Romance Recs

Romantasy part2

Jordan, Devonnie, Christina Season 2 Episode 16

Romantasy (or romantic fantasy) is such a big genre that we had to do a part two! Devonnie, Christina, and Jordan bring you their latest fantasy heavy reads. You'll find fae, shifters, and magic of all kinds staring in these recommendations. Maybe you're feeling the book hangover from books like Onyx Storm or Heat Of The Everflame? We're here to help!

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Welcome to Romance Recs. We're three romance obsessed besties sharing book wrecks broken down by genres and tropes, so you can be sure you're getting exactly what you want out of your next read. Make sure you're following us on Instagram and threads at romancerecspod for behind the scenes content and all of our updates. Hey guys, it's Dev here. I am currently reading A Debt of Shattered Hope by N. Caceres and listening to Lore of the Wilds by Analei Sabana, Sabrina, hope I'm saying your name right,


I'm Jordan. I am currently reading three ARCs. One is an AALC. So I am listening to The Wrong Bride by Gina Showalter and Jill Monroe. And I am reading A Debt of Shattered Hope by N. Caceres, just like Dev. And I am just starting Slapshot by Chelsea Curto, which comes out this Friday. So for you, it's already out. If you haven't read it, what are you doing?


Hey guys, it's Kristina. I am currently reading Under Lock and Key by Lana Ferguson. And I'm reading My Dark Prince by Parker S. Huntington and L. J. Shen. Buckle up for some bookish banter!


Woo hoo! We're here.


Laffit, buckled in. Buckled.


we have a good current reading list. I feel like we're all in the zone right now. We've got things we're interested in. This is a good time to be reading, because we're all escaping. Life.


Right, and I'm so jealous, Christina, that you've already finished A Debt of Shattered Hope. I can't wait for us to talk about it. But by the time this episode comes out, will our interview be out? No. Okay. Interesting.


You'll learn more about that book.


It's so good so far. So I can't wait for us to be able to talk to you guys more about it. I can't wait for it to be in the world. So yeah, stay forward, look forward to that.


Perfect. Well, on that note, I'm just gonna start us off with a quote, I think, because I want to, so I will. Okay. This is actually from A Debt of Shattered Hope by Anne Caceres. Oh, I'm getting looks. I'm getting


gosh. I'm so happy that you've already got highlights.


know. I'm only at, I don't know, 35 percent or so, but I have highlights. And I just loved this one. They're going back and forth, the FMC and MMC. It's early days, but a lot has already happened. And so he's accusing her of things, and she's just denying it. So he says, No, what you are is a beautiful little fucking liar. Or at least, you had better be. He was halfway across the small room before I found the next thing to volley at him. Or what? Ah yes, some of my finest work. Eloquence, thy name is Cricket. Or you'll wake up with a bouquet of roses made of his flesh and a footstool of his head, he growled, before slamming the door to the storeroom behind him.






I hate it because I don't know. I haven't met the MMC yet. I'm not even that far in so I don't know who this is and I'm so excited


I'm so glad it


yeah, okay,


The FMC's name, she goes by Cricket, in this world. But it's giving asshole MMC threatening to kill people.




you better not have fucked him. I'm gonna, oh.


Can't wait. I love Cricket's vibe in this book. I love the way she talks to herself. She also talks to herself a lot because baby girl ain't got no friends, let's be real besides actual Cricket. Who I don't even know if we'll ever see cricket again. Anyway, that's giving too much away. But yeah, I


don't look at Christina because I don't know the answer either.


Oh, right. Okay. Christina knows the answer to that. Christina. No. Yeah. Hide your face please. But I can't wait to read more about her because she's so funny. Like her inner workings, the way she works through things in her head and talks to herself. And we all, well, at least I do. I know a lot of people don't, but I have that like inner monologue. And so hearing someone else's.


sounds like kind of boring and lonely if you don't.


If you don't, right? But some people don't have that. Some people just silence a beach. Nothing. Yeah, I love you.


Okay, I'm gonna do something a little different today. It is not a quote, it has a quote, but it's kind of like a rave rant. I dunno how to explain it. It's a rave. It's exciting.




It is also from A Dead of Shattered Hope by N. Caceras.


Wait, this doesn't give anything away, right?


It does not. It is something very early on in the book. The main character, she has a set of rules she lives by, and this is the quote. It's very quick. Rule number 21, just survive. And I wanted to share this for two reasons. One, because we're gonna be interviewing the author and I wanted to sing her praises. I loved this book. But two, I think with the state of the world right now, We just need to survive our daily life. Sometimes it's 8 p. m. and you're going to get your kid nuggets from a brown paper bag. But you just, that's okay. Sometimes you need a 30 minute shower and get in your jammies at 2 PM and that's okay. Sometimes you need to go get a little treat from a coffee shop and not feel guilty about it. I was thinking like, we need to just survive. We get through this day, this hour, this 10 minutes, just like the main character, like who cares what's happening in three weeks, like just get through today and just survive. And I loved that was short, but I loved the epitome of it. Everything's hard and everyone's going through it. But if we can get through it. Ben, it's gonna be okay. We just survive. That's what I loved.


No, I'm actually about to cry because what the hell, Christina?




you know, I was actually going to talk about this later in the episode and I will touch on it later about this is why I think so many of us love romanticy and fantasy in general is because you really, and we talked about this with Penn Cole in her episode, is you really get to reflect on real life in a safe space, in a world you can't go to, you can't do it only in your imagination. And so it's a safe place to process that. But.




Wow, Christina, thank you


and what was that rule number 21?




Imagine you get a tattoo, rule number 21, and then everyone wants to ask you, what rule? How good is that? Just survive. NEMMIE! Look what you've done, NEMMIE!




I'm so happy you loved it. I can't wait till we have to talk. I'm not going to, we have to save that for the episode, so I don't want to talk about it too much. But also I have to finish it. But I'm, you don't understand, I am screaming on the inside that you loved it. Screaming! And now I am begging




to read Obsidian


I needed to have a thesaurus when I was reading the book. There were so many words, I'm like, what does this mean? I have to figure this out, because


why you read it on your Kindle so you can highlight it and it looks it


And then look it up.




Yeah. And also I love the glossary that she put at the front of that. But anyway,






the, her cult, the way she dives into like cultures and does the research in her books is


You surprise. You thought you were getting romance romantic part two. You're really getting us just talking about a dead of shattered hope


You're right. JK.


It doesn't even come out. It's not even out yet.


