Romance Recs
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Romance Recs
Down Bad MMCs
Down Bad MMCs are male main characters who are so obsessed with their women that they would do anything and everything for them. Jordan and Devonnie share recommendations of their favorite fictional men with you. Do they sometimes go too far? Yes. But that's what we love about them.
Things some of these MMC's have done in the name of love:
- Tattoo themselves
- Leave their faith
- Destroy entire worlds
- Agree to share her with other men
- Stalk her
- Order all blond men to shave their heads
- Trick her into a marriage of convenience
Welcome to Romance Recs where book besties explore the world of romance novels and encourage you to expand your TBR. Join us as we dive into the hottest releases and hidden gems of the genre. You can find us on Instagram and TikTok at Romance Recs Pod. You can also find us on Discord. So what are you waiting for? Just search for our server, Romance Recs. If you can't tell by now i'm dev welcome
Jordan:Hi And what are you reading?
Devonnie:I was just trying to think because honestly the chaos that is my reading routine right now, you know what? I'm gonna talk about this book today, for the episode, but I am listening to salt kiss by sierra simone And baby, when I tell you i'ma save it i'ma save it but Sierra. Wow. The woman that you are. Yeah.
Jordan:Hi, I'm Jordan. I am currently reading I'll Be Home by Tate James and Heather Long and that's on pause while I read and I'm about done with Power Play by Chelsea Curdo. Am also started today listening to Before I Let Go by Kennedy Ryan. And I might be done, not because it's not an amazing book, but because it's triggering some things for me, and I just don't know if I can do it. We found my hard limit, and it's, it has nothing to do with dark romance. has to do with marriage and real life issues.
Devonnie:real life being scary.
Jordan:I mean, yeah, it's traumatizing. So buckle up for some bookish banter. Just get some bally in there. Yes.
Devonnie:Oh man. Yeah. But yeah, how are we feeling today, Jordan?
Jordan:It's been a long few days for me. So tonight I'm ready to just Forget about real life for a little bit and I'm ready to dive into some fictional worlds and I'm really ready to just swoon over some Male main characters that are down bad,
Jordan:that no one in real life can touch, even my amazing husband, who is down bad, but let's face it, he does not have the resources that these fictional men do.
Devonnie:I love that. Yeah. Cause when these men get on their knees or whatever it is that they're groveling or just existing in the relationship,
Jordan:Destroying worlds, it's,
Devonnie:destroying world, like whatever it is just so good. So yeah, I actually have a quote and the quote that I chose. today. So I, at first I was only going to show choose the very end of it. Cause it's a really long quote, but I think I want to read the full quote because I think it really summarizes the down, bad energy. Yeah, so buckle up. This is from one of my favorite reads of the year or listens, I should say, cause listening to it was just really chef's kiss. It's lights out by I spoke about this in a previous. But yeah, this is the quote, my entire life was devoted to caring for others. I wanted someone to take care of me for once. I wanted someone to want me, no need me. I wanted a man so obsessed that he hacked into cameras to watch me when he couldn't sleep. I wanted him to monitor my location, data, order me a home security system so no one else could break into my house and threatened to murder anyone who hurt me. I didn't want him morally gray. I wanted someone with a soul as black as night. Someone who would burn the world down for me and not lose a single minute of sleep over it. If that does not surmise like the down bad MMCs that we're going to talk about today, I feel like all of them, every single one of them are probably They are going to do
Jordan:so fucked up. That is
Devonnie:It is so bad. Do you hear the thing she listed hack into
Jordan:I want him to, you want him to kill someone for you?
Devonnie:You want that?
Jordan:oh. Do you know who she would love outside of her own world? She would love Sam Kyle. Let me read you what's, yes, because my quote leads right into that. Are you ready? Okay, this is Samkael from The Dawn of the Cursed Queen, which is book three in the Gods and Monsters series by Amber V. Nicole. This will not spoil anything, okay? We know this is a fantasy romance, so you know their relationship changes from hating each other at the beginning, okay? Get over it, it's not an actual spoiler. She did not fully understand the lengths I would go to for her. Destroying a world was not even a fraction of it. She thought me a hero, but a hero would defy others for the greater good. She was mine, and for her, I'd do the unthinkable. My strong, fierce, beautiful girl who thought she could take the world on all by herself. Only she had me now, and gods above and below helped me. Anyone who thought they could hurt or take her away from me. I'd destroy several worlds if it meant keeping you safe. You have no idea the limits I'd go to for you. And I think that's very foreshadowing into what's going to happen in book four. I had a little back and forth with Amber and we're scared.
Jordan:We're scared. Okay, I think this was foreshadowing. Just gonna say that.
Jordan:And this is not a spoiler because I don't know, because book four is not out. I think this is a foreshadowing. Amber, come on. Come on down. Let's chat. Let's,
Jordan:Figure this out because this is down bad if you had the power of all the gods.
Devonnie:Right. Right. If you were the God The H G I C. Yeah, head god in charge. If you were that man, this is actually terrifying behavior.
Jordan:Yeah And if you've read the first or even second one and you haven't read the third To hear this you're like what you need to read because you need to see what happened It's unhinged.
Devonnie:Yeah. Allie would for sure love her some kale, if she likes them down bad.
Jordan:Yeah, and you know, I was thinking maybe some of our listeners, Don't know what that means and I was like I think it'd be funny to look up the definition of the slang term down bad because let's face it I just had to so for those of you who are like, what are they talking about? Let me educate you, okay? Down bad is a slang term that means to be in a bad state or condition, especially when feeling strong and usually unrequited feelings of attraction, desire, or infatuation. It can also mean being desperate for love or attention, often used when someone is craving affection or validation. The term is often used to humorously, not humorously in this case. They are down bad, obsessed, and MMC is short for male main character if you have not caught up on that yet.
Devonnie:Yes, exactly. So we've got a bunch of down bad MMCs and honestly great book recs for you. Some of them you may have heard about before from my side. I know that some of these I may have mentioned or at least the authors I've talked about before. But some of these men are just HAHA! I know Jordan's laughing because she's like the queen of talking about the same authors every episode. They're
Jordan:have new ones, okay?
