Again, that's romanceRecspod. So make sure to give us a follow and follow Staci and we'll be back next week with another
Devonnie:Yeah. Thanks Staci. listening guys.
Jordan:Thank you.