I know that's crazy. These


Not even when this comes out either.


about? I know that's wild. But now how excited are you to go listen or read it? You know, we're just saying we're amping it up. Okay, so I have a quote and it's from the songbird and the heart of stone by carissa broadbent. It is Book three or four in the crowns of niaxia series depending on how you look at it this world Technically, there's the duology and then this is the next duology, but there are some novellas in between so Do with that what you will, but I decided to pick something a little more romantic in lieu of Valentine's day being right around the corner and our galentine's day event. I'm going to pick something


so put out. You look so put out by this thought




we don't talk about romance every day.


I know. And I don't love a good MMC quote. Yeah. Right. I know. Okay. No, I really do love it. All right. This is the. MMC Asar talking to the FMC Misha. I'll tell you what you'll have if you lose the sun, Misha. You'll have a soul gentler than any vampires I've ever known. You'll have an incredible magic and skill to wield it better than the bastard who gave it to you. You'll have a soft heart and a sharp wit and the wisdom to know when to use one or the other. You'll have countless inane questions and horrible taste in food and a penchant for making lost souls love you. I couldn't breathe. I couldn't speak. He leans closer until his forehead touched mine. And if you'll take it, Misha, Ilie, you will have me too.




I'm gonna ruin your mood right now by sharing his other another line from this same MMC to this FMC. And his nickname for her is Don Drinker. That's her religious Label if you will


Cricket is a


he goes to her right? Oh,




I don't what? Okay. All right. Let me focus. Let me focus.


It's an inside joke.


Oh, yeah, I got inside jokes now because I haven't gotten up to that part. Anyway This is what Asar says to Misha as well. Let me defile you dawn drinker. He murmured, please


don't know why you think that ruins it as Enhances it


It, yeah. Ruin was the wrong word. Yes. It's giving, he can do both.


he can


Yes. Ruin was the wrong word.


her, and ruin her.


yes. Yes.


Woo her, then ruin her. That's what we


All right. And that's exactly what, actually, you know, the cute quote came after the ruining and the defiling. So


drinker. Okay.


yeah, exactly. Okay. So yeah, that's my, those are my quotes anyway. Romantici part two. Are we excited?


15 minutes in. Let's finally get to these recs


right. I know. I know. That's what you guys are waiting for. Who wants to share their recs first?


Hi, it's me. It's Jordan.


Hey God, are you there? It's me, Margaret.


you can just call me Jordan. You don't have to call me God. That's fine.


I love that, because you




Yeah, but she was actually supposed to be Margaret in that saying, but she said skip the Margaret. I love that, yeah.


A new favorite. I think about it every once in a while, I'll just be sitting there I'm wondering what these characters are up to. North is the night by Emily Rath. I got an advanced listener copy of this through neck alley. And then I got to go listen to Emily talk at a panel, not a panel. It was just her little, a meet and greet at Barnes Noble Northgate in Seattle. I learned so much, and it's amazing. So here it is! This is a dark, Finnish folklore inspired fantasy about two women who attempt to defy the gods and mortals alike. Ciri and Aina's village, like others in their country, Are being overrun by zealous Christian priests who pressure the young to denounce the old ways So their entire way of life and their gods are in danger When Ina is taken to the underworld called Tuonela by a death goddess Ciri will stop at nothing to find the ancient shaman of legend For only he has successfully traveled to Tuonela and returned. They must battle both the living and the dead to get back to each other. They find unexpected love along the way, but never let go of the love they hold for each other.




They are best friends. Their entire life, they are best friends, but their love runs deep. They just kind of They've never had a romantic relationship, but they are each other's person.




are soulmates. Absolutely. And it's so unique in that aspect because it's basically, you're reading two stories happening simultaneously. Right? They're both fighting to get back to each other. But along the way, they both find new loves. In different ways. They find new relationships and not all romantic. And they just both grow into themselves. But the thread through that is still, they hold on to that love they have for their person. And they don't forget about that person. And in that way, it is such a unique story. Finnish folklore. Emily did an amazing job with this. She is Finnish. She learned a lot of this firsthand from her grandmother. She learned, and then through that, she did a lot more in research on her own and through listening to her, I learned a lot about it, how most Finnish folklore wasn't even written down until just over a hundred years ago, because it was. Because Christianity is a bitch, and in history, and so it was so interesting to hear and to hear the Finnish version of the underworld, Tuulenella, and the different gods and things they have that like that. It's really interesting how it mirrors the Greek and Roman pantheon, but it was. developed completely separately, so it is very unique in a lot of ways, but you also feel this sometimes you're like, oh, that feels familiar, but not enough to where you go. I've already read this story.


That's awesome.


I, it's just so good. And I just loved the relationship. At first, I was like, Oh, they need to only be about each other. But I'm like, no, they don't. That's not natural for what's happening in the story and it's beautiful and it's a duology. So the next one is actually going to follow a different couple. They are still going to be important characters in it though, but it's going to happen 20 years in the future.




we're going to get to see where they are in 20 years and I'm so excited.


Yeah, that's actually really cool. I love that time jump. Yeah,


the big bad in the background of this one is the Christian church


That makes sense.


and the colonizers. But, it's really gonna be the forefront, at the end they set it up to where that's the big bad in the second one, and I am so excited! Well, and Emily taught, when she talked about how she was raised in the church, and so a lot of writing things like this is very therapeutic for her, and things like that, and same with reading it.


that. Side note, sorry, this is not a wreck, but maybe I should have thought of it, but you reminded me of it. Karina Halle also has a series that It focuses on Finnish mythology and folklore. It's her Underworld God series. I don't think I've ever recommended it on the pod, which is crazy because it's one of my favorite series. But Tuonela is also a thing. The descent into the underworld is a thing, which I really


the boat.


the boat, yup, the coins, like the, all of that stuff is a part of it. So I guess that's kind of a wreck too. If you guys want to check out if you like what Jordan is saying, Karina Hallie Always, also has a series. Underworld Gods, look it up.


I love mythology, so that's amazing.