Devonnie:Yeah, we love that for you. I would love to start this meeting I'm going to talk about Sierra Simone and the first series I'm going to mention is her priest series. So Sierra Simone has the series priest, which by now a lot of you have probably heard the audio of where the first book is my name is Taylor and some bell and whatever he would do it again. He's. Anyway, he's down bad and that audio really okay. It's like really it's a really popular Clip from the audio book of how down bad he is. I will also like to preface this by saying I am pretty sure Zachary weber slash jacob morgan
Jordan:Talk about
Devonnie:Is the narrator i'm actually obsessed with him
Jordan:Dev is down bad.
Devonnie:all three books I am down bad for that man's voice Okay, I don't know him personally. I don't know that man personally. I probably walked by him on the street You know what i'm saying? I'm But when I hear his voice pop into my headphones, I'm sat down bad for him. So he is the narrator, I'm pretty sure of all three brothers, which is psychotic and so delicious. But the pre series basically follows a group of brothers who, or a trio, well it's four of them, but I'm not sure if she'll ever do a book for the fourth brother. I'm not really sure, but the three oldest brothers get a book. They face some really heavy trauma. Within their teenage or younger years when their sister unalives herself due to being abused by someone in the church family was a very heavy church family and that happens and pretty much destroys his family or their family, you know, they'll, they all band together, like the family bands together, but they kind of separate themselves from their friends, obviously from the church, from like everything. So each brother's story kind of mentions that and how it was a turning point. The first book, Tyler is a priest. He's a full blown priest, my loves. He's doing priestly things. He's wearing the garb. He's abstaining. He's teaching the sermons. Whatever you imagine a priest to be, that's him. He's here to serve his community, his people, and most importantly, his God. In walks motherfucking Poppy, and Poppy gets this man so down bad that by the end of it, is this a spoiler? I don't, this might be a spoiler. If you know a priest, and then you know romance writing and a happy ever after, You probably know that they get, yeah, you probably know they're going to get together, so I don't know if it's too much of a spoiler anyway, he quits being the priest expeditiously to be with her, but the way he goes about it. When I tell you, he cannot keep his hands off this woman. I'm talking in the church on Holy ground using Holy waters and oils, baby down bad book two is called sinner, and this might be. It was my favorite book because the first book I don't love as much. I love it, but I don't love it as much. Second book is Sinner. You want to tell you Sean has me in a chokehold. This man, his main character is actually his best friend's younger sister. Baby girl is about to take her vows to become a nun. Okay. She's closing herself off to the world. She's serving her God.
Jordan:closing her legs to the world, yes.
Devonnie:Exactly. She decides, you know what? F it. I have a couple months. I'm gonna live life
Jordan:And God will forgive me anyways, because he forgives sins.
Devonnie:So let me live my life. I'm gonna experience the world before I take this vow. She decides Who better to teach me to live my life than Sean Bell? Baby, this man drinks, smokes, goes to strip clubs just for fun. He dresses like a million trillion dollars when he walks out. He's like cutthroat, financial, and gets the job done money. Whatever you picture a finance bro is, yes, finance bro, fuckboy. That is, that, that is exactly what I picture Sean as, and he's fine. So anyway, they get together. He's I can show you the world, you know, it's very much bringing her out. Yeah, and show her everything Sean is so down bad She is volunteering at the I was about to say the nunnery volunteering somewhere where the nuns Exist girl don't when I tell you I read about religion. I am not a part of it Anyway, the nuns are gathered and she's volunteering there. She's working if you will
Jordan:There's a gaggle of nuns, if you will.
Devonnie:You Yeah, everybody's serving the good lord, being nuns and stuff. She's on the frickin countertop. Getting her bean fiddled by Sean. Yeah, flicked. He's defiling her in some, in a place that should be sacred. Okay, he is so down bad he could not wait to defile her in the privacy of their own home or his own home. Like he has her, this man who's like smoking, drinking, off to the strip club. Is slowly I'm a one woman man. I need her. I have to see her, okay? Down bad
Devonnie:Yes, exactly. The final brother in this series is Aiden. His book is called Saint. Now, if you don't know me caveat, if you do know me, stop listening right now. Right. SCRAM!
Devonnie:Yeah, so if you
Jordan:Now let's talk more about desecrating the church.
Devonnie:Right, speaking of desecrating the church, Aiden, the third brother, Oh, I swear to God, sometimes I just, The Jamaican just pops the fuck out. The third brother, is in the saint book, the one with the beautiful cover. He is, has decided to become a monk. He was also a little finance bro. They all have to have a connection with religion and like the and I'll get into the way Sierra writes. I just want to get his down badness out. So he decides to become a monk. Aiden is like spending money. He's like living his life. He stepped out of the city, gets a farmhouse like away from his family. And he's you know, one with nature has his farmhouse, but he. Now chooses to set sights on his brother, Sean, who's now wife, Zenny, okay, her older brother. So do you see what we have here? His
Jordan:that was a big, you paused really long after brother, and I was like, Where is this going? Yeah, it was a really long pause, and I was like, Please give me more. Please tell me there's more.
Devonnie:There is more. So it says technically his brother in law, it's his brother's Sean's best friend.
Jordan:that's not, no. I mean, if
Devonnie:It doesn't really
Jordan:can marry twins I feel like
Devonnie:Right. Right. I don't think this was a taboo relationship. It's maybe taboo in the sense that yeah, they're like they grew, yeah, it's messy and they grew up together, but I don't think it's taboo. And if y'all okay. What I was going to say earlier is I am feral. For an relationship. I I love MMF. I'm sorry, that's like top tier for me when there's three of them in there. But the care and the tenderness and just, oh my goodness. It is so Good, it is so good. So Aiden decides he wants to be a monk. He's out there in the wilderness. He's monking it around I don't know monks are so funny Also, like I had a different idea of monks in my life, but they was cracking jokes and making beer Did you know that's how monks sometimes make money unless this is in Sierra? Yeah, they make It's who they like their beers are sought after in the world. Anyway, so sierra did teach me something Thank you. Anyone who's a clitorature isn't informational You're wrong. Anyway, he just has to be a monk I've been learning so much. Aiden is like being his monk life He's you know feel he had felt like he had to give up all his money and give up all of his belongings Because he went through something traumatic an event that could have went one way and he was saved. And he took that saving as a sign that he needed to devote his life to God to pay penance for the life he had previously lived incomes, his love interest. Who's it's crazy that I cannot remember his name right now. And that's pissing me off anyway. The love interest has also had a change of life. They were together, they thought they would be each other's everything. Five years have passed, because Aiden literally, the same day he had this aha, come to Jesus, literally, moment, he left everything. Donated all his money, left his farmhouse, like all this kind of stuff, and decided to live in a monastery. Number one down, bad Aiden ends up not becoming a monk anymore. Obviously he leaves the faith to go be with his husband, right? He goes to be with his husband. So we already know we're looking for a happy ending. There's a happy ending in all of these, but like the. The thing that I would say about the way Sierra Simone writes her male main characters is. Is that everything they say just feels like they're down bad. Like the way I describe Sierra's writing, it's like characters are itching to get out of their skin, to be with this person, to crawl into this other person. And it's reflected. It's reflected in the way. That they talk about themselves and also about how this other person makes them feel like with a, with all three brothers, there's no like major, you know, buying land or no monetary things, but the severing of their religious relationships and not really completely cutting it off and their way of life. Their entire way of life, what they have decided to dedicate themselves to, and just to be able to have a relationship with this other person, is epitome of down bad. Epitome, because they changed their entire life to basically live in this person's skin.