Me too me too. I'll eat that up. I don't care whose mythology it is, honestly. I'm here for everybody's myths. I'm here for everybody's


give me a pantheon. I love a


get, I love me a good Pantheon. Christina, I know you might have something, but Jordan's just setting me up really good. I have a rec that involves Pantheon of Twelve, I think. I did, the quote that I did


Take it away.


this series. Thank you, because I feel like that was just a beautiful assist. My actual rec, not the Karina Halle books, but also look that up. The Songbird and the Heart of Stone by Krista Brogben, which my quote was from earlier. This follows Misha and Asar, and it is basically like your favorite, Niche a court of something and something The something and the something any of the books that have fey and magic and all that and that whole system and there are different territories it follows that same model, but also add dante's inferno Like it's very much about the descent into hell about the different layers, right? And I really love this because the first two books, the duet, the Niaxia duet or duology that was like very, I feel like very fresh, very different. It had like games, very hunger games ish kill to the death. Somebody wins a prize, whatever. But this was very specific. Yeah. And it is, it does. The entire series involves vampires, but this book. It was particularly about the descent into the underworld. And so most of the book, that's what you're reading, because it takes a while. You're going through all these layers, and you have to go through these different sectums, like mind, body, psyche, soul, breath, all these different things, and you meet these rapes on the way. But the story follows Misha, like I said, and basically she was like a disciple, if you will. A god chose her, one of the gods from the pantheon chose her to be his bride, his sun bride. And basically she was now written off from anyone else, she could have no man touch her. At 16 he consummates their relationship. Yuck! Cause he chose her at 8. Yuck, that's, it's, I was screaming grooming, I was screaming, but she, right,


And that happens in real


And that happens in real life. And that's what I'm saying. This book, I felt like it was screaming world. Real world events at me. It was written so well, but the way I was able to just look at life while I was reading this I don't know if I loved it or hated it. But like I was thinking like wow, this really happens. She was innocent She needed help. She asked the God to save her the God chose her sister and her were protected. They were saved They were fed. They were clothed. So obviously what are you gonna do at 8 this God? You're going to lean in. Look, he saved me. Then she becomes 16. He's like, all right, right. Like he's you're 16. I'm going to make you my bride. Everyone's going to respect you. You guys will be safe. You'll have everything you need. He does the thing with her and now nobody can touch her. She has no idea. It's not supposed to go like that. There should be love and you know, something, it shouldn't just be this icky. Hundreds of year old God. Anyway, Misha ends up becoming a vampire, which is in direct opposition of what her God is. Her God is the sun God and the vampires are a legion. Or a species that was created by Niaxia, who's not even a full real God. She was like a lesser God or a lesser goddess. And basically she gets turned by someone who is a part of one of the oldest vampire families. She kills him, which is like a big no. And one of her punishments when she's captured for her evil, she's about to be put to death when she is saved by a SAR who needs her for something. And this something involves. Going through the layers of the underworld or getting to the underworld or stuff like that. And so it's


out by her god?


Yes and no. So like


Cast out, but no one else can touch her still, probably?


Yeah, no. And the thing is the entire, I would say for the entire book up until the end, I'm not trying to get too much away. Misha still believes in her God. Like she is still. And she's older at this point when we meet her, she's already been a vampire for 50 years. And I think she was turned around maybe 16 or 18. So she's much older now, but she is, she's ride or die for her God. She has his magic, which means that she can summon fire and flame and sun, the powers of the sun. But every time she uses it, because she's a vampire now, every time she uses that power, it burns her skin and leaves burns like wounds on her. And she uses it anyway. She's it's just a small price to pay. He's given me everything. All these, and your heart breaks for her. Cause you, you agree with her. You're like, I see, it's heartbreaking. But then you're also like, wake up. Like you wish you could shake her. And it takes this descent into the underworld. Right. It takes this descent into the underworld for her to like, Start to see differently or realize and even then she's still not really grasping the idea that hey, babe This wasn't okay until the very end So I can't wait for book two because honestly the way this book ends Asar is about to light this world up I just know he's about to light this world up and I don't know if that gives too much away But he's about to light it up. So I can't wait to see what happens to book two definitely suggests is like Very slow burn I will say as well So if you're into a slow burn romanticy, this is perfect for you. They take their time and it's not even pent up where they're like going back and forth that no, it's slow. Like when they finally get there, it is magic, but it's a slow burn. Not super heavy spice, very light spice, lots of world building, lots of folklore, lots of


Mine is like that too. Mine is very minimal. Spice North is the night, but she, Emily already promised book two is gonna be heavy,


it's going to be hot. Yeah.


Does this one take place right after the Crowns of Niaxia series?


Yes yes, kind of. Did you read Crowns and Aixia, that one? Yeah oh yeah, cause in those books, you see Misha kill. Her maker, right. I don't know how much time has passed. I think it's very quick. And so it does take place like right after those events. I don't, I think it's maybe a couple of weeks, maybe a couple of weeks if I had to guess. Yeah. So it's it's, it leads right into it, but now you're focused Great. is on her and they still


you should read the Crowns of Niaxia first for someone to understand this or


I feel like you should, I don't think you have to, I don't think you have to read it, but I think you'll be very confused about certain things if you don't.


I read the first one of Crowns of Axia. And I can't tell you hardly anything that happened. I finished it and I was like, that was a good book. I don't even remember the characters


Yeah. Yeah.


like, that's how it was for me. So I was like, I can't even read book two because instantly it's out of my brain.




if I read that one, I would remember something.


you should, I think you will. Oh, actually, I don't know because.


she's the king's human daughter. Do you


No, I remember that. I remember the first chapter and then being locked in the room. And she shouldn't be, and then I remember being in a forest, in a cave, and that's


Yeah. Well, you remember quite a bit I'm not gonna lie to you remember quite a bit because you just reminded me of those two books and I ate those books up I loved


I didn't read the second one, that's just the first one. I


I know You should read the second one. I will say




Oh, actually, I'm going to heavily request that you read the first two before starting this, because I'm thinking of the very end of this book and you have to read at least book one


Oh, okay. Okay. Okay.


to understand this first book. So


Good to know.


I wish I could spoil it for y'all so bad, but I won't. It's really


I will read it, so don't spoil it for me.




Okay, I also have a series that is mythology based. It's A Fate Inked in Blood by Danielle L. Jensen.


That's right.


this one's like a Norwegian Viking mythology. With a romanticy twist. I think if you liked the show Vikings, you'd really like this book. So


they can get it. I'll mute




I'm not gonna lie to you, I think I love me a viking down. Please don't take my black card. Please. But I do love me a viking.


that's the show that Peyton and I watched when we came home from the hospital with with our baby. And we sat there in the middle of the night, just watching Vikings. Because you're up 24 hours a day and that's what we watched all night.


I don't know, that show got me hot and bothered. I don't know if I could


I know, I thought you were gonna say that's the show you watch to get your pregnant.


That's exactly where I


don't have to watch


I was about to say, yeah. Okay, next. I'm muting myself. Did Jordyn just spit her


This book follows Freya, who lives in a world where gods and goddesses could give a drop of their blood to humans to grant them powers. But not everyone is born with these and so the ones that are, like, revered, held to a high estate from birth, but Freya has kept her powers hidden. She doesn't want anyone to know about it. And she lives in this really unhappy marriage. And she's only in it because she thought it was what her dad wanted. And honor his memory, she stays with this complete jerk guy. I don't want to say more than that, but he deserves a word bigger than jerk. So, anywho, he finds out that she has these powers. He sees it, right? And so then he decides to sell her to another man. And the governor like guy of the area named I don't know if I'm going to say this right because I don't have a norwegian accent, but Jarl. Jarl. Okay.


the Jarl. a title. It's not his name. It's the Jarl


Yeah, he's like the governor, right?


For all you Skyrim fans, we know it's the Jarl


Okay. Sorry, I didn't mean to be culturally inappropriate. Idiot.


Sorry, I just spit my wine.


On video, I


crazy. Please, I heard it. I didn't see it, but I heard it. Let me tell you something, Jordan. I will come to your house and smother you with a pillow if you do not clip that and put that on social media somewhere. I need that. When he tells you, we'll


At least it didn't come out my nose. That's


Yeah, that's crazy. Well, do you need to wipe stuff down or


No, it made it, it's, we're good. I swallowed most of it. It was just like an almost. It was like a, it was like a just in case.


I didn't see where it went. Okay, I'm muting myself.


Her husband sells her to the Jarl, who's like the governor, okay? And Jarl realizes, you know, she's got power, so he's gonna take her on as his shieldmaiden. Even though he's got a wife, he, this is like an honorary position in his court, right? He swears a blood oath with her. She doesn't really have a choice. But, while she is attached to this guy, she finds herself intrigued by his son, Bjorn. Yeah. Bjorn, who also has God's blood blessing, right? He's like the only


love Mia Bjorn. I'm


her powers. Yeah.


Sorry, I just had to say I love Mia Bjorn. Because that took me straight to Vikings. Bjorn! Yep, love him.


Bjorn is trying to teach her how to use her powers because he's got some cool god powers. And then there's a forbidden romance starting between Freya and Bjorn. He swears to keep her safe. She's feeling safe with him. But can she escape his dad? What do we find out? Bjorn's pulling some shit behind the scenes we don't know about. He's got some other secrets going on. Yeah, we can't I'm not saying what it is, but poor Freyja. She's being pulled every which way, but everyone wants something from her. She just wants to do her own thing. No one cares about what Freyja wants. Anywho Will their love last this betrayal? We don't know. You're gonna find out in the sequel. It's A Curse Carved in Blood being released in May. Maybe we'll find out then. I loved listening to this on Audible, I just wanted to say, because the narrator was a native Norwegian speaker, so I feel like that really brought me into the story and I just wanted to point that out. If like me, you are somebody that calls Cale Cole because you read words differently, listen to this audiobook, because I just called him Jarl. So listen to the audiobook


It is very good. I listened to it on Libby. I dfd it because all of a sudden I had arcs I needed to do.


Yeah, bring up Bjorn.


I think i've Let out all my bjorn angst. I love me a bjorn, you know, just bjorn Yeah,


Maybe she's


you know




Maybe that's why we like, maybe that's why, we like it so much, cause Baby Bjorn is


baby Bjorn safe supportive.




That's what I'm saying. I've


Lasts a long time.


Yeah, absolutely. Yeah, that's why we like




I need a hair tie. I love this. It's


I think you would like this book. And stay tuned for the sequel, Danielle Jensen. She's a great author. She writes another one, a series that Jordan loves,


Bridge Kingdom, bitches! It's so fucking good.


I've read some of them, but yes. I did get interrupted by a deer once, so


That's right. That was that one. Alright. This


Jordan, what you got for us, lady?


lends perfectly into this chaotic energy that we have going. is exactly the energy of this next book. I cannot stress that enough. This is called My Feral Romance by Tessonia Odette. It is book two in the Fae Flings and Corset Strings series.


Love that.


yeah, so good. The first book in this series was fun. This one sold me on the whole world. I fell in love. Okay. They are all standalones, interconnected standalones. You absolutely could read them in a different order. It's still fun to read them in order, but you know, do what you will. Okay is, in this world, there is a Seelie realm. There are Seelie and Unseelie fae.


One does.


yes, and then there's, and then there's a human realm, of course. This one follows a fae shifter. Fae have a unseelie form. Okay, their seelie form is usually like an animal or an element, and their unseelie looks more humanoid, but it's got like the traditional like pointy ears and things like that. So this one follows a Fae shifter named Daphne. Daphne is in need of both a model for her paintings, because she just landed a deal to draw the covers of her favorite romance series. So she's drawing


Yay, Daphne. Snaps for Daph.


Right? It's so good. And she also needs an attachment. To this town so that she doesn't have to go back to her home village and live full time in her pine martin form She is a pine martin shifter If you do not know what that is, please look it up. They're so fucking adorable, but they are vicious carnivores




What? Yeah, me too because I don't know what the fuck a pine Martin is, but I will know in about three minutes.


It's european. It's like a weasel fox thing and it's so stinking cute Please hold dev and christina are looking it up. Okay




a weasel! Oh,


like a weasel, but they are carnivores. They are vicious.


That's crazy. They look so cute


So when she's in the Pine Martin form, she can talk, right? So in the first book in this series, we see her only in her Pine Martin form, and she's working and she's part of society, right? It's it's just one of her forms. But this one, she's trying to Ingratiate herself into society more, so she has donned her unseal y form. Because of a deal that we learn about later in the book, that she will have to go back to her hometown. If she does not have a significant attachment where she is now, in this life. Enter MMC. Monty needs to prove that he can successfully play matchmaker so that he can get his book published, all while holding on to a life altering secret. He has been working for a column as a Mrs. Whatever giving relationship advice under like an old lady name.


I love that.


But he needs to prove to this publisher that he actually knows what he's talking about. And he, like this publisher wants to see a success, a successful couple come from him based on only his advice. And Daphne needs to get married. They have a history, not sexual history, but they have a working history in the first book, okay? He overhears her issues, so they strike a bargain. They make a fae bargain to help each other. And drama ensues. Monty is determined to find Daphne a husband. This world is so fun. It is so unique. The way Tessonia Odette writes is hilarious. It's also moving, and it keeps you engaged the whole time. So much fun. And shenanigans are everywhere. So Daphne, right, when she's in her Seelie form or un Seelie form, Right, looking just like a normal Fae, what we think of as Fae. She still has these instincts of a Pine Martin sometimes. So she doesn't quite understand certain societal things, and it's just


That's so funny.


Yeah, and of course, they each have their own baggage that you learn about later, but it's just hilarious.


what is he shifting to?