Jordan:That's so much pressure as that female main character, or that other, that female main character or other spouse like in, I'm thinking about this in real life terms, which I shouldn't. This is what Kennedy Ryan does to me now, making me feel feels. But,
Devonnie:Right. Cause it is contemporary. So you can like, honestly see it happening.
Jordan:and And also
Devonnie:know it's a
Jordan:coming from a religious background myself. I'm like, that is so much pressure.
Devonnie:It's terrifying, but
Jordan:But fictionally, it sounds
Devonnie:it. I mean, it is so hot. It is because you know, that obsession, I think everyone wants the person they're with to be at least a little bit obsessed with them
Devonnie:To feel like they're You are all I see, your needs, I want you happy, I want you smil You know, we all crave just a tiny bit of obsession, and the Bell brothers, when they see obsession, they're like, I could do you, I could do you one better, baby. Hold my beer. They're like, it's like they just have to one up, and that's
Jordan:my rosary. Here we go.
Devonnie:yeah. Oh, hold my rosary is correct. Except for Sean, because Sean wasn't really, but he sure did let that, he turned that nun loose. He turned her loose,
Jordan:Oh my And we're, look at that. And we just got Dev's first rack done.
Devonnie:To be fair, you have three books. Enjoy my loves.
Jordan:Well, now I'm like, what do I start with? That was three for one special.
Devonnie:I know. I felt like I just had to talk about all three of them. Like I couldn't just pick one.
Jordan:that's fair. I will keep it contemporary. How about that? Because I only have one contemporary i'm gonna start my first rec tonight is face off by chelsea curto If you haven't listened to our interview with chelsea Please go listen to that after this one because it was so good chelsea is so amazing and her writing reflects that too. Face Off is the first book in a relatively newer series for her. The DC star series. Second one is power play. I'm almost done with it, but maverick Miller is like the definition of contemporary down, bad, like contemporary in the way that. It would actually happen in real life. Does that make
Jordan:The things could actually happen I mean besides the fact that he is this all star NHL player because it is a hockey romance maverick miller hits on any woman who breathes when he hits on a new face with great legs in the arena where he plays. He thinks it's a fan. Hey, you need a, you need an autograph? Do you need my number? In reality, it's his new teammate. Who he is there to meet. her name is Emerson Hartwell. Emmy for short. It's a dislike to friends with benefits. To obsessive love. Obviously that first encounter between them does not set a good tone, like it does not paint him a good light. He is the captain of the team. did not do his homework to see who Emerson is, Emerson is the first woman to play in the NHL. It's a really big deal for her. So she's there, first day of work, representing an entire gender, right? It's a monumental moment, and here her captain is hitting on her
Devonnie:huh. Huh.
Jordan:and so
Jordan:it's like fuck you from the beginning and not in a nice way and She's amazing. She's amazing, too But the things that he does and the way he appreciates her as a woman In a male dominated sport, the way he supports her as an athletic woman, who still wears her heels, who still drives to be feminine, but can get out there and slam a man against the wall. boards and get slammed back. I mean, it's amazing. He finds out before this game and this is before they're official, like they're just fucking around, but him and the team find out before, right before they go on the ice that her ex got called up to the NHL and he's playing against them. And he was obviously a really shitty ex. Who couldn't handle a girlfriend who was more successful than him. a lot of men can't. And he gets the team to just ruin him. And then when the time comes, he literally throws off his gloves and beats the ever loving shit out of him. On the ice in the middle of the game fully prepared to get kicked out He told his coach ahead of time. He's gonna get kicked out and it's send me the fine Send me the fine. This one's for you. I just he wears her jersey to their I think it's like their hero night or whatever They have a night at the arena where they wear or it's like legends Or something like that. And he wears her jersey,
Devonnie:love it when the male main character wears the female main character's like paraphernalia. Necklace, jersey, shirt it's just so cute.
Jordan:gets a woman's locker room put into the arena because for almost the entire book she has to use a broom closet. He threatens the whole book to tattoo the word mine on his hand, so that, you know, when he's looking at her at certain times, it labels her as mine. The reason, at first I didn't know how I felt about that, I'm like, that's kind of cheesy. But then, the more I thought about it, I'm like, he's not branding her. But he's claiming her without branding her. So in dark romance, they'll like, that is a trope where they literally brand their name on a girl. was like, so different. And then later he gets Emmy's pretty boy tattooed on his collarbone. You can hear that in the second book about shirtless every chance he gets, so everyone can see. And
Devonnie:it. It's
Jordan:he And that's not even everything he does for her and oh and the evolution of his character. He's so down bad like
Devonnie:Yeah. I would, Maverick is the most down bad. MMC that Chelsea has ever written, I would think.
Jordan:Yeah, she said liam would give him a run for her money. But So far, I think maverick still consistently through the book was More maybe it's just like outwardly down bad, right? So
Jordan:I swoon Yeah, and then they also joke in Power play. This is about maverick and emmy. So i'm not gonna worry about it being a spoiler for power play, but they even joke about him taking her last name once they retire because for everything so And I really hope that happens in later books that we see him take her last name because that would just show how down bad he is and how proud he is of her accomplishments.