No you can't.


oh man. Guess I gotta read to


why does that give it away? Does that give stuff away?


Well, he doesn't necessarily shift so like they're Parentage and his background is his big secret. His family life is the big secret that he's holding onto. Oh, but he's, so I don't think I ever explicitly said this, but he is the model that she needs for her paintings. Because she's having a hard time with the male form with certain aspects of it, and so he is


the bargain. Find me a husband. I'll be your


needs that, and he's I need to get you married. And you need a model. So I'll model for you. And they trade, he goes like one date or like advice session for one modeling session. And of course there's a hot modeling, like sexy scene in front of a mirror. And it's.


my god.


do, are they end game? Are they, do they


Well, this is your FMC and MMC, so


I was just, yeah, because I was like, he's finding her husband, honey. Where's the MMC


It says


he's got a look in that mirror. Romanticy


I got it.


it's yeah. They have a history of angst.


Yeah, I love


Meh, it's not fake dating. They didn't fake date. She tries to date anyways.




understand so And it's so funny because she does not understand societal Norms, when like conversing, she just walks up and is Hey you asked me out on a date six months ago and I am ready to accept. And he's


I love that for her.


and he's it's been six months and she goes, I'm aware. And I have thought about it and I am ready to accept because I need a husband. And so I thought we could go out on a date and he's I've I'm with someone now. That mean that's a no.




it's that's, this is like the first couple chapters. So this is like her interacting with society. She's trying so


a pie. Martin what do you expect?


She's just meant to be out there digging and


she doesn't want to. She doesn't want to go back to her village. What?


Pan from his Dark Materials is that?


I didn't watch that. Oh, wait,


a Pine Martin?


yes. I, well I think he's a weasel cause he's white, right? A little white weasel like a arctic weasel or


Yeah. I don't know they were, I saw that picture on Google and I


I love his dark materials.


So stinking cute. It's but it's also hilarious. I


Is a comedy?


Yeah, definitely a rom com. I listened to it and it's so good. The accents are amazing that they do and this the whole production So highly and I highly recommend looking up to Sonia Odette's whole catalog too because it's great. Yeah.


I love that. Love that. Okay. My second rack is actually book two in a duology. Actually, I don't know if there's going to be There should be another book, so I won't say it's a duology because I don't know how many books are actually going to be in it. But it is The Night is Defying by Chloe C. Penaranda. And I read the stars are dying, which is the first book. I think that book came out two or three years ago. I really enjoyed it. That first book was just so good. The world building is so unique and I love anything with like gods and celestials and this focuses heavily on like celestials and gods and stuff. And then there's also a vampire element, which are actually, these are all my favorite. If you would have thrown some fey in here, this would have really been a, Wait a minute, there were Fae! This had everybody I loved! Oh my god! Okay.




what I love. Yeah, lightbulb moment. So book two follows Estrella and night, and it's definitely a star cross stars, star cross lovers kind of romance. These two should not be together. They shouldn't be together. Them two together literally ends worlds and Estrella. In book one, you, when you meet Estrella, she pretty much has no memories. She has no memories of why she's here, who she is, what she's doing. And what you learn is that she fell. She was a celestial or a baby God. And she fell because she wants to go chase this man and they shouldn't be together. But love is love. Anyway, book 2 follows her journey of recovering her memories and understanding how she got here in the first place. There's a lot of secrets. Her, she wasn't born. She was created by dawn and dusk, the gods, dawn, god and goddess dawn and dusk. So she's like a baby god. She's not necessarily, she's a celestial plus. Celestial asterisk? I don't know. She's a little more than your average


She's like a primordial kind of a thing.


yeah, kind of vibe. She just wasn't born of a body. And you're discovering like, her life and how she got there as she you have no secrets. before she has them. So you're literally unraveling her. There's nothing like you're like hinted to before as you're reading this, but it follows her journey into remembering her past, remembering who she is, getting her magic back, understanding what her magic is. And also what we're privy to is that we're seeing the same pattern, the same mistakes that she's making in present day, because it does jump back and forth in time. As to how she ended up with no memories in the first place, those things are replaying because Night is still our FMC, I mean MMC. She also has another MMC, but he is so trash. Oh! Want to spoil too much, but I'm going to say that. Anyway, yeah,




get out of here with that.


Get out of here, Gale! Get






He's, he was rough to tolerate. And it's not, that might be a spoiler. So I'm just going to, anyway, moving on her and night, like they really do love each other. And that's the frustrating part because you can see how much they are not supposed to be together. These two people should stop falling in love in every lifetime. And that's the problem. They keep finding each other in every lifetime. Stop already die or just like you, you want them to have peace. I want peace for them so badly. And do they choose struggle? Is it by force that you must struggle in love? Oh my God. But also they're so cute together. And night is a shadow. Daddy. I mean,


I just loved your like, flip there. You're like, stop going near each other. But also, I love them together.


they are because he's okay. He's the type he knows she has another bonded. He knows this, right? He full well knows this. That's what they call it. Yeah. He already knows that she has another bonded before we even know that he knew this, but he, once we find out in the book, as you're reading as a reader, He's if you need to spend time with him, go ahead and he hates it But he's like willing to like because he understands that them two together is literal destruction So he's if you can find something with him, then finally we can both be free. But can she? No she cannot


I need a sticker,


daddy nights


I need someone to draw you doing that for


The hair behind, the hair that I don't have behind my ear


I don't know.




it. I need it so bad. I am so sorry. But that's just


It's my favorite little sly look but the story honestly is really cute if you do the whole Romeo and Juliet star crossed lovers kind of vibe With God's face vampires. There is a lot of like politics in this. There are different courts Knight is like trying to hold back his bloodthirsty vampires from Starting a war against the Celestials because they are like hating fit like they do not get along So there's that element at play then there are the gods who you're like, hey Y'all want to help you y'all want to do something? Are y'all gonna do something? And then they're just a relationships that she creates That are just so beautiful and so pure but she loses everything or she feels like she's lost everything And then she continues to lose more So I would definitely suggest it do not start book two without book one because you will be utterly confused This is not like a standalone situation read book one so you can understand book two one thing I really love about chloe's writing is just The way she uses her words, I don't know, everything feels so magical, feels so like ethereal, and I listened, I read the book on my Kindle, but I also listened to the audiobooks, and even when the narrators speak, everything, there's this layer of I don't know, this like Ephemeral being or something happening in the background as you're reading everything feels just so Celestial, I don't know how to describe it But I really love that because I am in the world when i'm reading it like i'm very focused on what's going on I would say book two for me was a little slower pace, even though I felt like it should have been Bang on with the action. Especially with secrets being uncovered, but it was still a really enjoyable time. Definitely romanticy vibes because star crossed lovers and whatnot. So yeah, check it out. And Chloe's writing is pretty good. She also has another series that is super popular. I'm pretty sure it's why a that everyone loves. I have never read that series, but look her up if you're interested in her writing. If maybe this doesn't sound like it's your tea, She has another series for you, babe. So yeah, that's my second rec.