Devonnie:Yeah. And honestly how proud he is to be her man. That's Maverick's energy. He is so proud to be Emmys man. Like I'm Emmys. It's not even like she's mine. She's his. Yes. But he's more. I'm hers. I belong to her. And that's the difference.
Jordan:I know and actually now that I think about it three out of my four recs they Take the man or men take her last name
Jordan:move. That is a total down by move It is in my mind now and I never even realized that until right now
Devonnie:okay, since we're still in contemporary, I'mma switch it up real quick and I'm gonna take us into fey world. I'm pretty sure that I've mentioned this book already, multiple times. But, I will never get over this man. Viciously Yours by Jamie Applegate Hunter. Baby, I don't think I've ever seen a fey man as down bad as Renek, okay? So the premise of this book is that when you are a certain age, maybe 13 or so, the fates whisper the name of your mate in your ear. So you know their name and then some kind of bond develops where you can find them or whatever. Now Renek is A prince at this time when he gets his mate's name whispered to him and it's a big deal because in the world that they live in, if someone else knows your mate's name or who they are, they can obviously go harm that mate and you know, just use that as some kind of bargain, power play, whatever. So of course he keeps it close to himself. He doesn't tell anyone. I think he tells his parents, but that's it. No one knows that he has heard his mate's name. Then he finds her. And he basically stalks her Although i'm laughing but when he actually stalks her you get a familiar You get a familiar in this world and i'm pretty sure his is a bird of some kind an owl I can't remember but he uses his familiar to go fly and spy on her because he can see through her eye Through the bird's eyes, so he sees everything that she's doing He, he starts sending her mail from the age of 13 and then you cannot go physically claim your mate until you are 25. So he die a fucking bollicle. Can you imagine the years of pent up aggression this man has had to
Jordan:During the primitive years, like during those very horny
Devonnie:The worst part is the worst part is most of the fae princes and stuff. They get a fey mate. Rennick gets a human mate who has no idea of what the world she's about to be pulled into. She is just livin yeah, I heard about the fey. Okay, girl. I Please read it. And I can't wait for book two. Because the author has said that book two, the male main character, is worse than Rennick. And I simply cannot fathom. I said, Renick is so down bad that when he realizes that she, so obviously she, Amelia doesn't believe him. She's an orphan. She has nobody. She's like living her life. She doesn't believe that this man who keeps sending her letters actually wants her and is going to come get her, but she enjoys the letters, right? She
Jordan:She enjoys the letters.
Devonnie:Yeah. She enjoys the letters. She decides I'm going to live my life. I'm going to lose my virginity. I'm going to do things, you know? And she does,
Jordan:I remember you talking about oh
Devonnie:Yes, I support women's rights and women's wrongs. Knowing that this man is writing her letters, she goes and does her business. She takes care of her womanly needs, okay? Renick, with his bird's eye view, sees that this man does not appreciate his woman. This man does not dote on her, does not care for her, does not, you know, it's really not giving for Renick. But also, you
Jordan:Bird's eye view. I
Devonnie:Renick. Offs the man that she sleeps with for a multitude of reasons. Number one, touching her and sleeping with her when he cannot. Number two, you didn't even do it right, bro. That's how Rennick feels if you're gonna take my girl, do it correctly. And he did not. Offs him. Then what does Rennick do? Sends her moles. He sends her moles of his, huh, moles in different sizes. So she can prepare for when they meet molds. Yes. He creates, he's Hey babe, I know you're searching for something. Hold on to these until we can meet. He is so down bad for her. when he realizes that she likes blondes, that she like, may like blondes or something, he tells every blonde in the kingdom to shave their fucking head.
Devonnie:Shave your head and do it now. Yes he's down. I fear that did something to me. Could you imagine the people of the town lining up to get their head shaved because their prince has ordered it? No blondes in the kingdom. I shall be the only person she looks at.
Jordan:That reminds
Devonnie:Yeah. I love
Jordan:of a book. I read where blonde said superpowers and we're almost
Devonnie:Oh god I remember that. Okay, we're not even gonna talk about that Oh the last down bad thing the last down bad thing. Sorry that I will mention I hope this is not a spoiler but a woman touches renek's arm A woman touches Rennick's arm, picture it, a woman touches his arm and Amelia sees it. She's of course like, Oh my gosh, like, why? What are y'all to each other? You know, she's feeling
Devonnie:about the situation. She's feeling feelings. She tells it to the man. She, you let her touch you. What do you think my boy Rennick does in this moment? Does he, A, say sorry, B, tell her it'll never happen again, or C, Cut off the patch of skin that the woman touched and throws it away Because he know it will heal and he will have erased the touch of this other woman from his body ABRC my loves. What do you think?
Jordan:Oh my god.
Devonnie:I love him. He's so done bad. I can't wait for book two.
Jordan:I love the passion you're coming with these.
Devonnie:I Love it. I truly I and I know I've mentioned this on the podcast a couple of times but like it's just You Yeah, he's just so
Jordan:perfectly for today's.
Devonnie:yeah for
Jordan:Well, I will keep it fey.
Jordan:Shocker, you guys. Excuse me. So I don't know if you've heard of them yet, but Caroline Peckham and Suzanne Valenti they wrote
Devonnie:I hate her. I hate her listeners help. She said have y'all heard of
Jordan:I tried not to I really did but I haven't talked about this one. So It's an obsession, okay? Listen, if you
Devonnie:You could be doing
Jordan:or you are Caroline Peckham and Susanna Lytte, I would love to have you on the pod, okay? I'll just tell you how much I love you both, for an hour. It's fine. I won't do that. I will be way more professional, I promise. Anyways dark Fae is the first book in Ruthless Boys of the Zodiac. Okay. Now you may say, Zodiac, wasn't it called Zodiac Academy? What you always talk about? And yes, it was. This is technically a different, this is a different series, a prequel series. There is a, what primarily one crossover character that you see later in Zodiac Academy. And I read Z. A. first and I knew that character. And I was like, Oh, this is his story, right? Like 10 years before when he went to an academy, a different academy, like the poor one in the town where the government has just let run wild. And lawless, basically. I'm like, oh, this is a love story. I just went in blind. I didn't even read that the whole series was called Ruthless Boys. So I was not aware that this is a Why Choose going into it. And so I'm like, what the fuck are all these other guys doing? We haven't even heard from this main guy and I'm so excited. And I was like, why is she even giving interest? Okay, they're gonna be done. This is just a game. And it took me a while and I finally went like half, over halfway through this book and I had to go back and read. I was like, oh, she doesn't have to choose. It was very confusing for me, but it's great. Anyways, I digress. Dark Fey. Picture it. A vampire. It's a vampire. who grew up basically in a strip club, her mom was a stripper and a prostitute. She grew up with her older brother who was just like the center of her world, right? They were super close. I think only a year apart. They lived in poverty. They lived in a gang run town with two opposing gangs. All right. Rough life. Her brother gets a scholarship. He's really smart. Gets a scholarship and gets to go to the Academy in town. Not many people get to go. Basically, you have to, whatever money you have in this town, or anyone has those are the kids that get to go, or the one scholarship kid. Her brother goes. After a year and a half, he dies, and it's reported of an overdose, but she knew her brother, he was a pegasus, very happy, never did drugs because they saw what it could do, you know, living the way they lived, and she's that's not my brother, but no one would investigate. What does Miss Elise Callisto do? She's going. So she hacks into the
Jordan:she hacks into the system, she becomes the new The new scholarship student because she kind of did some digging found a name That she saw like from a some Faye book post. Yeah, they have Faye book. You're welcome
Jordan:That he was tagged in so she finds this Supposed friend of his and she questions him and he's like off his face on this drug that's kind of going around that apparently her brother died on. She questions him and the only name she gets out of him is King. So she's I'm going to go and find out who this King is and I am going to enact vengeance, right? This is, she is on a mission. She's going to destroy this person for destroying her brother, her world. She doesn't care what it takes. If it kills her, she's going to do this. And through some investigating, she gets there and realizes that there are technically four kings that called, it's like a title, four kings of the academy, okay, are these men, young men, I mean, they're like 20, so young men. Each one of the gang leaders, which technically they're the leaders of their whole gang Not just at the academy So that's a little far fetched for me, anyways It's this big thing who are of course big rivals and you have the loner harpy Who is top of the class smartest? He's the only double elemental in the whole school and then you have You this lion shifter, this memean lion shifter, just very charismatic. Like he's got this whole actual harem of women that follow him around. Like it's just so that's part of their order is they have charisma And it like they want to please him and whether that's going to rub his Ready, they're gonna want to rub his feet. They want to get him just the right cheese They want to give him like anything he needs like poor baby she gets there, and what do you know, it's she's trying to get close to all of these men because she's trying to figure out what happened to her brother.
Jordan:Does she end up fucking one, if not all of them? Yeah, maybe.
Devonnie:Who's to
Jordan:not the gang leaders, because they're opposing gang leaders, and if she hooks up with one, then that's her basically being initiated into the gang, and then she's target for the other one, but she falls for them all and also, Elise is very big The polyamorous lifestyle because she saw what falling in love could do to her mother because her mother fell in love With her brother's dad and then he left when his lesion mate popped into the picture.
Devonnie:Oh, God.
Jordan:Yeah messy And then her dad just disappeared before she even had a chance to tell him she was pregnant. But these men are so down bad for her. To bring it all around Leon Knight, the lion shifter he's used to, So lions in this world, lion shifters, have prides. So usually it's one, they call it one king, and they have their women, their lionesses. So he has three moms and one dad, and so that's usually what he's used to, right? I mean, it's this is the lifestyle. If, he's it's usually opposite, but If my girl wants these other men, then I'm gonna help her make this happen. And Leon is just like sunshine and rainbows and just come on. Hey, do you want to go have a threesome with me and Kelis? Like I've, I would really love, he's always I just, I've always wondered what, like how you would fuck her. I just imagine it's just like real good. She won't tell me the details, but I just want to like, I'll just watch. If you're not comfortable with that, I'll just stand back and watch. It's fine. And he's so down bad and so excited. I just. I love him at first. I was like, this is ridiculous. Oh, yes, and it's just so Oh, and so all the women that kind of fall under his care his wrist he calls them all Mindy because he can't be bothered to learn their names because they come and go so much. And there's so many of them.
Jordan:he just calls them all Mindy. It's super shitty. It's super fucked up. But the girls are just like, no, it's fine. It's fine. I'm Mindy. I'm Mindy. But he just like shuts the ball away. It's just so funny. So he only uses them for like homework and all this stuff eventually. And then like Gabriel, he is a seer. So yeah, so if you've read Zodiac
Devonnie:Oh, yeah,
Jordan:Gabriel is a seer and he, but he kind of has a block on his powers so he only sees things sometimes at this point in his life and, but he, after he hooks up with her, he gets this vision. That they are lesion mates. Or he believes they are, because he sees rings in both of their eyes, and them together. And so he's just fuck these other guys, Lilies, this is just the stars testing us. You're gonna be over them soon, don't worry about it, I don't get why you would talk to them. But he also pushes her away, so he's like down bad for her, but he believes that he's in danger, so he keeps her at arm's length. It's like this big back and forth. And then the gang leaders, they're like, Get this, the gang leaders want her so bad, but they refuse to let the other one have her that they make a starbond not to hook up with her. Because they're like, you can't do this. Okay, well then you can't do that, and you can't do this, and you So it's them trying to find ways around the rules to be able to hook up and do stuff. So technically, they are ad This is in the world. If you know Zodiac, then you'll know this term. But these two men are astral adversaries. Which, they are destined by the stars for one of them to kill the other. It's the opposite of Elysian mates, which is just like a way to say fated mates. In this world and she's having none of it. She's like fuck you guys. She's I'm it I like both of you. You're both awesome and you both need to get the stick out of your asses like get over this feud Like but she is so and all the while she's trying to figure out if one of these one of these men killed her brother Like you forgot like surprise. Yeah It's so good and in this world Elysian mates there's never been Elysian Multiple, right? There's never been anyone with more than one Elysian Mate.
Devonnie:So interesting to me. Cause now I'm thinking Gabriel in the Zodiac Academy books that I'm reading and getting to know him, his wife, who he's talking about, who's having his kids, has all these other mates.
Jordan:They were very careful not to give those details in Zodiac Academy to give away anything. If you go back and read it, or if you finish it, you're gonna get hints at it. His buddy, Leon Knight, you will see Leon. You will see Dante Oscura. Oscura.
Devonnie:Dante. Yes. Dante's
Jordan:Dante is leader of his clan and then Rider Draconis is the other. He's a basilisk.