Thank you.


you were so into that. I loved that.


I just wanted to sit back and listen to you for a while. Just


don't know.


tuck that imaginary hair behind your headphones


cuz it's cuz I forgot that Knight was a shadow daddy And then when I remembered I was like, whoa, does he ever shadow daddy?


If you would like an




of All Shadow Daddies,


Please tell us. Please


know. We will do a


so many. Yes, I have some good shadow daddies.


That's what you're


He might be the shadow granddaddy because he is right. I said multiple lifetimes. He's probably hella old. This man is old He is definitely


Aren't all Shadow Daddies old? Show me a 30 year old Shadow Daddy. Oh! North! Never


Oh No North is oh, no, he's a baby shadow daddy. No because he's a baby


of the group, though. He is the daddy. He is the shadow daddy.


but then put him in a room with Reese Luthor Knight He's a


still look down his nose at them. It doesn't matter. That attitude. He has the attitude of a 500 year old Faye.


He's not going to pick any lint off him. He's just going to


Technically, he might be older because his soul has been around, his bond has been around for so long.




where the magic comes from.


You're right. Okay. Alright. North can hang with the big


fun. This, I,


He can hang with the big dogs.




So yeah, tell us if you want a shadow daddy. Okay.


His Doberman! Come on, guys. Sickos.




does with those shadows, though. Sorry. Christina,


He has shadow tentacles. Okay,


have another one? Do you want to


I do. I have Quicksilver by Callie Hart. This is this was one of my five star reads in 2024. I finished it right before Right after Christmas, right before New Year's. I read it in that stretch that teachers get to relax. So this book follows Ceres who lives in a world where there's, it's like Star Wars y. There's two suns, there's no water, it's a desert. Everyone is just burning up in the heat. It's Arizona in July.


live until they die. Everyone's trying to


She said it's Arizona in July. you were not wrong.


It's, yeah, gross.


Yes, it's giving all the run.


Would say, sick.


exactly. But Ceres is a little pickpocket girly pup. She's just trying to survive and keep her little younger brother alive, right? As


Right. We celebrate women's rights and wrongs on this podcast. Okay.


Exactly. But she pickpockets the wrong guy one day. It's the Queen's guard. She steals his little golden gauntlet, like he wouldn't notice that's missing. Maybe go for something smaller, but that's just me. Like Anyw, who she erases, tries to run away from him. They arrest her, yada. She's taken up to the castle, she's hauled up there. She gets to go. Meet this undying queen who's been ruling the world for a thousand years or something. That should have been your first sign, but, you know,


wee oo. Red flag.


Right? Exactly. She goes to be, like, axe murdered for her crimes but wouldn't you know it, there's this silver pool that just psh, it explodes. And out pops the main character, the


Dun, da dun, da dun. That's how I imagined him


her life. He hauls her back to his world. And he's a fae, and he's got this fae world. And she wakes up, and she's WTF? Where am I? I need to go home, save my little brother. But he's no girlie, you're stuck here. You can control Quicksilver. That's a rare thing. No one can do it anymore. Yeah, we're keeping you here until you figure this problem out for us. The whole thing is she's now trying to solve this magical problem for the Fae, right? Oh, by the way, his name is Kingfisher. I don't think I mentioned that. It would be better to just call him Fisher, okay, girly? Forget the King thing.


I would have just called him King.


hated the name Kingfisher in that entire book.


It did not faze me.


I don't know why I have such


giving fantasy to me. If I read fantasy, I don't want to read about a Philip. I want something like that. I want


Absolutely. I love an Eowyn. I love a Shadrick. I love a I


love a Bjorn,


I love a Bjorn. I


but you don't love a Kingfisher. Sorry.


could not stand a Kingfisher. I ate this book up. Every time Kingfisher was set, I said, Okay, Fisher. All right, Fisher. Yeah, I rewrote it in my head, yeah.


so any who, Fisher basically is like, you need to help us solve this problem. She really doesn't have a choice. She's brought in front of their king. He basically forces her. He's look, you literally can't get home until you Open these portals of Quicksilver anyways, so might as well stay here and help us. Then you can hitchhike it back on home, right? So she's basically forced into this servitude of labor of solving their problems. That is not her problem, but I'm


during Black History Month is crazy. Not slavery! She's first into slavery!


She has a, she gets a familiar. That's like the most excited part for me.


Yes, definitely.


Onyx. Naming her Onyx. What is it, a fox? It's a fox, right? A white fox that she names


I love


I love that. I love that. That whole imagery, too.


I like how Kingfisher just kept trying to like, kick him out of the cave and he just kept coming back. He's fuck you. I'm gonna stick


And he's gonna threatens to kill it, but he's really just taking care of it for her.


Yeah we caught on to that. I know, sorry, spoilers, guys.


Hey, oh wait, real quick Dev, you know how it's a fox? It probably has toe beans, I want you to know that.


Why would you tell me that?


Anywho, back to Quicksilver.


This episode's gonna suck for me.


Ceres and Kingfisher start feeling


many clips.


magnetic force. Get it? Because it's metal. They feel a magnetic force pulling them together.


Jail, Christina. Jail.


I loved the banter in this book. Also, the most hilarious character was a side character and I literally loved him. Karrion is his name and I loved him because just everything about him. He was perfect. He was like Riddick. I just loved him. He was there for the comedic relief and the good times and the bad times. There when you need him. Supportive. Love him.


I agree. I agree. I do think it's funny that his name is Carrion, though, because isn't Carrion like,


like dead meat.


Yeah, dead meat. Absolutely.




why I knew it had to do with something. I was like, the whole time I'm sending voice notes to


Yeah, Jordan was like sending him over,


This has gotta be something! He's gotta be this! This is my theory about Carrion. I didn't care about any of the rest of the story. You can ask her. I was like, Carrion is this, Carrion is that, Carrion is not this, Carrion is And I was like, and then at one point I said, If Carrion is just a normal fuck around guy I'm done with this series.


He was funny. Carrion was, yeah, definitely brought the comedy the entire time.