Jordan:Yeah, so there is a storm dragon, a basilisk, which is super rare. He's like the last one in the world. Or in Solaria. Lion Shifter and Harpy. And she's a vampire. So then she's sucking all their blood. And she needs a source. Oh, so that's another thing. She needs a source to claim a source at the school. And technically, they have, are like, equal in power or more powerful than her. Or more skilled in magic, so she couldn't overpower them. so basilisks get their power through pain. So that's how they recharge their magic. It's not just their pain, but if they feel pain from anyone around them, they can feel it. So if you're beating a basilisk, all you're doing is replenishing their power.
Devonnie:Yeah. Powering them up.
Jordan:yeah. So he's bite me, baby. You can bite me. You want to be, I'll be your source. And he offers himself as her source and Dante's fuck that. You're not her source. I'm her source. And she's calm down. I'll just drink from both of you. So it's this constant thing where she's going back. It's so good.
Devonnie:Yeah. That is
Jordan:It's so
Devonnie:not all of them being down bad.
Jordan:Yeah, so that's what i'm saying is they are all unhinged for her in very different ways And so that's what makes it so fun and at the same time she's like playing it cool like You guys are fucked up if you're not gonna play along with the way I want to play then You can get out of here and they're just like, okay, fine. I'll do it what you want. I'll do what you want I'll go against The way I feel about this situation, and I will do this for you.
Devonnie:Right. Wow. I love that. I love getting the sneak peek into Gabriel's life though, because I really didn't know that was going on.
Jordan:I didn't either! So imagine knowing that, not knowing anything about this, going in, and then all of a sudden you're reading about this lion shifter, and I'm like, what?
Jordan:Like, is there another man? I was like, oh, there's men.
Devonnie:You write multiple.
Jordan:But then it's so fun to see the relationship then between the guys, too, go throughout the series, and like, how they come to terms with it, and the different, oh, so fun.
Devonnie:Unfortunately I'm going to pull us from the land of the magical and bring us back to reality.
Jordan:That's okay. That's okay.
Devonnie:Listeners, I am holding a copy of Swift and Saddled by Lila Sage. That is the book I'm going to be talking about because no one, I have not, well, I take that back. I have definitely read quite a few. Cowboys, if you will who have been down bad for their girls, but Weston writer is just, Oh, Weston. So this is book two in the rebel blue ranch series. Yeah. By Lila Sage. And this follows the brother Weston who basically falls for. What he thinks is this one night stand out of towner. Ada, now Ada's like living her life. She's been through trauma. She's just trying to get her shit together. She's like very much so black cat energy, like the blackest of cats, you know, buried just like on the fence. Not too invested, playing it cool. Just, I've been hurt before. I don't trust anyone. I don't have friends. Very much that. West is a golden retriever with a ball. He is the happiest little man running around. Just happy and funny and sweet. And he is so down bad for Ada. There's pretty much, you know, A scene with him telling her, baby, go ahead and run, take your little trips, drive away. I'm going to be standing right here when you come back home, like just letting her be free, but also saying, you're going to come back. Like I'm going to be standing right here. There will be no other person. All throughout the book, Ada refers to Wes as being gentle, like super gentle. And I think that is his character. I mean, let's be serious. He can get a little You know, Doberman, a little pit bull if he needs
Jordan:Doberman. I like that.
Jordan:Pitbull, but definitely Doberman. I could see
Devonnie:Doberman, he can definitely get that way. Yes. When he needs to, but throughout the book, he is very much so golden retriever energy. But like he's, he pretty much tells her like what don't you understand? I like you. I'm not going to stop liking you. If you like yourself, why don't you think that other people would like you like make it make sense to me. He's just very calm in the way that he's loud. About the way he feels for her because he knows that she's scared
Jordan:He's firm.
Devonnie:He's very firm and he assures her like he sees her, you know what i'm saying? And that allows him to be Like I don't want to use the word perfect partner, but he can break down her walls because he's literally just being present. He's being consistent and that's what she really needs.
Jordan:The dream
Devonnie:right. He, I mean, and look at the, what? Never heard of her. The cover itself gives down bad. That's why I brought the cover because if this isn't down bad, tell me if you guys have a chance, go look up the cover for Swift and Saddle. Honestly, the cover art is amazing for all of the books and I can't wait for Teddy and Gus.
Jordan:good. Oh, I
Devonnie:I am so curious to see if he is going to be more down
Jordan:Hello, Miss Sage. Yes, we would like to talk to you.
Devonnie:Because we're, it's only a couple more days until we get to read them, I have so many books to read, but yeah, I can't, I have, it's gonna be so good. I've requested it on, it's been pending on NetGalley for months More than seven months, I'm sure. The minute she announced this book, I requested it on NetGalley and it's just sitting there pending. And I'm like, if y'all don't go through and just accept a bunch of these requests at least three days before the I cannot wait to read them. I am so excited to
Jordan:it's on Libby, available to hold, and it has
Devonnie:I've already done that. Yep,
Jordan:I did Dev weeks ago, and do you know what? It will be available months from now, it says.
Devonnie:Yeah, months,
Jordan:I'm hundreds down the line
Jordan:I feel like I was notified.
Devonnie:I think I'm like 60th in line or something, but yeah, that's still too long. Because you can keep them for so long. I cannot wait for Gus and Teddy. Something tells me that Gus is gonna be like, grumpy oh, I hate her. But be so down bad, you can't even believe it. If you are interested in a really sweet, fun series, Yes, I have. Yes, I have. I cannot wait. I cannot wait. So yeah, the Ryder brothers are they're down bad. They are down bad. So yeah,
Jordan:Thank you.
Devonnie:Western. We're mixing it up. We've got Fae. We've got gods. Who did I start with? We've got priests.
Jordan:And now we're going to have, yeah. And now we're going to have some Omega verse. Are you ready?
Devonnie:Love that.