Yeah, definitely. And I wanted to say that I'm usually really good at guessing plot points, but even I did not see the ending of this book coming. And I really think that was perfect. Cause some, so many times I'm like guessing plots and I'm like, oh, this is going to happen. And this came and I was like, oh, gasp. And did not know it was coming. And the sequel Brimstone will be released in November. Look for that one. I pre ordered that one. It's got fancy sprayed edges, and I'm so excited.


As they all do now.


Yeah, I know,


But, I will keep buying them, okay?




go! Even if I never read them, those sprayed edges are calling my name. Yes. I do not, because By the time I read it, it had already been pulled from American shelves for traditional publishing. So right now, you cannot buy it in America, the new one, until August.




but you can buy it from the UK. Yeah, you can buy the paperback.


but not


buy the hardcover that was the pretty one. That's, you can buy it in the UK version,


Christina is an elitist when it comes to buying books. She only buys sprayed edges, special edition, hardback.


You know you can buy it, Blackwells, I think that's a site where it's like they ship here and the shipping's that crazy.


Yeah, I wanted the Waterstones version. It's all I asked for Christmas and I didn't get it. Womp. Anywho,


check Blackwells, you might still get it cause they're in the UK and they sometimes have the same things as


Aren't you going to London though? Isn't that wasn't that your Christmas gift? So you could just go to Waterstone yourself.


Get it there. Okay, well. Alright, I've got another rec. Well,


Oh, it's my


it you or is it me? I'm sorry.


Wow, Dev,


know. I know My god, hold on not y'all ganging up on me during black history month






Sorry, I rarely get to use this. Okay, this is the month to use it.


rarely? You can use it anytime you damn well please. Yes. Listen.


I love that supportive yeah. Love that for us. Okay. This episode is unhinged.


So I recently got the honor of listening to this ALC, A Cursed Son by Dei Leitou blew me away. This ALC came through, I was all caught up on all my arcs and everything, and I was feeling pretty good because I had things I needed to read for the pod, and I was like. I'm not gonna get anything anyways, and I went on an ARC application spree, and this came through with four other books, and I was like, what the fuck? So this happened to be the first one I listened to, and I am so glad I did. This is gonna be a top read of the entire year. I am so excited. A Cursed Son. So good. Five stars. Astra's life has never been hers. Alone. Like it's, it does not belong to her. She has been raised in the palace as a decoy princess. So think like in Star Wars, if you're a Star Wars fan, think like Padme's handmaidens, where she has them fill in for her, okay? She is trained to replace a princess in any situation, including a political marriage, if that comes up and is needed. She believes it is a great honor and knows that she would have been dead by now if she had not been plucked from the orphanage. She has no time for love or desires of her own. Yet, her devotion to their human god has connected her to her kindred soul in her dreams. Each night, she finds pure peace and happiness in the arms of her unknown kindred soul. Yeah. But, when her carriage is attacked, well, so she is in disguise as the princess as she is her entire life. She doesn't even know her natural hair color because they dye it constantly. So her carriage is attacked while on the road to another realm. And it's attacked by another court's disgraced prince. And her whole life comes into question when she notices something about him and thinks that he is the man from her dreams. So in this world, there are different fey courts. And from what I understand, only one human court. Fae have magic and cannot lie. Different courts represent differently. Right? So, some courts might be very animalistic. Some from the sea will be like merfolk fae. Some will be elemental. They all have different characteristics, right? So they all look very different. Almost like creature like, some of them even. And she's from the human realm and humans try to wield their magic through, through magic, through artifacts, or if they have mixed ancestry with Fae, they might have access to certain types of magic because different courts have different magic. In her dreams, she's never quite seen a whole face. She sees different characteristics of this person. She's held by them. They share things in this dream. And she's been happy to have it only in her dreams because she's been raised in this palace, in this role, she feels indebted, right? This is her greatest honor, because there also, she has a secret about herself, of course she does, and so without being there, she would be dead.




She believes. She, the whole carriage situation gets resolved pretty quickly, and so she goes back to the castle. But, because of certain things that transpire between them, and he believes about her and his magic, what he finds out about her, for one, he does not know that she is his kindred soul. Only she knows this, because she did the ritual to discover him that linked them. And so he has no clue what's actually been happening. He just knows that there is this great solid presence in his life. And he doesn't know that's her. He does not know that's her.


So she's been dream stalking him.


Well, it's been mutual. But he doesn't realize that she's the one who picked up the phone.


got it. Got it.


that make sense? Because there's so many different kinds of magic in the world. There's mind magic, too. So a part of him is is she tricking me? Is this a big ploy? But, because of the things he thinks she knows about him, he goes to the palace. And is give me your princess's handmaiden. Cause he didn't realize it was, he thought, he didn't think it was the princess. He thought it was her handmaiden. So he's give me this maid. I will give you X, which we don't find out about later, if you give me her to marry. So she is thrust and forced into this marriage. And goes with him. So fucking good. And this is like the most quotable book I've read in so long. As long as I can remember. I was listening to this, and I never do this. I paused it to type out these quotes. I was sending it to Dev and Christina. Like these things that were happening and the quotes. It's so good.


Know. I want to read it.


like funny and hilarious, but also serious. Like really good quotes. One of my favorites is, are not your trauma, you're the person who overcame it. And just, The way they process things through this book. 10 out of 10.


I love


The new one is out this month, so by the time this episode comes out, the second one will be out. Cannot


that. Yeah I know. I want to listen to it.


is the Disney movie Princess Protection Program,


I thought of that too. I thought of that too when she said the because you know I'm not a star. I'm not a Star Wars girly, so I don't get the handmaiden reference But like immediately I thought about it is the princess protection program. Like I know this I've watched this movie


I not remember that one?


it was like, 10, 15 years ago, oh, gosh,


I don't know. I just know I've seen


all the same


It's probably Lindsay Lohan Hillary Duff, you know, our heavy


what I was wondering. I was like, I'm picturing Hilary


it's neither of them, but it's, oh, Selena Gomez.


was just gonna say Selena if it's later! Damn it! Ha! I didn't watch that. That was too




I didn't


That's too late in the


And Demi Lovato.


Damn it. Classic pairing


I've got it. Maybe I need to watch this. Maybe I need to have a little special gummy and eat


Yeah, and just watch


so long.


I know. Okay. Well, to be fair, I don't really have any more recs. I just have two honorable mentions. One, Bull Moon Rising by Ruby Dixon. I'm including this in the romanticy part two, but it's definitely sci fi paranormal elements. There's magic, but I mean, there's romance and it's a fantasy world. So shoot me like that. That's just how I'm going to. Lay it out. Okay. I don't think it's actually described as a romanticy, but I do love it. It follows Aspeth and Hawk and Aspeth is trying to join the league of like scholars essentially, but women are not allowed to, you need a chaperone. You can't do this because you're a woman. Kind of vibe? Boo. Tomato


tomato. I


Yeah, I said it three times.