Jordan:Because who isn't more down bad than some alphas for their omega? A group of alphas. Yes, here we go. Priceless by Devon Sinclair. Just gonna read the description And then I'll talk about them, about these alphas, okay? I just figured this one is best. Described by the lovely Devon herself, which I went to her panels. I met her at her booth at books, gowns and crowns, and she's so amazing. I got a special edition of one of her books too. Priceless by Devon Sinclair, three billionaire alphas,
Jordan:marriage of convenience. What could possibly go wrong? Being an omega is incredible. Being a fat omega, no one wants. Not so much. But, I don't need to be wanted. I only need to survive. There's five years left until I get my trust fund. And I can put my toxic, abusive, fat phobic family in the rearview mirror. That's my plan and I'm sticking to it. Until three alphas offer my family a deal. Three alphas who are ridiculously rich, scorchingly hot, and claim they need me for one year. The deal? Marry them for one year to help save their company, and I walk away with my trust and my freedom. Simple, easy. I don't even blink before I sign on the dotted line. I thought it was just a marriage of convenience and nothing more. I didn't count on my husband's caring about me, protecting me, craving me, seducing me, making me feel things I never have before. Okay. Let me just tell you. It's a marriage of a convenience because these three billionaires, they always knew that they were a pack, right? And they just hadn't found their yet. They started a business and it's really lucrative. Obviously they're billionaires. The board is trying to out them. There's some funny business happening in their business And they said that they need to clean up their image and get married Because scent matches are not guaranteed in this world Like obviously everyone has a scent match, but you can't always wait around because you might not find them so they weren't planning to fall in line and get married But then they go to one of their Business partners, like they use this company, right? And they go to this function. They don't want to go to. While they're there from across the ballroom, they are up on a balcony looking over the ballroom, right? And they zero in, they haven't even sent it to her. They see. This girl in the corner and they're like, holy shit. Who is that? We have not seen her at any of these things before. Who is that? She is our type. We want her, right? So they saw her and wanted her. Then when one of them went to save her from some skeezy guy like business partner of her uncle's trying to insert himself there. Then they were hit with a scent, and it's a scent match, but they didn't say anything because it was like, they didn't actually know each other so they didn't want to scare her right off the bat and be like you're ours, I'm gonna take you. Because omegas, in this world, omegas can't smell their scent match unless they're In heat. While she loves her sense, she's also okay, she's super self conscious. She's been overweight her whole life. She is, she likes the way she looks. She's happy with herself, but her parents died when she was younger and she. Was in the care of her aunt and uncle and they have shamed her. They have, they just do the same. They put locks in the kitchen, and mind you, she is a mid to late 20 year old woman. But they are in her parents house, and because of the way their will was written apparently, she can't get the will. They are, they have her will and estate and money until a certain time. So anyways, she has to play along with this, right? It's horrible and the conditions that she's lived in so there's a lot of triggering things in this book so please check the trigger warnings before you read and she just wants to be in a like away from that so they see her and like how could we get this? How could we get her closer to her? Right? They're like, oh, well, the board really wanted us to get married. Let's surprise them and let's just get married. Let's offer her uncle, who they have some questions, like there's questioning stuff. Her uncle takes the bait and is you can marry my niece. That's fine. You can marry my niece for a year, for exchange for whatever, because he tells her, then he tells Ocean, the female main character I want you to spy on them. I want you to get any information, right? She's just fuck that. I'm not gonna get you information, but I am gonna get the hell out of this house. So she's sweet. These men I think are super hot and they smell good. So let's go. So she signs her little life away, but they take her and first of all, their business, they own a bunch of clothing companies that are all inclusive size, and they are high end designer. They own a lingerie company, like that's part of their stuff. And one of them designs a whole lingerie. Line for her called Ocean and he designs it for her and produces
Jordan:She's oh, I don't, I won't fit in here. He's like, all of our stores are inclusive, size inclusive, you go get whatever you want. And if it's not there, we'll make it for you. We will have someone make it. We will do what you want. And she's just you know, she's trying to just stay quiet in the corner and they keep shoving her forward. In a very supportive way. Not uncomfortable, do you know what I mean? It's very much this is our Omega. If anyone has anything to say about it, you can get fucked. And we will destroy you. They destroy careers. Oh, they also have a sex toy line? Do they try all the prototypes with her and get her
Devonnie:they do. I love that.
Jordan:yes, they do. This doesn't work for you. This is too uncomfortable. Let's go back to the design. Let's go back to the drawing board. Let's redo this.
Devonnie:Love that
Jordan:She also, so one of the moments for me, that was so sweet. She's they're like, what do you want comfort? What would you really like? She's well, I just would a sweatshirt, but I know yours won't fit me. He's done. He reorders a bigger size. And he wears them each for a day and then he gives them all to her And the same sweatshirts he had just to make sure that she could feel What it feels like to be able to wear her man's clothes like and it's and they never shame her But they never push her too far, but they do try to push her out of her comfort zone to be confident and the way they are so Attune to her and I know it's because a lot of it has to do with it being in omega verse But just the support they show her Yeah, but the support they show her and the way they support her in being who she is so great and I like it too because It's an overweight female main character who likes the way she is, the only thing she's fighting is to not be bullied. Do you know what I mean by people that should have supported her? Everyone in her life supports her or the people that she chose to have in her life. It's just this aunt and uncle, right? It's not She's constantly putting herself down. She's aware of her weight more than she needs to be, but it's not like a shameful thing to her.
Jordan:Does that make sense? Right? It's not self deprecating. She's not trying to lose weight. She's not doing this. She's not doing that. And that's what I really liked about it because sometimes if it really focuses on the self deprecation, That's where I have a hard time reading some books, but this didn't do that. And so I appreciated it. And like down to the sex positions that they did. Like they were thoughtful of her comfort and what she wanted and needed. And it was,
Devonnie:love that.
Jordan:yeah, it was so cool. Yeah. She's no, I, that's not comfortable for me. They're like, that's perfect. Great. We don't need that. We, I can have you other ways. And they're also just shut the f
Devonnie:for your feedback.
Jordan:they're also just shut up. I'm gonna carry you. I don't care. I can do it. They're like, I work out for a reason. I will carry you.
Devonnie:What do you think these muscles are for
Jordan:Yeah, they're not just for show. So just, it's a really sweet down bad, and it's very thoughtful in everything they do for her behind the scenes that she doesn't know and the stuff that she finds out.
Jordan:Priceless by Devon Sinclair. And Devon is awesome. I love her. Her omega books. So I
Devonnie:Yeah, does she only write omega? Omegaverse?
Jordan:mean she only writes why choose now I guess she did ghost writing for a long time before she did her own stuff.. I've only read her omegaverse. No, not only omegaverse
Devonnie:love that.