So she finds herself a chaperone. She marries Hawk. Hawk, by the way, is a minotaur. Yeah, I said that.


That. I


Aspeth's a regular human and then Hawk's a minotaur. So they come together. It's Not faked. It is faked. No, it's marriage of convenience because they both go into it understanding what they're doing and that they're each getting something out of it because Aspeth, the only reason she's trying to get into this program of scholars is to recover artifacts that could keep her family's estate afloat. Very funny. This woman is hilarious. Like when Ruby writes things, I'm just like, why does your brain think like this? But her main character aspect is so hilarious and so ridiculous. Like she's very posh, but also says the darndest things. I don't know, like just as some things that she comes up with is so crazy. And she's a virgin in this book, I'm pretty sure. So there's kind of like a little bit of lessons, which is not my favorite trope, but it's. done in a really nice, not obvious way, but Asbeth will be just staring at Hawk wow, that's big. Like just just free everything from her mouth free, I guess. Which I do yeah, I don't, how do you match it? Yeah, but she is, she's very, and I think it's because, oh, Also, she grew up pretty much by herself, like her maid, servant, is her best friend. And she's grown up by herself just reading, talking to herself, so she's just built up. I'm just gonna say whatever I want, because no one really checks me anyway. Has a little bit of a what's the word I'm looking for? Sometimes she can be, as a little rich girl, and then when she's put into situations where there are people with lesser, she kind of has to realize, oh, whoa. However, she does love her maid, her servant. That is her best friend. She doesn't treat her like a maid or servant. She treats her like her best friend. friend. So there is some understanding and self awareness, but she does have tendencies to feel a little rich girlish. I really liked it. It's a quick read. It's funny. Listen to the audio book if you can, because it's a duet, I'm pretty sure. So hearing the authors play off of each other is always my favorite. And then my other rec, which technically I didn't finish this. I got to about 59%, but it's heavenly bodies by Imani Iriu. Hope I'm saying your name correctly, Imani. This book was a big, thing for me, the indie version sat on my Kindle for I would say two, three years, two years, three years, maybe almost a while before I even finished it. And then I listened to the audio book and the trad version. A lot has changed. There's a lot of differences, but we have another celestials, gods kind of story. I'm not gonna Talk too much about this one because again, I haven't finished it, but it is in that same world I would put it in the world of the night is defying of books like that of hellfire If you've read that book, so yeah, check that out if you need some new recs I think research any of those books see if they're your thing check out the authors. They have other books as well So if you don't like those then check out something else. Those are my recs




I have one more quick shout out. It is a series I recommended in the retellings episode. The Plated Prisoner series by Raven Kennedy. But I'm shouting it out now again because it's one of my favorite romanticy series. It's probably one of my top three favorite series of all time. And the final book just came out a few months ago, I think, in November. So there's six books in the series. It's a King Midas retelling. Follows Arryn and Slade the two main characters. And it's more than meets the eye in the first book, because you have a kind of a, female main character in the first book who's woe is me, all these bad things have happened, and I don't really care, I'm gonna sit here and drink my wine and just be okay with the bad things happening around me, unfortunately. Yes she has to have her eyes opened and some bad things have, some more bad things have to happen to her before she's maybe that's not okay. And so then we go on this long Epic journey of her really coming into herself. It's like self discovery and Self acceptance and breaking away from others expectations and just setting your own story and setting your own path I will say that lately I have seen so much division online about this series as people that really love it and there's people that really Don't like it. They're like, I just see it after book one and I think if you go into it expecting romantasy from page one, that is not what you're gonna get. You are gonna get a story of a abuse victim who is still under the thumb of her abuser in book one. And you do not get out of that. You don't even necessarily get out of it until end of book two. So you really have to stick with it, and As a domestic survivor myself, that was really healing because I think a lot of people are just like, Oh, you can just up and leave and it's fine and you're fine in a day or two and that's not realistic. And so I feel like Raven Kennedy truly captured how it is to get out of a relationship and still feel guilty for months afterwards and still am I doing the right thing? And still figuring out life. So I really love it for that reason. So I think you should read it.




It was,


I didn't, I also didn't realize that the whole series did that. Is it?


It's fantasy first, like it starts fantasy and you don't get to the really nitty gritty of the romance until you get into it. Like you understand the characters, you're there with the character, and then they go through their true romance.


It's definitely not like book one, you are gonna be seeing all these spicy scenes between the two main


Well the first book starts with an orgy. The first chapter, first scene of


I know, I said between the two main characters. Yeah, you


No, yeah.


Does start with an orgy, so there is sex.




Unfortunately, they're sex workers,






not unfortunately, that is a legitimate job.


their own accord,


Record. Yeah.


That's what I meant. No. More power to them. But, no. Not being




called Saddles.


How many Oh, that's crazy. Nothing right in the saddles. Anyway.




I know, that's crazy. But how many books did you say is in this series, Christina?


Six. There is Gild, Glint, Gleam, Glow, Gold, and Goldfinch.


okay, and then, I'll she added more. And then all six books follow the same two characters.


Yes. They add more


yeah. Yeah.


characters, but it's still the primary two.


It's definitely a found family series. You'll


Oh, that's


the found family is in that.




Yeah, I wasn't sure I don't know But I mean besides when you talk about I don't know much about the series. So I wasn't sure if it was like a


I think you


Stand alone thing.


I think


Yeah, you know, I gotta add it TBR just growing. That's what we're all here for


It's in hell, as you To say. TBR is in hell.


TBR is very much so in hell just riding on the flames of hell. So I love that for me Hopefully. Otherwise, we'll never get it right.


No, it's,


You'll watch my slow descent into the underworld to retrieve my TBR.


Thank you everyone so much for sticking with us. That is a lot, but we love our romanticy, and we know most of you do too, and that's why we came with the part two. Thank you! for listening to us ramble about this. If you're looking for more Romance Wrecks, be sure to follow us on Instagram and threads. We still have a TikTok for whatever that's worth at this point in this world, if it's even still out at this point. At Romance Recs Pod, you can find our favorite book wrecks from our episodes, as well as behind the scenes content. Make sure you follow us wherever you listen to. Again, that's at Romance Wrecks Pod. So make sure to give us a follow and we will be back in two weeks with another episode.




Love that. Thanks for listening.