Devonnie:Here's the thing. I have two books left that I want to talk about.
Jordan:We're getting up there.
Devonnie:yeah, I just, I'm going to pick one.
Jordan:We can mention some too. Yeah.
Devonnie:yeah, well, I'll just briefly actually mentioned both of them. I'm not going to go to in depth because I feel like I've, yeah, I've given a lot. So the first book I'm going to mention is Six Scorched Roses by Carissa Broadbent. It is a part of the Crowns of Niaxia world. It's a novella in between the. Serpent and the wings of nice night, sorry. And then the star ashes of the starkers cake, something like that. Y'all know the book titles along, they're getting longer and longer, but this novella sits in between those two books, I chose to add him. It's Veil, it's a vampire romance. So veil is a vampire and then it's Lilith. Lilith is our little human baby Who's been cursed by the gods. The girl was born. Yeah, me too. It just feels like evil incarnate or something I don't know. Lilith was born to die. Yeah, and she is so sweet. She is so sweet She's Born to die. She was born to die. So from the day she was born, she's pretty much known that she was going to die. And her little, we're going to call it state, her hometown or whatever, has like a curse from one of the gods in their pantheon where there's just this illness that is killing everyone. And Lilith knows she's going to die, but she's somewhat of an alchemist, if you will. She's trying to save the people that she loves from her sister, who was like, Literally dying in front of her eyes to just her town. She doesn't want them to have to live with this plague and this illness. And she's, I I can't remember. She's like dying slower than everyone else, I think is the vibe. And so what she decides to do is pretty much make a bargain with the vampire who lives on the outskirts of town. Who is veil and she basically says that for a vial of your blood, I will give you six roses or six roses for six vials of your blood, something like that. And so she brings them these rosies, these. To feel, I mean, like for her, they're everything to veil. They're like this, these nondescript roses. Like why are you why would you bargain with roses? But he takes her up on it. He's intrigued. He's interested. You know, this man becomes so down bad for her because she is like a myth. Like what is wrong with you? You want six vials of my precious blood just so you can give me roses. Are you mad? Are you well, darling? But whatever, he humors her. And then he gets to know her, and he just obviously falls in love with her, can't get enough. She's dying, which is so sad. So he has to come up with a plan to save her, of course. Even though she tells him to scram, kick rocks, go live your life, babe. He can't. And I'm not going to give too much away about that. I'm not going to give too much away about that, but he's just obsessed with her. And it's so thin, it is so good. You don't honestly, I think you could read this first. And then read the other, like the actual beginning of the series because it's so short, it's worth it. You get a little background that way when Vale comes up in book two or the end of book one, I think he actually makes an appearance in book one, but you get more of him in book two and Lilith, you understand how they got to where they are because when they show up, there are questions it's not all sweet and peachy when they show up in the crown of my books, it's kind of like side. I like. You monster. Vibes, but in this, you're like, oh no, you are not a monster. You are just so down bad for your
Devonnie:That's the vibe. So I think it's so necessary to read. It is like so cute, cuz when I read them, I was like, wait a minute! Veil. And then I read the six quartz roses and I was like, fail. Oh no.
Jordan:Oh no! Don't!
Devonnie:So good. And I don't know there's just something about me and a vampire romance that will just always connect. I love me a vampire. If there is like a paranormal being that I could only have one and I love me some phase. I love the fairies. Okay. But if there is one being that I had to pick, I would for sure pick a vampire. I there would be no question. You would not even have to ask me twice. So check that book out. If you've read the Crowns of Niaxia series already, make sure you add that to your TBR. I think you'd really enjoy it. The second book I'm gonna very briefly mention is actually contemporary, but
Jordan:be our longest episode ever. Look at us.
Devonnie:I'm sorry, I know, it's real quick. It's the co op by Tara DeWitt, and I'm not even gonna tell you the plot of it, I'm just gonna tell you the tropes. Marriage of convenience, forced proximity, second chance romance, summer fling Yeah, those are the main ones. He begs in this book. So that's, there's that Deacon and Lauren from the co op by Tara Dewitt. It's that this book is, has already been out, but I think Tara got traditionally published with it. So it's actually coming out again in November. And she's actually rewritten it, which I, it's actually one of my arcs from NetGalley. I need to reread the newer version because I think she's actually changed some significant things in there.
Jordan:I get so nervous when they do that because I fall in love with the version and I'm like, don't touch my baby. Don't touch it.
Devonnie:right, so far though, cause I did start the arc, I like the subtle changes that were made, I just need to finish it to see if like I don't know. There's more, but yeah it'll be out in November and shameless plug. If you want to know what book releases we are super excited for November, follow the Instagram. Cause we're going to have a post for our monthly faves coming up
Jordan:Or threads.
Devonnie:or threads.
Jordan:there too.
Devonnie:Mhm. Mhm.
Jordan:Well, I was just gonna mention like from my quote obviously the gods and monsters series by amber vina cole down bad, but it's MMC and FMC are both way too down bad. They both honestly need to cool their jets, but they won't and they'll just fire up even more. Excited to see where that one goes. Also, I did want to make sure that we mention, again, we've done this before, I think it's been a few episodes though The Kindred's Curse Saga by Penn Cole.
Devonnie:Yes. So
Jordan:so down bad. So down
Jordan:The best quotes also from Luthor has those one liners, that, those monologues where he's just, he's gonna fuck you with his words.
Devonnie:Yes. It is.
Jordan:he's gonna get down into your soul. And also, we love Penn, and stick around because just say we're gonna be wrapping up the year in the next like four episodes and then, but when we come back for 2025, you are not ready. You are not ready for what we have in store next year. And I'll,
Devonnie:That's it. That's it.
Jordan:I don't know who the fuck we think we are. I don't know who the fuck we think we are. But we
Devonnie:Stay tuned. You do not want to miss things. Okay
Jordan:yeah, no.
Devonnie:stay tuned.
Jordan:Stay tuned and thanks for listening to us ramble about down bad MMCs. you're looking for more Romance Recs, be sure to follow us on Instagram and TikTok and Threads and Discord at Romance Recs Pod. You can find our favorite book Recs from our favorite episodes as well as behind the scenes https: otter. ai At Romance Recs Pod. So make sure to give us a follow and we'll be back soon with another episode.